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Database about the US patent applications developed by inventors located into Metropolitan Areas


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Patenting in the US Metropolitan Areas

This repository builds a database that collects information about the US patent applications developed by inventors located in Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA).

The data are aggregated at the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) level, based on the localization (latitude and longitude) of each inventor, as provided by PatentsView. The boundaries of each CBSA are constant over time and based on the data provided by the US Census (version 2019). To each inventor, within a patent, is assigned a fraction of the patent proportional to the size of the "inventing team". As well, a fractional count of the inventors of each patent, located in a given metropolitan area, is provided.

For each patent (partly) invented in a metropolitan area, the forward citations received by the patent are provided.

Of each of these patents (and citing patents), the application and publication dates, the main USPC patent class, the number of claims, and the number of citations received (forward citations) by other US patents (in the 5 or 10 years from the granting date) are reported.
To account for possible time- and technology-related shocks, the average number of claims and forward citations of patents belonging to the same USPC class and applied (or granted) in the same year of the focal patent are provided.
About this last point, note that, for patents with no USPC class, the averages reported are computed considering any patent applied (or granted) in the same year of the focal patent.

Moreover, of each of these patents (and citing patents) the CPC subclass (4 digits class) are reported.
About the CPC classes, some notes need to be taken into consideration:

  • The cpc_class_count column counts the number of main groups (7 digits class) of the CPC subclass that appear in that patent. E.g., this means that, if a patent is classified into the main groups A01B1, A01B3, and A01B5, the table will report, for the given patent, A01B in the cpc_class columns and 3 in the cpc_class_count.
  • The Y section and the 2000 series are not considered in the table.


To reproduce the database tables, please follow these steps:

  1. Install Git
  2. Install Miniconda
  3. Install GNU Make
  4. From a terminal, clone this repository with git clone
  5. Move to the newly created subfolder with cd MSA-patents
  6. Create a Conda environment with conda env create -f environment.yml
  7. Activate the newly created Conda environment with conda activate MSA-patents
  8. Run make


  1. To run some of the scripts you need a large amount of RAM memory (about 32GB). Consider using a cloud-based solution.
  2. The previous steps assume that you are working in a GNU/Linux environment (if you work in a MS Windows environment, consider using WSL). It is not excluded that you can run the scripts also in other OS, but it has never been tested.
  3. GNU Make is not mandatory, but it helps to simplify the procedure. Alternatively, you can go step by step by yourself following the Makefile provided (the makefile.png image can help).
  4. The make2graph rule in the Makefile depicts the Makefile as a PNG picture. To use this rule, you must (1) clone the repository into the present folder; (2) compile it with make; (3) install Graphviz into your OS.

Built database

You can find a built version of the database here.

Please, cite the database if you use it for a scientific publication or in any other kind of work.

License and Contributors


The code to reproduce the database is written and maintained by Carlo Bottai and it is licensed under a MIT License (see LICENSE).

Feel free to open a new Issue on GitHub.
If you find a bug, please use the Bug report template.
If you would like to see a new feature implemented, please use the Feature request template.
Otherwise, please fork the repository, modify the code as you think is the best, and open a pull request to integrate the changes into the main repository.


The database is released under a CC-BY 4.0 License.

The raw data, elaborted by the scripts contained in this repository, are from PatentsView, the US Census, and the USPTO's Patent Examination Research Dataset (PatEx). You can find further references to the raw files used in the Makefile file.

Folders structure

    |- data
    |   |- raw           <- The original, immutable data dump
    |   |- interim       <- Intermediate data that has been transformed
    |   └─ processed     <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling
    |- src               <- Source code for use in this project
    |   |-   <- Makes src a Python module
    |- docs              <- Files to be combined into the main README file
    |- Makefile
    |-         <- The top-level README for developers using this project
    |- LICENSE
    └─ environment.yml   <- Conda environment

Tables structure

The following tables describe the database files, showing the first five rows of each.


patent_id cbsa_id cbsa_share
3930273 41180 1
3930274 31080 1
3930275 35620 1
3930277 33460 1
3930278 17460 1


patent_id inventor_id inventor_share
10000000 5073021-1 1
10003756 10003756-2 0.5
10003780 9495415-4 0.2
10006993 5763054-3 1
10007786 6067410-1 0.333333


patent_id grant_date appln_date uspc_class num_claims num_citations_5y num_citations_10y avg_num_claims_gy avg_num_claims_ay avg_num_citations_5y_gy avg_num_citations_10y_gy avg_num_citations_5y_ay avg_num_citations_10y_ay
3930325 1976-01-06 1974-07-24 038 8 1 1 7.5 8 1.5 1.5 1 1
3931558 1976-01-06 1974-10-11 318 6 0 0 11 13.6 4 7 2.66667 4.66667
3932360 1976-01-13 1974-04-22 260 21 2 14 18.5 8.95833 7.5 17 2.35 5.15
3935380 1976-01-27 1974-12-06 178 6 7 10 6 6 7 10 7 10
3937995 1976-02-10 1974-12-05 174 8 0 0 8 8 nan nan nan nan


  • Rename patent_id as forward_citation_id to merge this table with the msa_citation table.
  • 7.4% of the patent_ids have no uspc_class (most of which, very old or very recent patents).


csa_id cbsa_id cbsa_label
348 31080 Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA
376 33340 Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI
408 35620 New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA
488 41860 San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA
464 40380 Rochester, NY


patent_id cpc_class cpc_class_count
7298491 G02F 1
7995656 H04N 1
10133297 H05K 1
7374447 H01R 2
6577620 H04Q 1


forward_citation_id patent_id
5354551 4875247
8683318 6642945
9199394 5242647
7051923 6179710
7905900 5334216


Database about the US patent applications developed by inventors located into Metropolitan Areas







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