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124 lines (103 loc) · 4.63 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (103 loc) · 4.63 KB


  • Install dependencies
$ sudo pacman -S xorg xorg-xinit pulseaudio networkmanager bluez bluez-utils \
rsync alacritty picom maim imagemagick lxappearance polkit-gnome
  • Install awesome-git package from aur (pikaur for example)
$ pikaur -S awesome-git
  • Start & enable network manager & bluez services
$ systemctl start NetworkManager.service
$ systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
$ systemctl start bluetooth.service
$ systemctl enable bluetooth.service
  • Setup home dir (before running rsync its better to make backup of your home directory, otherwise some files/folders will be replaced/merged)
$ git clone --depth 1
$ rsync -avhu ~/dotfiles/home/ ~/
  • Also dont forget to edit .xinitrc
# monitor(s) setup
xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 165.00 &

# keyboard layouts setup
setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us,ru -option grp:alt_shift_toggle &

# disable mouse acceleration
xinput set-prop 'Glorious Model O' 'libinput Accel Speed' -1 &
  • Edit ~/.config/awesome/user.lua as you need, you can set wm theme, choose default apps, and set data for weather widget
Keybinding Description
Mod+Shift+r Restart awesomewm
Mod+Tab switch client
Mod+z close client
Mod+x minimize client
Mod+c (un)maximize client
Mod+v toggle client fullscreen
Mod+b move client to center
Mod+n toggle client ontop
Mod+1...9 only view tag
Mod+Shift+1...9 move focused client to tag
Mod+d open app launcher
Mod+q open powermenu
Mod+w open terminal
Print take screenshot
Shift+Print take screenshot area
  • Tiling keybinds
Keybinding Description
Mod+Shift+s swap with next client by index
Mod+Ctrl+s swap with previous client by index
Mod+Shift+a increase the number of master clients
Mod+Ctrl+a decrease the number of master clients
Mod+Shift+q increase the number of columns
Mod+Ctrl+q decrease the number of columns
Mod+Shift+e increase master width factor
Mod+Ctrl+e decrease master width factor
Mod+Ctrl+Shift+e reset master width factor
Mod+Space switch layout
Additional customization
  • Icons and themes
  1. Install themix-full-git from aur
  2. Export icons and theme from user presets
  • Cursors (inkscape required) (source)
$ cd ~/dotfiles/extra/cursor_toolbox
$ ~/dotfiles/extra/cursor_toolbox/ ~/dotfiles/extra/cursor_toolbox/sharp_dark.svg
$ ~/dotfiles/extra/cursor_toolbox/
$ cp -r sharp_cursors_dark ~/.icons
  • Firefox css
  1. Search about:config.
  2. toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets, layers.acceleration.force-enabled, gfx.webrender.all, svg.context-properties.content.enabled change to True.
  3. Copy ~/dotfiles/extra/mozilla/chrome to ~/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXXXX.default-release/.
  • Firefox startpage
  1. Edit /usr/lib/firefox/autoconfig.cfg
var {classes:Cc,interfaces:Ci,utils:Cu} = Components;
try {
  var newTabURL = "file:https:///home/username/yourfile.html";
  AboutNewTab.newTabURL = newTabURL;
} catch(e){Cu.reportError(e);}
  1. Edit /usr/lib/firefox/defaults/pref/autoconfig.js
pref("general.config.filename", "autoconfig.cfg");
pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);
pref("general.config.sandbox_enabled", false);
  1. Set homepage at firefox settings
  • Apply cursor, icons and gtk themes with lxappearance