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Wi-Fi Machine-in-the-Middle: Automation of MitM Attack on Wi-Fi Networks


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Automation of MitM Attack on WiFi Networks

  • Abstract
  • Instalation
    • Hardware requirements
  • Usage
  • Bachelor Project Specification
  • Reference


This bachelor’s thesis aims at research concerning a security of wireless networks. It delivers a study of widely used network technologies and principles of wireless security. Analysed technologies and security algorithms suffer weaknesses that can be exploited to perform the MitM attack. The thesis includes an overview of available tools focused on exploiting these individual weaknesses.

The outcome of the thesis is the wifimitm package and the wifimitmcli CLI tool, both implemented in Python. The package provides a functionality for automated MitM attack and can be used by other software. The wifimitmcli tool is capable of performing a successful fully automated attack without any intervention from an attacking person. This research can be used for automated penetration testing and for forensic investigation.



The implemented automated tool depends on several other tools, which are being controlled. Wifimitm has to be able to start the required tools, therefore they have to be available on a user’s system. The wifimitm package itself can be automatically installed by the package’s After the installation, the implemented automated tool can be started using its CLI named wifimitmcli. The rest of software dependencies can be satisfied by installation of required tools. For convenient setup of the implemented tool, a Makefile and several installation scripts and wrappers have been developed.

MITMf has a number of dependencies, therefore it is highly recommended to use MITMf inside a virtual environment as stated in its installation guide1 . MITMf could be installed using the package2 available on Arch User Repository (AUR), but unfortunately this package does not utilize the virtual environment. An installation script is able to install MITMf, including its dependencies. This script also creates a virtual environment dedicated to MITMf. An implemented wrapper script is used to automate activation and deactivation of the virtual environment before and after running MITMf. After installation, MITMf can be easily run encapsulated in its virtual environment.

Wifiphisher is available in form of an AUR package3, but this package is not suitable for correct installation, because currently (May 2016), it is not updated to the changes in the repository structure of wifiphisher. An implemented installation script is able to create a dedicated virtual environment and install wifiphisher. Convenient usage of wifiphisher installed inside its virtual environment is achieved by a wrapper similar to the one for MITMf. Due to the fact that some changes in wifiphisher’s source code were implemented, the installation script also applies a software patch to the installed wifiphisher.

Tool upc_keys is implemented in the C language and therefore it is compiled during installation. Compiled upc_keys and the executable wrappers for MITMf and wifiphisher, which are described above, are linked from the /usr/bin/ directory after the installation. The required tools are installed by their installation scripts to the /opt/ directory. Installation of all the requirements can be started by script or Makefile. A usage of implemented Makefile, which can be used for a convenient installation, is shown in table below.

A usage of Makefile

Command Description
make requirements Install requirements.
make install Install the wifimitm package and the wifimitmcli tool.
make man Install a manual page of wifimitmcli.
make, make all Install requirements, the package, the tool and the manual page.

Hardware requirements

Due to the nature of specific steps of the attack, a special hardware equipment is required. During the scanning and capturing of network traffic without being connected to the network, an attacking device needs a wireless network interface in monitor mode. For sending special forged packets, the wireless network interface also needs to be capable of packet injection. In order to be able to perform a phishing attack, a second wireless interface capable of master (AP) mode has to be available.

The user can check whether his hardware is capable of packet injection using the aireplay-ng tool executed as aireplay-ng --test <replay interface>. Managing monitor mode of interface is possible with the airmon-ng tool.


After the installation, the CLI can be started via wifimitmcli. During wifimitmcli’s run, usual output information is written to stdout, notifications concerning errors are written to stderr. Wifimitmcli saves and loads attack data from the ∼/.wifimitm/ directory. According to the fact that wifimitmcli is an automated tool, it does not expect any input from a user during its progress. The user can control behaviour of wifimitmcli by program arguments provided at start of wifimitmcli. This way, wifimitmcli does not even have to be started manually by user, but it could be a part of other scripts. Table below shows an overview of program arguments of wifimitmcli tool. The synopsis of wifimitmcli’s arguments is specified as follows:

wifimitmcli [-h] [-v] [-ll <level> ] [-p] [-cf FILE ] <ssid> <interface>

Program arguments of wifimitmcli

Argument Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
-v, --version Show program’s version number and exit.
-ll <level>, --logging-level <level> Select logging level (choices: disabled, critical, error, warning, info, debug).
-p, --phishing Enable phishing attack if dictionary attack fails.
-cf FILE, --capture-file FILE Capture network traffic to provided file.
<ssid> Attack network with provided SSID.
<interface> Use provided wireless network interface for attack.

As seen from the synopsis shown above, <ssid> and <interface> arguments are mandatory to start wifimitmcli. In the case that provided arguments are not correct, an appropriate error message and the synopsis is shown and the program terminates immediately after the arguments check. For more information concerning usage of wifimitmcli, a user can start the tool with -h or --help argument, which results in showing a help page. More detailed information about wifimitmcli can be found on its installed manual page.

man wifimitmcli

The implemented Python package wifimitm provides a functionality to log performed actions using Python’s logging 4 module. Individual modules contained in the wifimitm package posses their own logger objects. The implemented wifimitmcli tool uses its logger as well. This approach makes it possible for wifimitmcli to control all noted loggers. Level of logging for the loggers can be set at start of wifimitmcli as a program argument.

Upon termination of the wifimitmcli tool, appropriate exit code indicating the result is returned. Some of the implemented exit codes are inspired by sysexits5 . Exit codes of the implemented automated tool are shown in table below.

Exit codes of wifimitmcli

Value Name Description
0 EX_OK Program terminated successfully.
2 ARGUMENTS Incorrect or missing arguments provided.
69 EX_UNAVAILABLE Required program or file does not exist.
77 EX_NOPERM Permission denied.
79 TARGET_AP_NOT_FOUND Target AP was not found during scan.
80 NOT_IN_ANY_DICTIONARY WPA/WPA2 passphrase was not found in any available dictionary.
81 PHISHING_INCORRECT_PSK WPA/WPA2 passphrase obtained from phishing attack is incorrect.
82 SUBPROCESS_ERROR Failure in subprocess occured.

Bachelor Project Specification

Bachelor Project Specification/18596/2015/xvondr20
Brno University of Technology - Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Information Systems, Academic year 2015/2016

For: Vondráček Martin
Branch of study: Information Technology
Title: Automation of MitM Attack on WiFi Networks Category: Networking

Instructions for project work

  1. Study different kinds of security approaches used in wireless networks. Focus on known vulnerabilities of individual methods and on tools for exploiting these vulnerabilities.
  2. Consider the possibility of impersonification of specified AP in case that attack on given device is not available.
  3. Utilize existing tools from points 1), 2) and choose the most appropriate one or a set of them, which will be able to realize automatic attack on chosen network.
  4. Implement a tool capable of such automation. This tool will be able to choose the most suitable attack or a sequence of them.
  5. Test the solution during experiments in laboratories. Evaluate the success rate of implemented solution against different kinds of existing AP.

Basic references

  • Callegati, F., Cerroni, W. & Ramilli, M., Man-in-the-middle attack to the HTTPS protocol. IEEE Security and Privacy, 7(1), p.78-81. 2009.
  • Dierks, T. & Rescorla, E., 2008. RFC 5246 - The transport layer security (TLS) protocol - Version 1.2. In Network Working Group, IETF. pp. 1-105.

Requirements for the first semester

Items 1, 2 a 3.

Detailed formal specifications can be found at http:

The Bachelor Thesis must define its purpose, describe a current state of the art, introduce the theoretical and technical background relevant to the problems solved, and specify what parts have been used from earlier projects or have been taken over from other sources.

Each student will hand-in printed as well as electronic versions of the technical report, an electronic version of the complete program documentation, program source files, and a functional hardware prototype sample if desired. The information in electronic form will be stored on a standard non-rewritable medium (CD-R, DVD-R, etc.) in formats common at the FIT. In order to allow regular handling, the medium will be securely attached to the printed report.

Supervisor: Pluskal Jan, Ing., DIFS FIT BUT
Beginning of work: November 1, 2015
Date of delivery: May 18, 2016


VONDRÁČEK, Martin. Automation of MitM Attack on WiFi Networks. Brno, 2016. Bachelor’s thesis. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology. Supervisor Pluskal Jan.

*[AP]: Access Point *[STA]: Station *[WLAN]: Wireless Local Area Network *[HTTPS]: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure *[MITMf]: Framework for Man-In-The-Middle attacks *[CLI]: Command Line Interface *[AUR]: Arch User Repository *[stdin]: Standard input stream *[stdout]: Standard output stream *[stderr]: Standard error stream *[SSID]: Service Set Identifier *[WPA]: Wi-Fi Protected Access *[WPA2]: Wi-Fi Protected Access II *[ESSID]: Extended Service Set Identifier


  1. URL:

  2. URL:

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  5. URL: http: