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  • Platform

    • x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
    • aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
    • armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi
    • armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf
    • arm-unknown-linux-musleabi
    • arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf
    • armv5te-unknown-linux-musleabi
    • i686-unknown-linux-gnu
    • i586-unknown-linux-gnu
    • x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
    • x86_64-apple-darwin
    • aarch64-apple-darwin
  • Ubuntu(Other Linux)

Making Releases has a precompiled deb package, binaries, in Ubuntu, for example:

tar -xf ninja-0.9.13-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
mv ./ninja /bin/ninja
./ninja run

# Online update version
ninja update

# Run the process in the foreground
ninja run

# Run the process in the background
ninja start

# Stop background process
ninja stop

# Restart background process
ninja restart

# Check background process status
ninja status

# View background process logs
ninja log

# Generate configuration file template, serve.toml
ninja gt -o serve.toml

# Specify the configuration file template to run, bypassing the cumbersome cli commands
ninja (run/start/restart) -C serve.toml
  • OpenWrt

There are pre-compiled ipk files in GitHub Releases, which currently provide versions of aarch64/x86_64 and other architectures. After downloading, use opkg to install, and use nanopi r4s as example:


opkg install ninja_0.9.13_aarch64_generic.ipk
opkg install luci-app-ninja_1.1.6-1_all.ipk
opkg install luci-i18n-ninja-zh-cn_1.1.6-1_all.ipk
  • Docker

Mirror source supports gngpp/ninja:latest/

docker run --rm -it -p 7999:7999 --name=ninja \
  -e LOG=info \ run
  • Docker Compose

CloudFlare Warp is not supported in your region (China), please delete it, or if your VPS IP can be directly connected to OpenAI, you can also delete it

version: '3'

    image: gngpp/ninja:latest
    container_name: ninja
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
      - PROXIES=socks5:https://warp:10000
    command: run
      - "8080:7999"
      - warp

    container_name: warp
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: watchtower
    image: containrrr/watchtower
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    command: --interval 3600 --cleanup
    restart: unless-stopped


Sending GPT-4/GPT-3.5/Creating API-Key dialog requires sending Arkose Token as a parameter.

  1. Use HAR
  • Supports HAR feature pooling, can upload multiple HARs at the same time, and use rotation training strategy

The ChatGPT official website sends a GPT-4 session message, and the browser F12 downloads the interface. HAR log file, use the startup parameter --arkose-gpt4-har-dir to specify the HAR directory path to use (if you do not specify a path, use the default path ~/.ninja/gpt4, you can directly upload and update HAR ), the same method applies to GPT-3.5 and other types. Supports WebUI to upload and update HAR, request path: /har/upload, optional upload authentication parameter: --arkose-har-upload-key

  1. Use Fcsrv / YesCaptcha / CapSolver
  • Fcsrv / YesCaptcha / CapSolver is recommended to be used with HAR. When the verification code is generated, the parser is called for processing.

The platform performs verification code parsing, and the startup parameter --arkose-solver selects the platform (default uses Fcsrv), --arkose-solver-key fills in the Client Key, and selects the customized submission node URL, for example: http:https://localhost:8000/task, Fcsrv/YesCaptcha/CapSolver are supported, Fcsrv/YesCaptcha/CapSolver is supported, Fcsrv/YesCaptcha/CapSolver Everyone supports it. Say important things three times.

Currently OpenAI has updated Login which requires verification of Arkose Token. The solution is the same as GPT-4. Fill in the startup parameters and specify the HAR file --arkose-auth-har-dir. To create an API-Key, you need to upload the HAR feature file related to the Platform. The acquisition method is the same as above.

OpenAI cancels Arkose verification for GPT-3.5 and can be used without uploading HAR feature files (uploaded ones will not be affected). After compatibility, Arkose verification may be turned on again, and startup parameters need to be added-- arkose-gpt3-experiment enables the GPT-3.5 model Arkose verification process, and the WebUI is not affected. If you encounter 418 I'm a teapot, you can enable --arkose-gpt3-experiment, and you need to upload HAR features. If there are no GPT-3.5 features, GPT-4 features are also required. It can be used. If it still doesn't work, try to enable --arkose-gpt3-experiment-solver, which may use a third-party platform to solve the verification code.

Http Server

Public interface, * represents any URL suffix

  • ChatGPT-API

    • /public-api/*
    • /backend-api/*
  • OpenAI-API

    • /v1/*
  • Platform-API

    • /dashboard/*
  • ChatGPT-To-API

    • /v1/chat/completions

    About using ChatGPT to API, use AceessToken directly as API Key

  • Files-API

    • /files/*

    Image and file upload and download API proxy, the API returned by the /backend-api/files interface has been converted to /files/*

  • Arkose-API

    • /auth/arkose_token/:pk

    where pk is the arkose type ID, such as requesting Arkose for GPT4, /auth/arkose_token/35536E1E-65B4-4D96-9D97-6ADB7EFF8147. If GPT-4 starts to force blob parameters, you need to bring AccessToken - > Authorization: Bearer xxxx

  • Authorization

    Except for login, use Authorization: Bearer xxxx, Python Example

    • Login: POST /auth/token, form option optional parameter, default is web login, returns AccessToken and Session; parameter is apple/platform, returns AccessToken and RefreshToken
    • Refresh RefreshToken: POST /auth/refresh_token, support platform/apple revocation
    • Revoke RefreshToken: POST /auth/revoke_token, supports platform/apple revocation
    • Refresh Session: POST /auth/refresh_session, use the Session returned by web login to refresh
    • Obtain Sess token: POST /auth/sess_token, use AccessToken of platform to obtain
    • Obtain Billing: GET /auth/billing, use sess token to obtain

    Web login, a cookie named: __Secure-next-auth.session-token is returned by default. The client only needs to save this cookie. Calling /auth/refresh_session can also refresh AccessToken

    About the method of obtaining RefreshToken, use the ChatGPT App login method of the Apple platform. The principle is to use the built-in MITM agent. When the Apple device is connected to the agent, you can log in to the Apple platform to obtain RefreshToken. It is only suitable for small quantities or personal use (large quantities will seal the device, use with caution). For detailed usage, please see the startup parameter description.

    # Generate certificate
    ninja genca
    ninja run --pbind
    # Set the network on your mobile phone to set your proxy listening address, for example: http:
    # Then open the browser http:, download the certificate, install it and trust it, then open iOS ChatGPT and you can play happily

API documentation

  • Platfrom API doc
  • Backend API doc1 or doc2

    The example is only part of it, the official API is proxied according to /backend-api/*

Basic services

  • ChatGPT WebUI
  • Expose ChatGPT-API/OpenAI-API proxies
  • API prefix is consistent with the official one
  • ChatGPT to API
  • Can access third-party clients
  • Can access IP proxy pool to improve concurrency
  • Supports obtaining RefreshToken
  • Support file feature pooling in HAR format

Parameter Description

  • --level, environment variable LOG, log level: default info
  • --bind, environment variable BIND, service listening address: default,
  • --tls-cert, environment variable TLS_CERT', TLS certificate public key. Supported format: EC/PKCS8/RSA
  • --tls-key, environment variable TLS_KEY, TLS certificate private key
  • --disable-webui, if you don’t want to use the default built-in WebUI, use this parameter to turn it off
  • --enable-file-proxy, environment variable ENABLE_FILE_PROXY, turns on the file upload and download API proxy
  • --enable-arkose-proxy, enable obtaining Arkose Token endpoint
  • --enable-direct, enable direct connection, add the IP bound to the interface export to the proxy pool
  • --proxies, proxy, supports proxy pool, multiple proxies are separated by ,, format: protocol:https://user:pass@ip:port
  • --no-keepalive turns off Http Client Tcp keepalive
  • --fastest-dns Use the built-in fastest DNS group
  • --visitor-email-whitelist, whitelist restriction, the restriction is for AccessToken, the parameter is the email address, multiple email addresses are separated by ,
  • --cookie-store, enable Cookie Store
  • --cf-site-key, Cloudflare turnstile captcha site key
  • --cf-secret-key, Cloudflare turnstile captcha secret key
  • --arkose-endpoint, ArkoseLabs endpoint, for example:
  • --arkose-solver, ArkoseLabs solver platform, for example: yescaptcha
  • --arkose-solver-key, ArkoseLabs solver client key
  • --arkose-gpt3-experiment, to enable GPT-3.5 ArkoseLabs experiment
  • --arkose-gpt3-experiment-solver, to open the GPT-3.5 ArkoseLabs experiment, you need to upload the HAR feature file, and the correctness of the ArkoseToken will be verified
  • --impersonate-uas, you can optionally simulate UA randomly. Use , to separate multiple ones. Please see the command manual for details.
  • --auth-key, login API authentication Key, sent with Authorization Bearer format
Advanced proxy usage

The built-in protocols and proxy types of agents are divided into built-in protocols: all/api/auth/arkose, where all is for all clients, api is for all OpenAI API, auth is for authorization/login, arkose For ArkoseLabs; proxy type: interface/proxy/ipv6_subnet, where interface represents the bound export IP address, proxy represents the upstream proxy protocol: http/https/socks5/socks5h, ipv6_subnet represents the A random IP address within the IPv6 subnet acts as a proxy. The format is proto|proxy, example: all|socks5:, api|, auth|2001:db8::/32, http:, without built-in protocol, the protocol defaults to all.

Regarding the proxy http/https/socks5/socks5h, only when the socks5h protocol is used, the DNS resolution will go through the proxy resolution, otherwise the local/built-in DNS resolution will be used

Agent usage rules
  1. The existence of interface \ proxy \ ipv6_subnet

When --enable-direct is turned on, proxy + interface will be used as the proxy pool; if --enable-direct is not turned on, proxy will be used only if the number of proxy is greater than or equal to 2, otherwise it will Use ipv6_subnet as the proxy pool and interface as the fallback address.

  1. The existence of interface \ proxy

When --enable-direct is turned on, proxy + interface will be used as the proxy pool; if --enable-direct is not turned on, only proxy will be used as the proxy pool.

  1. The existence of proxy \ ipv6_subnet

The rules are the same as (1), except that there is no interface as the fallback address.

  1. The existence of interface \ ipv6_subnet When --enable-direct is turned on and the number of interface is greater than or equal to 2, interface will be used as the proxy pool; if --enable-direct is not turned on, ipv6_subnet will be used as the proxy pool and interface will be used as the proxy pool. fallback address.

  2. The existence of proxy

When --enable-direct is enabled, proxy + default direct connection is used as the proxy pool; when --enable-direct is not enabled, only proxy is used as the proxy pool

  1. The existence of ipv6_subnet

Regardless of whether --enable-direct is turned on, ipv6_subnet will be used as the proxy pool

Command Manual

$ ninja --help
Reverse engineered ChatGPT proxy

Usage: ninja [COMMAND]

  run      Run the HTTP server
  stop     Stop the HTTP server daemon
  start    Start the HTTP server daemon
  restart  Restart the HTTP server daemon
  status   Status of the Http server daemon process
  log      Show the Http server daemon log
  genca    Generate MITM CA certificate
  ua      Show the impersonate user-agent list
  gt       Generate config template file (toml format file)
  update   Update the application
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

$ ninja run --help
Run the HTTP server

Usage: ninja run [OPTIONS]

  -L, --level <LEVEL>
          Log level (info/debug/warn/trace/error) [env: LOG=] [default: info]
  -C, --config <CONFIG>
          Configuration file path (toml format file) [env: CONFIG=]
  -b, --bind <BIND>
          Server bind address [env: BIND=] [default:]
      --concurrent-limit <CONCURRENT_LIMIT>
          Server Enforces a limit on the concurrent number of requests the underlying [default: 1024]
      --timeout <TIMEOUT>
          Server/Client timeout (seconds) [default: 360]
      --connect-timeout <CONNECT_TIMEOUT>
          Server/Client connect timeout (seconds) [default: 5]
      --tcp-keepalive <TCP_KEEPALIVE>
          Server/Client TCP keepalive (seconds) [default: 60]
  -H, --no-keepalive
          No TCP keepalive (Client) [env: NO_TCP_KEEPALIVE=]
      --pool-idle-timeout <POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT>
          Keep the client alive on an idle socket with an optional timeout set [default: 90]
  -x, --proxies <PROXIES>
          Client proxy, support multiple proxy, use ',' to separate, Format: proto|type
          Proto: all/api/auth/arkose, default: all
          Type: interface/proxy/ipv6 subnet,proxy type only support: socks5/http/https
          Example: all|socks5:, api|, auth|2001:db8::/32, http: [env: PROXIES=]
          Enable direct connection [env: ENABLE_DIRECT=]
  -I, --impersonate-uas <IMPERSONATE_UAS>
          Impersonate User-Agent, separate multiple ones with "," [env: IMPERSONATE_UA=]
          Enabled Cookie Store [env: COOKIE_STORE=]
          Use fastest DNS resolver [env: FASTEST_DNS=]
      --tls-cert <TLS_CERT>
          TLS certificate file path [env: TLS_CERT=]
      --tls-key <TLS_KEY>
          TLS private key file path (EC/PKCS8/RSA) [env: TLS_KEY=]
      --cf-site-key <CF_SITE_KEY>
          Cloudflare turnstile captcha site key [env: CF_SECRET_KEY=]
      --cf-secret-key <CF_SECRET_KEY>
          Cloudflare turnstile captcha secret key [env: CF_SITE_KEY=]
  -A, --auth-key <AUTH_KEY>
          Login Authentication Key [env: AUTH_KEY=]
  -D, --disable-webui
          Disable WebUI [env: DISABLE_WEBUI=]
  -F, --enable-file-proxy
          Enable file endpoint proxy [env: ENABLE_FILE_PROXY=]
  -G, --enable-arkose-proxy
          Enable arkose token endpoint proxy [env: ENABLE_ARKOSE_PROXY=]
  -W, --visitor-email-whitelist <VISITOR_EMAIL_WHITELIST>
          Visitor email whitelist [env: VISITOR_EMAIL_WHITELIST=]
      --arkose-endpoint <ARKOSE_ENDPOINT>
          Arkose endpoint, Example:
  -E, --arkose-gpt3-experiment
          Enable Arkose GPT-3.5 experiment
  -S, --arkose-gpt3-experiment-solver
          Enable Arkose GPT-3.5 experiment solver
      --arkose-gpt3-har-dir <ARKOSE_GPT3_HAR_DIR>
          About the browser HAR directory path requested by ChatGPT GPT-3.5 ArkoseLabs
      --arkose-gpt4-har-dir <ARKOSE_GPT4_HAR_DIR>
          About the browser HAR directory path requested by ChatGPT GPT-4 ArkoseLabs
      --arkose-auth-har-dir <ARKOSE_AUTH_HAR_DIR>
          About the browser HAR directory path requested by Auth ArkoseLabs
      --arkose-platform-har-dir <ARKOSE_PLATFORM_HAR_DIR>
          About the browser HAR directory path requested by Platform ArkoseLabs
  -K, --arkose-har-upload-key <ARKOSE_HAR_UPLOAD_KEY>
          HAR file upload authenticate key
  -s, --arkose-solver <ARKOSE_SOLVER>
          About ArkoseLabs solver platform [default: fcsrv]
  -k, --arkose-solver-key <ARKOSE_SOLVER_KEY>
          About the solver client key by ArkoseLabs
      --arkose-solver-url <ARKOSE_SOLVER_URL>
          About the solver client url by ArkoseLabs
      --arkose-solver-limit <ARKOSE_SOLVER_LIMIT>
          About the solver submit multiple image limit by ArkoseLabs [default: 1]
  -T, --tb-enable
          Enable token bucket flow limitation
      --tb-strategy <TB_STRATEGY>
          Token bucket store strategy (mem/redb) [default: mem]
      --tb-capacity <TB_CAPACITY>
          Token bucket capacity [default: 60]
      --tb-fill-rate <TB_FILL_RATE>
          Token bucket fill rate [default: 1]
      --tb-expired <TB_EXPIRED>
          Token bucket expired (seconds) [default: 86400]
  -B, --pbind <PBIND>
          Preauth MITM server bind address [env: PREAUTH_BIND=]
  -X, --pupstream <PUPSTREAM>
          Preauth MITM server upstream proxy
          Supports: http/https/socks5/socks5h [env: PREAUTH_UPSTREAM=]
      --pcert <PCERT>
          Preauth MITM server CA certificate file path [default: ca/cert.crt]
      --pkey <PKEY>
          Preauth MITM server CA private key file path [default: ca/key.pem]
  -h, --help
          Print help


  • Linux compile, Ubuntu machine for example:
apt install build-essential
apt install cmake
apt install libclang-dev

git clone && cd ninja
cargo build --release
  • OpenWrt Compile
cd package
svn co
cd -
make menuconfig # choose LUCI->Applications->luci-app-ninja  
make V=s