# Contributing First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! ### How I can contribute * Fork this project; * Make your changes / new implementations; * Use the pattern for git commits; * Make sure that the acceptance criteria are met (tests, docs, etc); * Create a pull request; ### Pull Requests Template [PULLREQUEST-TEMPLATE](PULLREQUEST-TEMPLATE.md) ### Git Commit Messages * Use the present tense ("Adds feature" not "Added feature") * Limit the first line to 72 characters or less * Reference issues and pull requests liberally * Consider starting the commit message with an applicable emoji: * :art: ``:art:`` when improving the format/structure of the code * :racehorse: ``:racehorse:`` when improving performance * :non-potable_water: ``:non-potable_water:`` when plugging memory leaks * :memo: ``:memo:`` when writing docs * :penguin: ``:penguin:`` when fixing something on Linux * :apple: ``:apple:`` when fixing something on Mac OS * :checkered_flag: ``:checkered_flag:`` when fixing something on Windows * :bug: ``:bug:`` when fixing a bug * :fire: ``:fire:`` when removing code or files * :green_heart: ``:green_heart:`` when fixing the CI build * :white_check_mark: ``:white_check_mark:`` when adding tests * :lock: ``:lock:`` when dealing with security * :arrow_up: ``:arrow_up:`` when upgrading dependencies * :arrow_down: ``:arrow_down:`` when downgrading dependencies * :shirt: ``:shirt:`` when removing linter warnings * :bulb: ``:bulb:`` new idea * :construction: ``:construction:`` work in progress * :heavy_plus_sign: ``:heavy_plus_sign:`` when adding features * :heavy_minus_sign: ``:heavy_minus_sign:`` when removing features * :speaker: ``:mute:`` when adding logging * :mute: ``:mute:`` when reducing logging * :facepunch: ``:facepunch:`` when resolve conflict * :wrench: ``:wrench:`` when modify config