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Testing multiple versions of React

You can check integration of different versions of React (for example different release channels or PRs to React) by running the following commands:

  1. node scripts/useReactVersion.mjs <version>.

    Possible values for version:

    • default: stable (minimum supported React version)
    • a tag on npm, for example next, experimental or latest
    • an older version, for example ^17.0.0
  2. pnpm install


next version

For react@next specifically, there's a react-next workflow in our CircleCI pipeline that you can trigger in CircleCI on the PR you want to test:

  1. Go to and replace PR_NUMBER with the PR number you want to test.

  2. Click Trigger Pipeline button.

  3. Expand Add parameters (optional) and add the following parameter:

    Parameter type Name Value
    string workflow react-next
  4. Click Trigger Pipeline button.

Other versions

You can pass the same version to our CircleCI pipeline as well:

With the following API request we're triggering a run of the default workflow in PR #24289 for react@next

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'Circle-Token: $CIRCLE_TOKEN' \
  --data-raw '{"branch":"pull/24289/head","parameters":{"react-version":"next"}}'