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Record Screen Activity, Camera, Tab, Speakers and Microphone in 4K HD video (H264, VP8, VP9, MKV)

Try it now in CWS

Install RecordRTC Extension

Call From Your Own WebSite

Live Demo: simple-demos/RecordRTC_Extension.html

You can call this chrome extension directly from your own website as well!

if(typeof RecordRTC_Extension === 'undefined') {
    alert('RecordRTC chrome extension is either disabled or not installed.');

var recorder = new RecordRTC_Extension();
recorder.startRecording(recorder.getSupoortedFormats()[7], function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        recorder.stopRecording(function(blob) {
            console.log(blob.size, blob);
            var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
            video.src = url;
    }, 3000);

For simple code:

var recorder = new RecordRTC_Extension();

    enableScreen: true,
    enableMicrophone: true,
    enableSpeakers: true

btnStopRecording.onclick = function() {
    recorder.stopRecording(function(blob) {
        console.log(blob.size, blob);
        var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
        video.src = url;


You can pass any of the following on startRecording method:

const getSupoortedFormats = [{
    enableScreen: true
}, {
    enableScreen: true,
    enableMicrophone: true
}, {
    enableScreen: true,
    enableSpeakers: true
}, {
    enableScreen: true,
    enableMicrophone: true,
    enableSpeakers: true
}, {
    enableTabCaptureAPI: true
}, {
    enableTabCaptureAPI: true,
    enableTabCaptureAPIAudioOnly: true
}, {
    enableScreen: true,
    enableCamera: true
}, {
    enableMicrophone: true,
    enableCamera: true
}, {
    enableMicrophone: true,
    enableSpeakers: true
}, {
    enableMicrophone: true
}, {
    enableSpeakers: true

API Explanation

  1. First step is to initialize the constructor new RecordRTC_Extension().
  2. Second step is, pass two parameters on startRecording. First paramter is named as recording-formats and last parameter is named as recording-start-callback.
  3. Manually stop the recording using stopRecording method. Callback contains two arguments. First argument is Blob object and second argument is error string.



Chrome-Extensions are released under MIT license . Copyright (c) Muaz Khan.