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Build Environment

We have a docker-based build environment which helps you to build the checkmake binary on a system that has no golang, etc. installed.

Generate Build Environment


cd buildenv
docker build -t checkmake/buildenv:latest .
cd ..

to generate a build environment (docker image). This docker images can be used to build your checkmake binary.

Build Checkmake Binary


docker run --rm -e BUILDER_NAME="Your Name" -e BUILDER_EMAIL="[email protected]" -v $(pwd):/data --workdir /data checkmake/buildenv:latest make

to generate the checkmake binary. (Replace "Your name" with your name and "[email protected]" with your email address)

An alternative is to define the variables on your host system an then pass it to docker:

export BUILDER_NAME="Your Name"
export BUILDER_EMAIL="[email protected]"
docker run --rm -e BUILDER_NAME -e BUILDER_EMAIL -v $(pwd):/data --workdir /data checkmake/buildenv:latest make

Output is similar to:

Checking the programs required for the build are installed...
install -d .d
echo "checkmake: $(go list -f '{{ join .Deps "\n" }}' cmd/checkmake/main.go | awk '/github/ { gsub(/^\/[a-z]*\/[a-z]*\//, ""); printf $0"/*.go " }')" > .d/checkmake.d
go build -ldflags "-X 'main.version=0.1.0-22-g42f1561' -X 'main.buildTime=2020-02-23T16:02:51Z' -X 'main.builder= <>' -X 'main.goversion=go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64'" -o checkmake cmd/checkmake/main.go
sed "s/REPLACE_DATE/February 23, 2020/" man/man1/ | pandoc -s -t man -o checkmake.1

Test Checkmake Binary

Run checkmake binary:

./checkmake --version

to test the binary. Output should be similar to:

checkmake 0.1.0-22-g42f1561 built at 2020-02-23T16:02:51Z by Your Name <[email protected]> with go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64