local types = require('rustaceanvim.types.internal') local cargo = require('rustaceanvim.cargo') local compat = require('rustaceanvim.compat') local config = require('rustaceanvim.config') local executors = require('rustaceanvim.executors') local os = require('rustaceanvim.os') local server_config = require('rustaceanvim.config.server') local RustaceanConfig ---@class RustAnalyzerInitializedStatusInternal : RustAnalyzerInitializedStatus ---@field health lsp_server_health_status ---@field quiescent boolean inactive? --- ---@param dap_adapter DapExecutableConfig | DapServerConfig | disable ---@return boolean local function should_enable_dap_config_value(dap_adapter) local adapter = types.evaluate(dap_adapter) if adapter == false then return false end return vim.fn.executable('rustc') == 1 end ---@param adapter DapServerConfig | DapExecutableConfig local function is_codelldb_adapter(adapter) return adapter.type == 'server' end ---@param adapter DapServerConfig | DapExecutableConfig local function is_lldb_adapter(adapter) return adapter.type == 'executable' end ---@param type string ---@return DapClientConfig local function load_dap_configuration(type) -- default ---@type DapClientConfig local dap_config = { name = 'Rust debug client', type = type, request = 'launch', stopOnEntry = false, } ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: different-requires local dap = require('dap') -- Load configurations from a `launch.json`. -- It is necessary to check for changes in the `dap.configurations` table, as -- `load_launchjs` does not return anything, it loads directly into `dap.configurations`. local pre_launch = vim.deepcopy(dap.configurations) or {} require('dap.ext.vscode').load_launchjs(nil, { lldb = { 'rust' }, codelldb = { 'rust' } }) for name, configuration_entries in pairs(dap.configurations) do if pre_launch[name] == nil or not vim.deep_equal(pre_launch[name], configuration_entries) then -- `configurations` are tables of `configuration` entries -- use the first `configuration` that matches for _, entry in pairs(configuration_entries) do ---@cast entry DapClientConfig if entry.type == type then dap_config = entry break end end end end return dap_config end ---@return RustaceanExecutor local function get_test_executor() if package.loaded['rustaceanvim.neotest'] ~= nil then -- neotest has been set up with rustaceanvim as an adapter return executors.neotest end return executors.termopen end ---@class RustaceanConfig local RustaceanDefaultConfig = { ---@class RustaceanToolsConfig tools = { --- how to execute terminal commands --- options right now: termopen / quickfix / toggleterm / vimux ---@type RustaceanExecutor executor = executors.termopen, ---@type RustaceanExecutor test_executor = get_test_executor(), ---@type RustaceanExecutor crate_test_executor = executors.termopen, ---@type string | nil cargo_override = nil, ---@type boolean enable_nextest = true, ---@type boolean enable_clippy = true, --- callback to execute once rust-analyzer is done initializing the workspace --- The callback receives one parameter indicating the `health` of the server: "ok" | "warning" | "error" ---@type fun(health:RustAnalyzerInitializedStatus) | nil on_initialized = nil, --- automatically call RustReloadWorkspace when writing to a Cargo.toml file. ---@type boolean reload_workspace_from_cargo_toml = true, --- options same as lsp hover ---@see vim.lsp.util.open_floating_preview ---@class RustaceanHoverActionsConfig hover_actions = { --- whether to replace Neovim's built-in `vim.lsp.buf.hover`. ---@type boolean replace_builtin_hover = true, }, code_actions = { --- text appended to a group action ---@type string group_icon = ' ▶', --- whether to fall back to `vim.ui.select` if there are no grouped code actions ---@type boolean ui_select_fallback = false, }, --- options same as lsp hover ---@see vim.lsp.util.open_floating_preview ---@see vim.api.nvim_open_win ---@type table Options applied to floating windows. float_win_config = { --- whether the window gets automatically focused --- default: false ---@type boolean auto_focus = false, --- whether splits opened from floating preview are vertical --- default: false ---@type 'horizontal' | 'vertical' open_split = 'horizontal', }, --- settings for showing the crate graph based on graphviz and the dot --- command ---@class RustaceanCrateGraphConfig crate_graph = { -- backend used for displaying the graph -- see: https://graphviz.org/docs/outputs/ -- default: x11 ---@type string backend = 'x11', -- where to store the output, nil for no output stored (relative -- path from pwd) -- default: nil ---@type string | nil output = nil, -- true for all crates.io and external crates, false only the local -- crates -- default: true ---@type boolean full = true, -- List of backends found on: https://graphviz.org/docs/outputs/ -- Is used for input validation and autocompletion -- Last updated: 2021-08-26 ---@type string[] enabled_graphviz_backends = { 'bmp', 'cgimage', 'canon', 'dot', 'gv', 'xdot', 'xdot1.2', 'xdot1.4', 'eps', 'exr', 'fig', 'gd', 'gd2', 'gif', 'gtk', 'ico', 'cmap', 'ismap', 'imap', 'cmapx', 'imap_np', 'cmapx_np', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'jp2', 'json', 'json0', 'dot_json', 'xdot_json', 'pdf', 'pic', 'pct', 'pict', 'plain', 'plain-ext', 'png', 'pov', 'ps', 'ps2', 'psd', 'sgi', 'svg', 'svgz', 'tga', 'tiff', 'tif', 'tk', 'vml', 'vmlz', 'wbmp', 'webp', 'xlib', 'x11', }, ---@type string | nil pipe = nil, }, ---@type fun(url:string):nil open_url = function(url) require('rustaceanvim.os').open_url(url) end, ---settings for rustc ---@class RustaceanRustcConfig rustc = { ---@type string edition = '2021', }, }, --- all the opts to send to the LSP client --- these override the defaults set by rust-tools.nvim ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-doc-class ---@class RustaceanLspClientConfig: vim.lsp.ClientConfig server = { ---@type lsp.ClientCapabilities capabilities = server_config.create_client_capabilities(), ---@type boolean | fun(bufnr: integer):boolean Whether to automatically attach the LSP client. ---Defaults to `true` if the `rust-analyzer` executable is found. auto_attach = function(bufnr) if #vim.bo[bufnr].buftype > 0 then return false end local path = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) if not os.is_valid_file_path(path) then return false end local cmd = types.evaluate(RustaceanConfig.server.cmd) ---@cast cmd string[] local rs_bin = cmd[1] return vim.fn.executable(rs_bin) == 1 end, ---@type string[] | fun():string[] cmd = function() return { 'rust-analyzer', '--log-file', RustaceanConfig.server.logfile } end, ---@type string | fun(filename: string, default: fun(filename: string):string|nil):string|nil root_dir = cargo.get_root_dir, --- standalone file support --- setting it to false may improve startup time ---@type boolean standalone = true, ---@type string The path to the rust-analyzer log file. logfile = vim.fn.tempname() .. '-rust-analyzer.log', ---@type table | (fun(project_root:string|nil, default_settings: table|nil):table) -- The rust-analyzer settings or a function that creates them. settings = function(project_root, default_settings) return server_config.load_rust_analyzer_settings(project_root, { default_settings = default_settings }) end, --- @type table default_settings = { --- options to send to rust-analyzer --- See: https://rust-analyzer.github.io/manual.html#configuration --- @type table ['rust-analyzer'] = {}, }, ---@type boolean Whether to search (upward from the buffer) for rust-analyzer settings in .vscode/settings json. load_vscode_settings = false, }, --- debugging stuff --- @class RustaceanDapConfig dap = { --- @type boolean Whether to autoload nvim-dap configurations when rust-analyzer has attached? autoload_configurations = vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10.0') == 1, -- Compiling the debug build cannot be run asynchronously on Neovim < 0.10 --- @type DapExecutableConfig | DapServerConfig | disable | fun():(DapExecutableConfig | DapServerConfig | disable) adapter = function() --- @type DapExecutableConfig | DapServerConfig | disable local result = false local has_mason, mason_registry = pcall(require, 'mason-registry') if has_mason and mason_registry.is_installed('codelldb') then local codelldb_package = mason_registry.get_package('codelldb') local mason_codelldb_path = compat.joinpath(codelldb_package:get_install_path(), 'extension') local codelldb_path = compat.joinpath(mason_codelldb_path, 'adapter', 'codelldb') local liblldb_path = compat.joinpath(mason_codelldb_path, 'lldb', 'lib', 'liblldb') local shell = require('rustaceanvim.shell') if shell.is_windows() then codelldb_path = codelldb_path .. '.exe' liblldb_path = compat.joinpath(mason_codelldb_path, 'lldb', 'bin', 'liblldb.dll') else liblldb_path = liblldb_path .. (shell.is_macos() and '.dylib' or '.so') end result = config.get_codelldb_adapter(codelldb_path, liblldb_path) elseif vim.fn.executable('codelldb') == 1 then ---@cast result DapServerConfig result = { type = 'server', host = '', port = '${port}', executable = { command = 'codelldb', args = { '--port', '${port}' }, }, } else local has_lldb_dap = vim.fn.executable('lldb-dap') == 1 local has_lldb_vscode = vim.fn.executable('lldb-vscode') == 1 if not has_lldb_dap and not has_lldb_vscode then return result end local command = has_lldb_dap and 'lldb-dap' or 'lldb-vscode' ---@cast result DapExecutableConfig result = { type = 'executable', command = command, name = 'lldb', } end return result end, --- Accommodate dynamically-linked targets by passing library paths to lldb. ---@type boolean | fun():boolean add_dynamic_library_paths = function() return should_enable_dap_config_value(RustaceanConfig.dap.adapter) end, --- Auto-generate a source map for the standard library. ---@type boolean | fun():boolean auto_generate_source_map = function() return should_enable_dap_config_value(RustaceanConfig.dap.adapter) end, --- Get Rust types via initCommands (rustlib/etc/lldb_commands). ---@type boolean | fun():boolean load_rust_types = function() if not should_enable_dap_config_value(RustaceanConfig.dap.adapter) then return false end local adapter = types.evaluate(RustaceanConfig.dap.adapter) ---@cast adapter DapExecutableConfig | DapServerConfig | disable return adapter ~= false and is_lldb_adapter(adapter) end, --- @type DapClientConfig | disable | fun():(DapClientConfig | disable) configuration = function() local ok, _ = pcall(require, 'dap') if not ok then return false end local adapter = types.evaluate(RustaceanConfig.dap.adapter) ---@cast adapter DapExecutableConfig | DapServerConfig | disable if adapter == false then return false end ---@cast adapter DapExecutableConfig | DapServerConfig local type = is_codelldb_adapter(adapter) and 'codelldb' or 'lldb' return load_dap_configuration(type) end, }, -- debug info was_g_rustaceanvim_sourced = vim.g.rustaceanvim ~= nil, } local rustaceanvim = vim.g.rustaceanvim or {} local opts = type(rustaceanvim) == 'function' and rustaceanvim() or rustaceanvim for _, executor in pairs { 'executor', 'test_executor', 'crate_test_executor' } do if opts.tools and opts.tools[executor] and type(opts.tools[executor]) == 'string' then opts.tools[executor] = assert(executors[opts.tools[executor]], 'Unknown RustaceanExecutor') end end ---@type RustaceanConfig RustaceanConfig = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', {}, RustaceanDefaultConfig, opts) -- Override user dap.adapter config in a backward compatible way if opts.dap and opts.dap.adapter then local user_adapter = opts.dap.adapter local default_adapter = types.evaluate(RustaceanConfig.dap.adapter) if type(user_adapter) == 'table' and type(default_adapter) == 'table' and user_adapter.type == default_adapter.type then ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: inject-field RustaceanConfig.dap.adapter = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', default_adapter, user_adapter) elseif user_adapter ~= nil then ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: inject-field RustaceanConfig.dap.adapter = user_adapter end end local check = require('rustaceanvim.config.check') local ok, err = check.validate(RustaceanConfig) if not ok then vim.notify('rustaceanvim: ' .. err, vim.log.levels.ERROR) end return RustaceanConfig