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Caddy is used to handle inbound network traffic. It reverse-proxies the backend server, and also acts as a static file server for frontend assets.

Changing config in production

Usually, changes are made to the Caddyfile in development and tested before going to production, but in the event of a bug slipping through, this is how you can alter the config in production without rebuilding the Docker image.

Caddyfile is stored at /etc/caddy/Caddyfile.

  • Cannot edit the Caddyfile directly, because the lightweight Docker image doesn't include any text editor.
  • Could potentially use docker cp to copy a file from the host to the container.
  • Can use the admin API to modify the config (recommended way of doing it)
curl "http:https://localhost:2019/load" \
	-H "Content-Type: text/caddyfile" \
	--data-binary @Caddyfile

This could be added to the REPL using fetch('caddy:2019') to make it easier.

After editing the Caddyfile, use caddy reload to apply the change.