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Local Jenkins Setup

Setting up a local Jenkins instance is useful for testing Jenkins job changes without affecting the production instance. Using Docker makes the setup very straightforward.

As of now, this setup allows you to test Job DSL scripts. Imported Beam jobs will not succeed due to some tools (like gcloud) and credentials missing.

Jenkins on Docker


If you haven't yet, install Docker on your machine.

Setup using provided scripts

WARNING: Not for production use.

INFO: Changing admin credentials is advised.

You can utilize scripts in this folder to build Docker container with Jenkins, pre-installed plugins and some basic configuration.

docker build -t beamjenkins .
docker run -p beamjenkins:latest
  • plugins.txt -- Pre-assembled list of plugins that are available on Apache Jenkins. This list does not contain versions and might not have all the plugins available. If you find some plugin missing, or having and incorrect version, you can check infra wiki list for plugin updates history. Feel free to update this list with added/removed plugins.
  • docker build -- builds image with name beamjenkins based on Dockerfile located in current folder.
  • docker run -- creates and starts new container.
    • The -p parameter to docker run ensures that your Jenkins instance will only be available via localhost and not your machine hostname.
  • Default credentials: admin:jenadmin (Suggested to change these in Dockerfile.)

Image built via this scripts will contain all required plugins, basic configuration listed in manual setup instructions below and also remap JENKINS_HOME, so it does not map to a volume, but is part of container instead.

This last action will allow you to persist changes you do to your container:

docker ps -a
docker commit <container_id> <new_image_name>
docker run -p <new_image_name>
  • docker ps -- list containers.
  • docker commit -- creates new image based on container.

Such approach may be handy for debugging, but it is highly advised to keep all data in docker volumes.

Manual setup

When invoking Docker, you can map a local directory to persist state and keep your Jenkins configuration even after machine reboot.

JENKINS_HOME=$(readlink --canonicalize-missing ~/jenkins/homedir)

mkdir -p ${JENKINS_HOME}
chmod -R 777 ${JENKINS_HOME}
docker run -p -v ${JENKINS_HOME}:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:lts

Running this command will bring up your Jenkins instance at And map jenkins_home of running container to JENKINS_HOME on your OS file system.

You can setup your Jenkins instance to look like the Apache Beam Jenkins using these steps. (Running Beam Job DSL groovy scripts)

Forking your Jenkins instance

Later you can fork a new Docker container by copying the contents of the mapped directory and starting Jenkins from the new copy.

This might be useful in case if you want to test new plugins/configuration and want to have a clean roll-back option.

JENKINS_NEWHOME=$(readlink --canonicalize-missing ~/jenkins/homedir_v2)


chmod -R 777 ${JENKINS_HOME}
docker run -p -v ${JENKINS_HOME}:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:lts
  • The -p parameter to docker run ensures that your Jenkins instance will only be available via localhost and not your machine hostname.

Running Beam Job DSL groovy scripts

On Beam we configure Jenkins jobs via groovy job dsl scripts. If you want to run those on your docker instance of Jenkins, you will need to do some setup on top of installing default plugins:

  1. Make sure the following plugins are installed (Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins)
    1. Environment Injector
    2. GitHub pull request build (ghprb)
    3. Groovy
    4. Job DSL
    5. Node and Label parameter
    6. (Optional) CustomHistory: This will allow you to easily generate job diffs as you make changes.
  2. Add "beam" label to Jenkins instance
    1. Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
    2. Type "beam" under "Labels" field.
  3. Disable script security. This way you will not have to approve all the scripts.
    1. Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security
    2. Unmark "Enable script security for Job DSL scripts"
  4. Set up Job DSL jobs import job. (Seed job)
    1. Refer to seedjobconfig.xml for parameters.
    2. Go to Jenkins -> New Item -> Freestyle project
    3. Build step: Process Job DSLs

Additional Jenkins hints

Importing DSL jobs from a local git repository

By default, Seed job imports DSL job definitions from the Apache Beam Github repository. But there is also a possibility to import these definitions from your local git repository, which makes testing much easier because you don't have to git push every time changes were made.

  1. Build Jenkins image using provided scripts.
  2. Provide an environment variable BEAM_HOME pointing to the beam root directory, for example: export BEAM_HOME=~/my/beam/directory.
  3. Run image using the following command: docker run -d -p -v $BEAM_HOME:/var/jenkins_real_home/beam:ro beamjenkins. The only difference is the -v option which sets up a bind mount.
  4. Sign in to Jenkins.
    1. Go to the sample_seed_job and open its configuration. Scroll down to the Source Code Management section.
    2. Fill the Repository URL field with file:https:///var/jenkins_real_home/beam.

You can choose any branch from your local repo. Just remember that all changes must be committed. You don’t have to checkout the branch you chose.

Additional docker hints

Running image vs starting container

When you execute docker run, it creates a new container for your image. Instead of creating a new container every time, you can restart a previously-exited container:

docker ps # Look for the previous container_id
docker start <container_id>

One of the benefits of restarting is that it will have all the data and configuration parameters you have assigned to it upon creation.

Delete all images and containers

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
docker volume prune