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Bramble is a production-ready GraphQL federation gateway. It is built to be a simple, reliable and scalable way to aggregate GraphQL services together.



Bramble supports:

  • Shared types across services
  • Namespaces
  • Field-level permissions
  • Plugins:
    • JWT, Open tracing, CORS, ...
    • Or add your own
  • Hot reloading of configuration

It is also stateless and scales very easily.

Future work/not currently supported

There is currently no support for subscriptions.


Contributions are always welcome!

If you wish to contribute please open a pull request. Please make sure to:

  • include a brief description or link to the relevant issue
  • (if applicable) add tests for the behaviour you're adding/modifying
  • commit messages are descriptive

Before making a significant change we recommend opening an issue to discuss the issue you're facing and the proposed solution.

Building and testing

Prerequisite: Go 1.17 or newer

To build the bramble command:

go build -o bramble ./cmd
./bramble -config config.json

To run the tests:

go test ./...

Comparison with other projects

Bramble provides a common-sense approach to GraphQL federation implemented in Golang. It assumes that subgraph fields are mutually exclusive, and that all boundary types join on a universal key. Compared with other projects:

  • Apollo Federation and Golang port: while quite popular, we felt the Apollo spec was more complex than necessary with its nuanced GraphQL SDL and specialized _entities query, and thus not the right fit for us.

  • GraphQL Tools Stitching: while Stitching is similar in design to Bramble with self-contained subgraphs joined by basic queries, it offers more features than necessary at the cost of some performance overhead. It is also written in JavaScript where as we favour Golang.

  • Nautilus: provided a lot of inspiration for Bramble, and has been improved upon with bug fixes and additional features (fine-grained permissions, namespaces, better plugins, configuration hot-reloading). Bramble is a recommended successor.

Bramble is a central piece of software for Movio products and thus is actively maintained and developed.