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Project comerce express

API Gateway to take all messages from any publisher and send to correspondient kafka topic

Table of Contents


This API provide two principal enpoints:

Push message to kafka topic

  • %URL_BASE%/api/persons/customers
  • %URL_BASE%/api/persons/persons
  • %URL_BASE%/api/products

This POST enpoints recive an input with this format:

  "origin": "POSTMAN",
  "content": "any related json to /comerce/xxxxx use case",

Run locally

[1] Firs clone the repo locally [2] run -> pnpm install or yarn install [3] run dev command

    yarn dev

[4] Additionally if you have dockerhub installed. We leave you a dockerfil ready!! pleasse ref to Dockerize



You can use docker to deploy the api server. In this releasse we leave a dockerfile and a docker compose ready to use

  • generate image
    docker image build -t moviedomfo/express_comerce .
  • run container
    docker run -d -p 3026:3016 --name express_comerce moviedomfo/express_comerce

Run the application using Docker Compose

    docker-compose up -d
  • which volume: First you need to create the maping in thge docker compose files for each container that you need volumes:

    • /e/volumens/express/orders:/app/files

    run container maping to comerce_files created volume

  • Navigate to this url to check the if correctly docker container is running http:https://localhost:3008

swagger & tsoa

Para documentar los controllers debemos usar tsoa "build-tsoa": "tsoa spec-and-routes" genera las Rutas en base a los controllers documentados con los docoradores tsoa "predev": "npm run swagger", genera el json para que swagger levante la pagina con la documentacion

Hay que ver que tenemos configurado en ./tsoa.json para ver el destino de la transpilacion de las rutas


To generate Routes class run pnpm build-tsoa

Important packages used in this app

sequelize, tedious,