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File metadata and controls

595 lines (410 loc) · 35.2 KB

What is it?

Tiller is a tool that generates configuration files. It takes a set of templates, fills them in with values from a variety of sources (such as environment variables, Consul, YAML files, JSON from a webservice...), installs them in a specified location and then optionally spawns a child process.

You might find this particularly useful if you're using Docker, as you can ship a set of configuration files for different environments inside one container, and/or easily build "parameterized containers" which users can then configure at runtime.

However, its use is not just limited to Docker; you may also find it useful as a sort of "proxy" that can provide values to application configuration files from a data source that the application does not natively support.

It's available as a Ruby Gem, so installation should be a simple gem install tiller.

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A simple tutorial which produces a 'parameterized' NginX container with Tiller is on my blog : It also provides a downloadable archive of the files used in the example, so if you want to get up and running very quickly before diving into the rest of the documentation, then this is probably the best place to start.

More information

You may find a lot of the flexibility that Tiller offers overwhelming at first. I have written a few blog tutorials that provide a good overview of what Tiller can do, with practical examples; I strongly recommend that if you're new to all this, you read the following articles through for an introduction :

See the Tiller category on my blog for a full list of articles and other information.




For problems and improvements, feel free to open an issue, or drop by the Gitter channel to chat. These are the preferred options, as then others can see and benefit from any solutions. Alternatively, send me an email : [email protected] and I'll do my best to help.


I had a number of Docker containers that I wanted to run with a slightly different configuration, depending on the environment I was launching them. For example, a web application might connect to a different database in a staging environment, a MongoDB replica set name might be different, or I might want to allocate a different amount of memory to a Java process. This meant my options basically looked like:

  • Maintain multiple containers / Dockerfiles.
  • Maintain the configuration in separate data volumes and use --volumes-from to pull the relevant container in.
  • Bundle the configuration files into one container, and manually specify the CMD or ENTRYPOINT values to pick this up.

None of those really appealed due to duplication, or the complexity of an approach that would necessitate really long docker run commands.

So I knocked up a quick Ruby script (originally called "Runner.rb") that I could use across all my containers, which does the following :

  • Generates configuration files from ERB templates (which can come from a number of sources)
  • Uses values provided from a data source (i.e YAML files) for each environment
  • Copies the generated templates to the correct location and specifies permissions
  • Optionally executes a child process once it's finished (e.g. mongod, nginx, supervisord, etc.)
  • Now provides a pluggable architecture, so you can define additional data or template sources. For example, you can create a DataSource that looks up values from an LDAP store, or a TemplateSource that pulls things from a database.

This way I can keep all my configuration together in the container, and just tell Docker which environment to use when I start it. I can also use it to dynamically alter configuration at runtime ("parameterized containers") by passing in configuration from environment variables, external files, or a datastore such as Consul.

Why "Tiller" ?

Docker-related projects all seem to have shipyard-related names, and this was the first ship-building related term I could find that didn't have an existing gem or project named after it! And a tiller is the thing that steers a boat, so it sounded appropriate for something that generates configuration files.


Tiller can be used to dynamically generate configuration files before passing execution over to a daemon process.

It looks at an environment variable called "environment" (or the argument to the -e flag), and creates a set of configuration files based on templates, and then optionally runs a specified daemon process via exec.

In a basic use-case, when you are bundling your templates and configuration inside the container, all you need to do is tell Tiller which environment you want to use e.g.

# docker run -t -i -e environment=staging markround/demo_container:latest
tiller v0.3.1 ( <[email protected]>
Using configuration from /etc/tiller
Using plugins from /usr/local/lib/tiller
Using environment staging
Template sources loaded [FileTemplateSource]
Data sources loaded [FileDataSource, NetworkDataSource]
Templates to build ["mongodb.erb", "sensu_client.erb"]
Building template mongodb.erb
Setting ownership/permissions on /etc/mongodb.conf
Building template sensu_client.erb
Setting ownership/permissions on /etc/sensu/conf.d/client.json
Template generation completed
Executing /usr/bin/supervisord
Child process forked.

If no environment is specified, it will default to using "development". Prior to version 0.4.0, this used to be "production", but as was quite rightly pointed out, this is a bit scary. You can always change the default anyway - see below.


In addition to specifying values in YAML environment files, there are other plugins that can also provide values to be used in your templates, and you can easily write your own. The plugins that ship with Tiller are :

  • File : The default template_ and data_source plugins which read templates from ERB files on disk, and values from YAML file(s). This use-case is discussed below in this main document. Important: You normally will want to enable these plugins unless you are fetching everything from another data source, as Tiller needs this to read configuration blocks from common.yaml, fetch templates from disk etc.
  • Consul : These plugins allow you to retrieve your templates and values from a Consul cluster. Full documentation for this plugin is available in, and there's also a blog post with a walk-through example at
  • Defaults : Make use of default values across your environments and templates - this can help avoid repeated definitions and makes for more efficient configuration.
  • Environment variables : Make use of environment variables in your templates.
  • JSON environment variables : Use complex JSON data structures from the environment in your templates. See for some practical examples.
  • External files : Load external JSON or YAML files, and use their contents in your templates.
  • HTTP plugins : These plugins let you retrieve your templates and values from a HTTP server
  • Random data : Simple wrapper to provide random values to your templates.
  • XML files : Load and parse XML data for use in your templates.
  • Zookeeper plugins : These plugins allow you to store your templates and values in a ZooKeeper cluster.
  • Hashicorp Vault : These plugins allow you to to store and retrieve your templates and values from the Hashicorp Vault secrets store.
  • Ansible Vault : This plugin lets you retrieve values from an encrypted Ansible Vault YAML file.

Helper modules

You can also make use of custom utility functions in Ruby that can be called from within templates. For more information on this, see the developers documentation.

A word about configuration

Tiller uses YAML for configuration files. If you're unfamiliar with YAML, don't worry - it's very easy to pick up. A good introduction is here : "Complete idiot's introduction to YAML"

Prior to Tiller v0.7, configuration was spread out over several files. If you had 3 environments (e.g. dev, stage and prod), you'd have a common.yaml for main configuration, one yaml file for each of your environments (dev.yaml,stage.yaml and so on), and possibly more depending on which plugins you'd enabled (defaults.yaml etc.)

However, 0.7 and later versions allow you to place most configuration inside a single common.yaml file, which can make things a lot clearer - you have a single place to view your configuration at once. I have therefore updated the documentation to cover this new style as the preferred approach. See this blog post for an example.

Of course, you can always use the old "one file for each environment" approach if you prefer. Tiller is 100% backwards compatible with the old approach, and I have no intention of removing support for it as it's very useful in certain circumstances. The only thing to be aware of is that you can't mix the two configuration styles: If you configure some environments in common.yaml, Tiller will ignore any separate environment configuration files.


Configuration is covered below, but this is an important point so I mention it here so it's more visible! You can use multiple plugins together, and Tiller lets you over-ride values from one data source with another.

Plugins can provide two types of values:

  • "global values" which are available to all templates
  • "template values" which are specific to a single template

Template values always take priority - If a template value has the same name as a global value, it will overwrite the global value.

When you load the plugins (covered below), the order you load them in is significant - the last loaded plugin will have the highest priority and over-write values from the previous plugin. For example, in short-form YAML:

data_sources: [ "defaults" , "file" , "environment" ]

The priority increases from left to right: Defaults will be used first, then the file data source, and finally any values specified as environment variables will over-write anything else.

In long-form YAML, the priority increases from top to bottom:

  - defaults
  - file
  - environment

So, to summarise: A template value will take priority over a global value, and a value from a plugin loaded later will take priority over any previously loaded plugins.


Tiller understands the following optional command-line arguments (mostly used for debugging purposes) :

  • -n / --no-exec : Do not execute a child process (e.g. you only want to generate the templates)
  • -v / --verbose : Display verbose output, useful for debugging and for seeing what templates are being parsed
  • -d / --debug : Enable additional debug output
  • -b / --base-dir : Specify the tiller_base directory for configuration files
  • -l / --lib-dir : Specify the tiller_lib directory for user-provided plugins
  • -e / --environment : Specify the tiller environment. This is usually set by the 'environment' environment variable, but this may be useful for debugging/switching between environments on the command line.
  • -a / --api : Enable the HTTP API (See below)
  • -p / --api-port : Set the port the API listens on (Default: 6275)
  • -x / --exec : Specify an alternate command to execute, overriding the exec: parameter from your config files
  • -h / --help : Show a short help screen
  • --md5sum : Only write templates if they do not already exist, or their content has changed (see below).
  • --md5sum-noexec : If no templates were written/updated, do not execute any process.


This section will show how you can bundle configuration and templates inside a container so you can switch between them at run-time, using just the "file" plugin.

All of the following assumes you're using Tiller with Docker. So, firstly install the Tiller gem and set your Dockerfile to use it (assuming you're pulling in a suitable version of Ruby already) :

RUN gem install tiller
... Rest of Dockerfile here
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/tiller" , "-v"]

Now, set up your configuration. By default, Tiller looks for configuration under /etc/tiller, but this can be set to somewhere else by setting the environment variable tiller_base or by using the -b flag. This is particularly useful for testing purposes, e.g.

$ tiller_base=/tmp/tiller tiller -v


$ tiller -v -b /tmp/tiller

Tiller expects a directory structure like this (using /etc/tiller as its base, and the file data and template sources) :

└── tiller
    ├── common.yaml
    └── templates
        ├── sensu_client.erb
        ├── mongodb.erb
        ... other configuration file templates go here

It is suggested that you add all this under your Docker definition in a data/tiller base directory (e.g. data/tiller/common.yaml, data/tiller/templates and so on...) and then add it in your Dockerfile. This would therefore now look like:

RUN gem install tiller
... Rest of Dockerfile here
ADD data/tiller /etc/tiller
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/tiller" , "-v"]

Note that the configuration directory was added later on in the Dockerfile; this is because ADD commands cause the Docker build cache to become invalidated so it's a good idea to put them as far as possible towards the end of the Dockerfile.

Common configuration

Complete example

I'll cover each part of this in detail, but to give you an idea of where we're going with this, here's the complete configuration file I discuss in the examples below :

exec: [ "/usr/bin/mongod" , "--config" , "/etc/mongodb.conf" , "--rest" ]
data_sources: [ 'file' ]
template_sources: [ 'file' ]


  			target: /etc/mongodb.conf
  			user: root
  			group: root
  			perms: 0644
				replSet: 'staging'

  			target: /etc/mongodb.conf
    			replSet: 'production'

  			target: /etc/mongodb.conf

Note that instead of the YAML one-per-line list format for enabling plugins, I used the shorthand array format ( [ 'item1' , 'item2', .....] ).

I'll now cover each section and parameter in the following paragraphs.

Main configuration values

common.yaml contains most of the configuration for Tiller. It contains top-level exec, data_sources, template_sources and default_environment parameters, along with sections for each environment.

It can also take optional blocks of configuration for some plugins (for example, the Consul Plugins). Settings defined here can also be overridden on a per-environment basis (see below)

  • exec: This is simply what will be executed after the configuration files have been generated. If you omit this (or use the -n / --no-exec arguments) then no child process will be executed. As of 0.5.1, you can also specify the command and arguments as an array, e.g.
	exec: [ "/usr/bin/supervisord" , "-n" ]

This means that a shell will not be spawned to run the command, and no shell expansion will take place. This is the preferred form, as it means that signals should propagate properly through to spawned processes. However, you can still use the old style string parameter, e.g.

	exec: "/usr/bin/supervisord -n"
  • data_sources : The data source plugins you'll be using to populate the configuration files. This should usually just be set to "file" to start with, although you can write your own plugins and pull them in (more on that later).
  • template_sources Where the templates come from, again a list of plugins.
  • default_environment : Sets the default environment file to load if none is specified (either using the -e flag, or via the environment environment variable). This defaults to 'development', but you may want to set this to 'production' to mimic the old, pre-0.4.0 behaviour.

So for a simple use-case where you're just generating everything from files and then spawning MongoDB, you'd have a common.yaml with this at the top:

exec: [ "/usr/bin/mongod" , "--config" , "/etc/mongodb.conf" , "--rest" ]
data_sources: [ "file" ]
template_sources: [ "file" ]

Template files

When using the FileTemplateSource ("file") plugin, these files under /etc/tiller/templates are simply the ERB templates for your configuration files, and are populated with values from the selected environment configuration blocks (see below). When the environment configuration is parsed (see below), key:value pairs are made available to the template.

**IMPORTANT: **These files must be named with a suffix of .erb. Any files without an ending of .erb will be ignored.

Here's a practical example, again using MongoDB. Let's assume that you're setting up a "MongoDB" container for your platform to use, and you want to have it configured so it can run in 3 environments:

  • A local "development" environment (e.g. your own laptop), where you don't want to use it in a replica set.
  • "staging" and "production" environments, both of which are setup to be in a replica set, named after the environment.

MongoDB needs to have the replica set name specified in the configuration file when it's launched. You'd therefore create a template templates/mongodb.erb template with some placeholder values:

... (rest of content snipped) ...
# in replica set configuration, specify the name of the replica set
<% if (replSet) %>
replSet = <%= replSet %>
<% end %> 
... (rest of content snipped) ...

Now it will only contain the replSet = (whatever) line when there is a variable "replSet" defined. How that gets defined is (usually) the job of the environment configuration blocks - these are covered next.

Environment configuration

These headings in common.yaml (underneath the environments: key) are named after the environment variable environment that you pass in (usually by using docker run -e environment=<whatever>, which sets the environment variable). Alternatively, you can set the environment by using the tiller -e flag from the command line.

When you're using the default FileDataSource, these environment blocks in common.yaml define the templates to be parsed, where the generated configuration file should be installed, ownership and permission information, and also a set of key:value pairs (the "template values") that are made available to the template via the usual <%= key %> ERB syntax.

Carrying on with the MongoDB example, here's how you might set the replica set name in your staging and production environments (add the following to common.yaml):



  			target: /etc/mongodb.conf
  			user: root
  			group: root
  			perms: 0644
				replSet: 'staging'

  			target: /etc/mongodb.conf
    			replSet: 'production'

Note that if you omit the user/group/perms parameters - as shown above for the production environment - the defaults are whatever Docker runs as (usually root). Also, if you don't run Tiller as root, it will skip setting these.

The development environment definition can be even simpler, as we don't actually define a replica set, so we can skip the whole config block :


  			target: /etc/mongodb.conf

So now, when run through Tiller/Docker with -e environment=staging, the template will be installed to /etc/mongodb.conf with the following content :

# in replica set configuration, specify the name of the replica set
replSet = staging

Or, if the production environment is specified :

# in replica set configuration, specify the name of the replica set
replSet = production

And if the development environment is used (it's the default, so will also get used if no environment is specified), then the config file will get installed but with the line relating to replica set name left out.

Of course, this means you need an environment block for each replica set you plan on deploying. If you have many Mongo clusters you wish to deploy, you'll probably want to specify the replica set name dynamically, perhaps at the time you launch the container. You can do this in many different ways, for example by using the environment plugin to populate values from environment variables (docker run -e repl_set_name=foo ...) and so on. These plugins are covered in their own documentation.

Overriding common settings

As of Tiller 0.5.0, you can also override defaults from common.yaml if you specify them in a common block in an environment section. This means you can specify a different exec, enable the API, or configure various plugins to use different settings on a per-environment basis, e.g.


		# Only enable API for development environment, and
		# also specify HTTP plugin values	
		  api_enable: true
		  api_port: 1234
		  # configuration for HTTP plugin (
		    uri: ''
		    ... rest of config file snipped

Separate configuration files per environment

Instead of placing all your environment configuration in common.yaml, you can split environment definitions out into separate files. This was the default behaviour of Tiller < 0.7.0, and will remain supported. To do this, create a /etc/tiller/environments directory, and then a yaml file named after your environment.

For example, if you had a /etc/tiller/common.yaml that looked like the example above, you would create a /etc/tiller/environments/staging.yaml file with the following content:

	target: /etc/mongodb.conf
	user: root
	group: root
	perms: 0644
		replSet: 'staging'

And so on, one for each environment. You would then remove the environments: block from common.yaml, and Tiller will switch to loading these individual files.

Separate config files under config.d

If you want to further split out your configuration, you can create a config.d directory (usually at /etc/tiller/config.d) and place configuration fragments in separate YAML files under it. All these files will be loaded in order and merged together. Any configuration variable or block that would normally go in common.yaml can be split out into these separate files.

This is particularly useful for creating layered Docker images which inherit from a base. The base image could contain your default Tiller configuration, and you can then drop additional files under config.d to over-ride the defaults, or to specify new templates for that particular container.

See the test fixture for some examples.


You can include other templates in your templates by using the built-in Tiller::render helper module. For example, if you have a template called main.erb, you can include another template called sub.erb by calling this module inside main.erb:

This is the main.erb template. 
This will include the sub.erb template below this line:
<%= Tiller::render('sub.erb') -%>

You can nest sub-templates as deeply as you wish, so you can have sub-templates including another sub-template and so on. However, it is important to note that all variables for sub-templates are evaluated only at the level of the top-level template.

Therefore, trying to pass a variable to the sub-template by putting something like this in your common.yaml will not work:

    sub_var: This is a var for the sub-template

You will not be able to access sub_var from your template - you will need to declare it in the main.erb block instead, where it will be available to all sub-templates.


You may wish to only write templates to disk if they do not already exist, or if their content has changed. You can pass the --md5sum flag on the command line, or set md5sum: true in your common.yaml. With this feature enabled, you'll see output like this in your logs:

[1/2] templates written, [1] skipped with no change
Template generation completed

If you pass the debug flag on the command-line (-d / --debug), you'll see further information like this amongst the output :

Building template test.erb
MD5 of test.erb is c377cfd6c73a5a9a334f949503b6e65d
MD5 of test.txt is c377cfd6c73a5a9a334f949503b6e65d
Content unchanged for test.erb, not writing anything
[0/1] templates written, [1] skipped with no change

If you also want to make sure a process is launched only if at least one file has been updated, you can pass the --md5sum-noexec command line option, or set md5sum_noexec: true in your common.yaml.


There is a HTTP API provided for debugging purposes. This may be useful if you want a way of extracting and examining the configuration from a running container. Note that this is a very simple implementation, and should never be exposed to the internet or untrusted networks. Consider it as a tool to help debug configuration issues, and nothing more. Also see the "Gotchas" section if you experience any Encoding::UndefinedConversionError exceptions.


You can enable the API by passing the --api (and optional --api-port) command-line arguments. Alternatively, you can also set these in common.yaml :

api_enable: true
api_port: 6275


Once Tiller has forked a child process (specified by the exec parameter), you will see a message on stdout informing you the API is starting :

Tiller API starting on port 6275

If you want to expose this port from inside a Docker container, you will need to add this port to your list of mappings (e.g. docker run ... -p 6275:6275 ...). You should now be able to connect to this via HTTP, e.g.

$ curl -D - https://docker-container-ip:6275/ping
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Server: Tiller 0.3.1 / API v1

{ "ping": "Tiller API v1 OK" }


The API responds to the following GET requests:

  • /ping : Used to check the API is up and running.
  • /v2/config : Return a hash of the Tiller configuration.
  • /v2/templates : Return a list of generated templates.
  • /v2/template/{template_name} : Return a hash of merged values and target values for the named template.

Developer information

If you want to build your own plugins, or generally hack on Tiller, see docs/


Merging values

Tiller will merge values from all sources - this is intended, as it allows you to over-ride values from one plugin with another. However, be careful as this may have undefined results. Particularly if you include two data sources that each provide target values - you may find that your templates end up getting installed in locations you didn't expect, or containing spurious values!

The default merging behaviour is to replace values with ones from a higher priority plugin. However, if you wish instead to merge hash structures, then you can set deep_merge: true in common.yaml.

For example, the default behaviour without deep_merge:

data_sources: ["defaults","file"]
template_sources: ["file"]
      key1: "key1 from defaults"
      key2: "key2 from defaults"

        key1: "key1 from development environment"

Will result in a test_var value with the following structure (the hash from the defaults plugin has been completely replaced):

{"key1"=>"key1 from development environment"}

Setting deep_merge: true will instead result in a test_var with keys merged:

  "key1"=>"key1 from development environment", 
  "key2"=>"key2 from defaults"

Empty config

If you are using the file datasource with Tiller < 0.2.5, you must provide a config hash, even if it's empty (e.g. you are using other data sources to provide all the values for your templates). For example:

  target: /tmp/template.txt
  config: {}

Otherwise, you'll probably see an error message along the lines of :

/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/tiller-0.2.4/bin/tiller:149:in `merge!': can't convert nil into Hash (TypeError)

After 0.2.5, you can leave the config hash out altogether if you are providing all your values from another data source (or don't want to provide any values at all).

ERb newlines

By default, ERb will insert a newline character after a closing %> tag. You may not want this, particularly with loop constructs. As of version 0.1.5, you can suppress the newline using a closing tag prefixed with a - character, e.g.

<% things.each do |thing| -%>
	<%= thing %>
<% end -%>

You may also need tell your editor to use Unix-style line endings. For example, in VIM :

:set fileformat=unix

API Encoding::UndefinedConversionError exceptions

This seems to crop up mostly on Ruby 1.9 installations, and happens when converting ASCII-8BIT strings to UTF-8. A workaround is to install the 'Oj' gem, and Tiller will use this if it's found. I didn't make it a hard dependency of Tiller as Oj is a C-library native extension, so you'll need a bunch of extra packages which you may consider overkill on a Docker container. E.g. on Ubuntu, you'll need ruby-dev, make, a compiler and so on. But if you have all the dependencies, a simple gem install oj in your Dockerfile or environment should be all you need.

Signal handling

Not a "gotcha" as such, but worth noting. Since version 0.4.0, Tiller catches the INT,TERM and HUP signals and passes them on to the child process spawned through exec. This helps avoid the "PID 1" problem by making sure that if Tiller is killed then the child process should also exit.

Other examples, articles etc.

Future improvements

  • Please open an issue for any improvements you'd like to see!


Thanks to everyone who has submitted bug reports and feature requests. Also a special mention and huge thanks to JetBrains, for providing me with a free opensource project license for the fantastic RubyMine IDE!


MIT. See the included LICENSE file.