- yokohama,japan
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Redmine WYSIWYG Editor plugin
momibun926 / onkcop
Forked from onk/onkcopOnkCop is a RuboCop configration gem.
Redmine importer that works with trunk.
Custom theme for Redmine. Compatible with: Redmine 3.4 - 6.0
A tool to load Redmine issue from CSV file.
This plugin provides the function of calculating evm of projects . EVM can help you to track your project progress and its status and to forecast the future performance of the project. ***Attention…
This Redmine plugin allows you to generate pivot table for issue analysis.
Mirror of redmine code source - Official Subversion repository is at https://svn.redmine.org/redmine - contact: @vividtone or maeda (at) farend (dot) jp
wiki macros of redmine to display lists of issues.
satour / rails-style-guide
Forked from rubocop/rails-style-guide有志による Ruby on Rails のスタイル・ガイドです。
stateio / redmine_importer
Forked from zh/redmine_importerRedmine importer that works with trunk.
The redmine plugin for test management.
This is Redmine plugin which exports issue list to XLSX format file.
This is a redmine plugin that displays holiday in the calendar.
Redmine plugin that improves the spent time functionality.
A knowledgebase plugin for Redmine
alminium / alminium
Forked from mikoto20000/railsgunRedmine、DVCS(Git/VMercurial)、Backlogs、コードレビュープラグインなど、開発に必要な環境を簡単にセットアップします。