# Host user uid/gid to prevent permissions issues. # Set your current user uid/gid (run 'id' to get your uid/gid). LOCAL_UID=1000 LOCAL_GID=1000 PROJECT_NAME=dcd # @see config/php/php.ini for custom php settings. PHP_VERSION=7.3 # PHP_VERSION=7.4 # Solr version, 7 (7.4) SOLR_VERSION=7 # Services port on host, containers ports are fixed by respective config. # Here you can switch Nginx/Apache 80 port. APACHE_HOST_HTTP_PORT=80 APACHE_HOST_HTTPS_PORT=443 APACHE_HOST_ROOT_PORT=88 NGINX_HOST_HTTP_PORT=81 #NGINX_HOST_HTTPS_PORT=444 # Dashboard and tools, should be changed only if you have a conflict. HOST_DASHBORAD_PORT=8181 HOST_TOOLS_PORT=8008 # Database settings. MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root MYSQL_DATABASE=drupal MYSQL_USER=drupal MYSQL_PASSWORD=drupal MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes POSTGRES_USER=drupal POSTGRES_PASSWORD=drupal POSTGRES_DB=drupal # Varnish settings. VARNISH_MEMORY=128M VARNISH_BACKEND_IP=apache # Other services, you can switch with Apache or Nginx port. VARNISH_HOST_PORT=8080 # Data persistence folders, should be changed carefully. HOST_WEB_ROOT=./drupal HOST_DATABASE_DUMP=./database/dump