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Revival of the 2012's Mohole "hub" website.

EN Just wanted to preserve one of my few decade-old website projects. Most of the code has remained the same just some minor tweaks on the HTML code and mostly rewrite of the Javascript part to remove jQuery and using standards and adding Typescript.

This was one of my earliest HTML5 + CSS3 responsive website, designed taking strong inspiration from the Metro UI of the "new" Windows 8.

This was an "hub" website for all of the different subdomains available back then, now every link in the page points to

IT L'obiettivo è di preservare uno dei miei pochi siti web realizzati circa 10 anni fa di cui ho ancora del materiale. Gran parte del codice è rimasto lo stesso a parte qualche piccola modifica nel codice HTML e l'aver riscritto quasi per intero la parte Javascript togliendo jQuery in favore di codice standard con l'aggiunta di Typescript.

Questo è stato uno dei miei primi siti responsive in HTML5 e CSS3, disegnato prendendo molta ispirazione da Metro UI dell'allora nuovo Windows 8.

Questo sito era un "hub" dei vari sottodomini disponibili ai tempi, ora ogni link nella pagina punta a

How to use

Just clone the project in a new folder:

git clone

install dependencies

cd mohole-2012
npm install
# or "npm i" as shortcut...

and get started:

npm start

This will start a webpack-dev-server instance in hot-reload mode (this will automatically update your browser when you apply any changes to the source files), your project will be exposed at localhost:8080.

To create the optimized files to publish to whaterver static hosting you choose, just run:

npm run build

the result will be available in the ./dist folder.


The Mohole logo and brand is property of Mohole S.r.L., this project code is released under the MIT license.