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week 2

Videos / Study

  • What is an Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • Ethereum EVM in Depth - Jordan McKinney
  • EVM Opcodes for Gas Optimizations - Patrick
  • How constructor works
  • Advanced Solidity: Gas Optimization - Jeffrey Scholz
    • 2. Calculating The Cost of an Ethereum Transfer
    • 3. Example Smart Contract Interactions Part 1
    • 4. Example Smart Contract Interactions Part 2
    • 5. Example Smart Contract Interactions Part 2
    • 6. Heavy and Light Fucntions
    • 7. Block Limit
    • 8. Gas Efficient Chains
    • 9. Prerequisite: Storage Slots
    • 10. What are opcodes
    • 11. Opcode Gas Cost
    • 12. Opcode Debugging Gas Cost
    • 13. Function Selectors
    • 14. Cost of Doing Nothing: OpCodes
    • 15. Cost of Doing Nothing: Sum of Opcodes
    • 16. Cost of Doing Nothing: Transaction Data
    • 17. Cost of Doing Nothing: Memory Costs
    • 18. Non-payable Functions
    • 19. Unchecked Arithmetic Part 1
    • 20. Unchecked Arithmetic Part 2
    • 21. Gas Limit and More on 21,000 Gas
    • 22. EIP1559 Part 1
    • 23. EIP1559 Part 2
    • 24. Solidity Optimizer
    • 25. Storage Overview
    • 26. More on 5000 gas non-zero to non-zero
    • 27. Smaller integers
    • 28. Unchanged Storage Values
    • 29. Arrays
    • 30. Refunds and Setting to Zero Part 1
    • 31. Refunds and Setting to Zero Part 2
    • 32. ERC20 Transfers
    • 33. Storage Cost For Files
    • 34. Structs and Strings Part 1
    • 35. Variable Packing
    • 36. Array Length
    • 37. Memory vs Calldata
    • 38. Memory Explosion
    • 39. Memory is Never Cleared
    • 40. Function Names
    • 41. Less Than vs Less Than or Equal To
    • 42. Bit Shifting
    • 43. Revert Early
    • 44. Short Circuiting
    • 45. Precomputing


  • 3 days Complete all 10 Puzzles EVM Puzzles

    • Puzzle 1
    • Puzzle 2
    • Puzzle 3
    • Puzzle 4
    • Puzzle 5
    • Puzzle 6
    • Puzzle 7
    • Puzzle 8
    • Puzzle 9
    • Puzzle 10
  • 2 Days Ethernaut

    • Ethernaut 12 - Privacy
    • Ethernaut 13 - Gatekeeper one
    • Ethernaut 18 - Magic Number
  • 1 Day Gas Puzzles

    • Array Sum
    • Require

Hints: The ultimate 100+ Point Checklist before Sending Your Smart Contract for Audit


  • Push code to github
  • Schedule 1-1 fo the week. If you finish early, move on to the next week.