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Masked Autoencoders are Efficient Continual Federated Learners

This repository is an official Tensorflow 2 implementation of [Masked Autoencoders are Efficient Continual Federated Learners]

The main contributions of this work are as follows:

  • We draw inspiration from the supervised FedWeIT and extend it to our unsupervised Continual Federated MAsked autoencoders for Density Estimation (CONFEDMADE); an unsupervised continual federated learner based on masking to enable selective knowledge transfer between clients and reduce forgetting.* Through our intelligent masking strategy, we are still successful in achieving desirable performances even after sparsifying the model parameters by 70 %.
  • We highlight that MADE is a model particularly amenable to CFL and investigate several non-trivial considerations, such as connectivity and masking strategy, beyond a trivial application of federated averaging and FedWeIT to the unsupervised setting.
  • We extensively evaluate our approach on several CFL scenarios on both image and numerical data. Overall, CONFEDMADE consistently reduces forgetting while sparsifying parameters and reducing communication costs with respect to a naive unsupervised CFL approach.


  • We have implemented some segments of our continual federated framework using the official repository of FedWeIT.
  • Our tensorflow implentation of MADE is inspired from the Official Theano implementation of MADE.

Environmental Setup

Please install packages from requirements.txt after creating your own environment with python 3.8.x.

$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Please specify your custom path to store the generated task sets for all the clients in FL and also output files.

args.task_path = '/path/to/taskset/'  # for task sets of each client
args.output_path = '/path/to/outputs/' # for logs, weights, etc.

Also, Please specify the path to log your file in the misc/

Data Generation

Run below script to generate datasets. The --task parameter has three choices: mnist, bianry, and non_miid (Mnist+ Emnist) to generate the desired type of task sets for the clients.

python3 ../ --work-type gen_data --task mnist --seed 777 

Run Experiments

To reproduce experiments, please execute file, or you may run the following comamnd line directly:

python3 ../ --gpu 0,1,2 \
		--work-type train \
		--model fedweit \
		--task mnist \
	 	--gpu-mem-multiplier 9 \
		--num-rounds 20 \
		--num-epochs 1 \
		--batch-size 100 \
		--seed 777 

Please refer to the file to explore the other possible options (i.e hyperparameters, etc ). You can define any number of gpus with the following --gpu argument. Depending on the number of available gpus, the participating clients are logically switches across them


All clients and server save their evaluation metrics such as training and validation loss at the \path\to\logfile in the Additionally, they create their own log files in \path\to\output\logs\, which include the experimental setups, such as learning rate, batch-size, etc. The log files will be updated for every comunication rounds.


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