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Helipoland is a static website generated by hugo, hosted on s3 and served by cdn provider (not selected yet). Tailwind is used for html styling and javascript for additional dynamic website functionality.

  1. Setup
  2. Development
  3. Todos


  • sing up on
  • setup ssh key pair with ssh-keygen on your local machine and upload public key to your github account settings
  • clone repository with git clone [email protected]:mkieblesz/helipoland.git to your workspace directory on your machine
  • run ./scripts/; sudo mv hugo /usr/local/bin/ script to download other requirements to your local machine (you will be asked for root password)
  • run ./scripts/ script to install js requirements (you have to have node 12.x installed on your system)


Workflow overview

Development happens accordingly to the following workflow.

  1. Make changes.
    • run ./script/ to build css files
    • run local development server with hugo server - any change to files will re-render website automatically
    • go to https://localhost:1313/
    • copy the most similar page and/or compontent relevant to the change and update content
    • ensure front matter variables which will be used to render seo/meta tags
    • add it to menus in config.toml file
    • ensure you are following tailwindcss styleguide
  2. Verify website works/loogs good locally.
    • run ./script/ and check if website render properly directly
    • check if all seo tags are set in a page front matter:
      • title
      • description
      • keywords
      • type (website or article)
      • image (representing image of the webpage)
  3. Commit changes locally.
    • git add . - this will add everything to staged changes
    • git commit -m "Here is change description" - this will commit changes to git locally
  4. Push changes to github.
    • git push - this will push local commits to github

Note: when browsing website html files directly in the browser links will still be pointing to live website. In order to make links point locally comment baseURL setting and uncomment relativeURLs setting from config file. Then run hugo command. Read more here. Alternativiely you can generate website with hugo -b "file:https://$(pwd)/public".

After every change to the templates gitlab publish action is triggered automatically. It will build website, push them to the hosting and refresh cdn cache. It should take no more than 5 minutes.

helipoland workflow

to update this image upload file to website, make changes, export to xml and png formats and copy them to this project's root directory

Helpful Links

Directory Structure

To see more check hugo's directory structure docs.

.github/                                Github's action spec
archetypes/                             Archetypes are templates used when creating new content with `hugo new ...`
assets/                                 Sources needed some sort of processing like bundling tailwind styles and javascript files
content/                                Hugo assumes that the same structure that works to organize your source content is used to organize the rendered site
layouts/                                Stores templates in the form of .html files that specify how views of your content will be rendered into a static website
scripts/                                Utility scripts simplifying development setup
static/                                 Stores all the static content: images, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
config.toml                             Hugo site configuration
postcss.config.js                       Postcss configuration used by hugo pipes in `layouts/partials/head.html`
tailwind.config.js                      Tailwind configuration used by postcss                   Workflow chart in xml format generated by                      Worfklow chart in png format generated by                               This readme file
.editorconfig                           Default formatting settings config used by various editors -
.gitignore                              List of file paths ignored from git repository

There are few files and directories generated dynamically which are excluded from version control.

public/                                 Generated website by hugo
resources/                              Resource directory used by hugo pipes
node_modules/                           Npm packages generated when installing tailwind
