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MiniJinja Examples

This directory contains a lot of different examples that use the MiniJinja engine. Each example is in one directory from where you can run them with the cargo run command. Alternatively you can do cargo run -p example-name.

List of Examples

  • actix-web-demo: shows how to use MiniJinja with actix web.
  • autoreload: shows how to use auto reloading.
  • build-script: Demonstrates how to generate Rust code with MiniJinja in build scripts.
  • call-block-function: Shows how to use the {% call %} block with a custom function.
  • custom-loader: shows how to load templates dynamically at runtime with a custom loader.
  • debug: contains an example showing the built-in debug() function.
  • deserialize: demonstrates how you can deserialize directly from a value.
  • dsl: shows how to use MiniJinja has a DSL.
  • dynamic-context: demonstrates how to use dynamic objects as template context.
  • dynamic-objects: demonstrates how to use dynamic objects in templates.
  • embedding: shows how to use minijina-embed to embed templates optionally into the binary.
  • error: shows the built-in error reporting support.
  • eval-to-state: Demonstrates what can be done with evaluating to state.
  • expr: demonstrates the expression evaluation support.
  • filters: Shows how to write and use custom filters and global functions.
  • function-using-async: Demonstrates how tokio handle's block_on can be used from within a function.
  • generate-yaml: renders YAML files from Jinja templates.
  • hello: minimal Hello World example.
  • inheritance: demonstrates how to use template inheritance.
  • invalid-value: demonstrates how the engine deals with invalid values.
  • line-statements: Demonstrates the line statements and comment syntax feature.
  • load-lazy: Demonstrates how to load data lazy on demand.
  • load-resource: Demonstrates how to load files dynamically from disk within templates.
  • macros: Demonstrates how to use macros and imports.
  • merge-context: Shows how a context can be merged from more than one value.
  • minimal: a Hello World example without default features.
  • none-is-undefined: shows how MiniJinja can be configured to treat None like undefined.
  • object-ref: Demonstrates how to best work with complex dynamic objects and references.
  • object-using-async: Demonstrates how tokio handle's block_on can be used from within an object.
  • path-loader: Demonstrates how to load templates from disk with the loader feature.
  • recursive-for: demonstrates the recursive for loop.
  • render-macro: minimal Hello World example using the render! macro.
  • render-template: CLI app that renders templates from string.
  • render-value: Demonstrates how Value can be passed as Serialize as context.
  • self-referential-context: Shows a helper that allows self-referential contexts.
  • streaming: Demonstrates how a one-shot iterator can be used to stream results in.
  • syntax-highlighting: Shows how to implement syntax highlighting with syntect.
  • undefined-tracking: Shows how you can track undefined values.
  • value-tracking: Shows how you can track values that are referenced at runtime.

Third-party Examples