from numpy cimport * from numpy import empty, zeros, ones, corrcoef, tile, concatenate, fromiter, uint32, uint8, double, array, arange, dot, finfo, seterr, ndindex, r_, repeat, copy, loadtxt, outer, random, vstack, hstack, zeros_like, ones_like, empty_like, vectorize, transpose, pi, linspace, e, ceil, nan import numpy as np seterr(over='ignore', invalid='ignore', divide='ignore') from scipy.special import gammainc, gamma, erf import functools cdef extern from "c/exponential.h": double exponential() void mt_init() mt_init() # see final.h cdef extern from "math.h": double log( double x) double sqrt( double x) double exp( double x) double pow(double x, double y) def getUdUp(u=1e-8, **otherParams): Tdf = 2*700 Tpf = 2*5e6 TdTp = otherParams.pop('TdTp', Tdf/Tpf) Td = sqrt(TdTp*Tpf*Tdf) Tp = sqrt(Tdf*Tpf/TdTp) return dict(Ud=u*Td, Up=u*Tp, **otherParams) class first: Ud = 1e-8*700 Up = 1e-8*5e6 sd = 0.1 sp = 1e-3 N_0 = 1e3 t_max = 10000 verbose = False def p(self, txt): if self.verbose: print txt def __init__(self, **params): self.__dict__.update(params) @property def f(self): return self.Ud* + @property def dN(self): return @property def vp(self): return self.sp*self.Up @property def N_eq(self): assert self.vp > 0, 'vp: {x.vp:g}, Up: {x.Up:g}, sp: {x.sp:g}, N: {x.N_0}'.format(x = self ) assert self.f > 0, ' f: {x.f:g} , Up: {x.Up:g}, sp: {x.sp:g}, N: {x.N_0}'.format(x = self ) assert self.dN > 0, 'dN: {x.dN:g}, Up: {x.Up:g}, sp: {x.sp:g}, N: {x.N_0}'.format(x = self ) return self.vp/(self.f*log(1 + self.dN)) def __repr__(self): return """Ud = {x.Ud:g} Up = {x.Up:g} sd = {} sp = {x.sp:g} N_0 = {x.N_0:g} t_max = {x.t_max:g} N_eq = {x.N_eq:g} """.format(x=self) def velocity(model, x): return x*model.N_eq*model.vp*(x - 1) def potential(model, x): return model.N_eq*model.vp*x*x*(0.5 - x/3) def pC(model, x=None): D = 2/log(1+model.dN) if x is None: x = model.N_0/model.N_eq return 1 - gammainc(D, D/x) def clonalInterference(model): """ CI -> d/dt : sp = 0, Ud ~ sd""" from scipy.optimize import fsolve cdef double sd = def f(V): A = V/model.Ud; B = log(A); return model.N - (exp(V/2/sd*((B-1)**2+1)-0.5*(log(sd**3/(A*B))- B if V>=sd else 0) ) if V>sd/B else 0.5*A/sd) return fsolve(f, sd) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def fAnddN(double Up, double sd, double sp, double N): from scipy.stats import poisson cdef: double L = Up/sp int i int i_max = int(ceil(log(1+sd)/log(1+sp))) int k = (poisson.cdf(arange(L), L) < 0.5*pow(N,-0.5)).sum() ndarray[int64_t, ndim=1] X = arange(i_max) ndarray[double_t, ndim=1] W = (1+sd)*(1+sp)**-X ndarray[double_t, ndim=1] f = poisson.pmf(X+k, L)/(1-poisson.cdf(k-1, L)) ndarray[double_t, ndim=1] fP = f*(W-1)/W ndarray[double_t, ndim=1] dNp = empty(i_max) Lambda = fP.sum() assert Lambda < sd/(1+sd), 'wtf!' dNp[i_max - 1] = i_max - 1 for i in range(i_max-2, -1, -1): dNp[i] = (i + sp*dNp[i+1])/(1 + sp) V = (1 + sd)*(1 + sp)**-dNp assert (V <= 1+sd).all() return Lambda, - 1 from scipy.integrate import simps def moran(double Up, double sp, double N, int r1=150, int r2=600): cdef double x0 = exp(-Up/sp), spp =sp/(e-1) a, x1, x2 = N*spp/(2*x0), linspace(x0/r1, x0, r1), linspace(x0, 1, r2) erfi = r_[erf(1j*sqrt(a)*(x1-x0-x1[0])).imag,0] I, G1, G2 = sqrt(pi/(4*a))*exp(-a*x0**2)*(erfi[1:]-erfi[0]), np.exp(a*x1*(x1-2*x0)), np.exp(a*x2*(x2-2*x0)) Tclick = max(1/sp*(1-e*spp/Up), 0) Tclick += N/2*(simps(r_[1,I/(x1*G1)],dx=x1[0])+I[-1]*simps(1./(x2*G2),dx=x2[1]-x2[0])) return Up*1/Tclick def moran(double Up, double sp, double N, int r1=150, int r2=600): cdef double x0 = exp(-Up/sp), spp =sp/(e-1) Tclick = exp(0.5*spp*N*x0)/spp return Up*1/Tclick #def moran(double Up, double sp, double N, double alpha=1/(e-1)): # cdef: # double No = N*exp(-Up/sp) # double Nosa = No*sp*alpha # return sqrt(Nosa*alpha*alpha/pi)*exp(-Nosa) def wave(double Up, double sp, double N, double v_0=1e-12): from scipy.optimize import brentq x2 = sp*log(N) if Up < x2: No = N*exp(-Up/sp) pi_p = sp/((1 + sp)**No - 1) #if sp > 5e-5 else 1/(No*(1+2*sp)) #y1 = Up*N*sp/((1 + sp)**N - 1) #y2 = wave(x2, sp, N)*Up/x2 assert No*Up*pi_p > 0 return No*Up*pi_p #y2 cdef: double iL = sp/Up double Nd2spSqrtiL = N/2*sp*sqrt(iL) double fiveSixthsiL = 5*iL/6 def f(double v): cdef double A = log(e*Up/v), C = v/Up return 1 - 0.5*C*(A*A + 1) - iL*log(Nd2spSqrtiL*sqrt(v*C*C/(Up - v))*A/(1 - C*A + fiveSixthsiL)) cdef double vp = brentq(f, v_0, Up - v_0) assert vp > 0 return min(vp, Up) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def Vp(double Up, double sp, double N): cdef double L = Up/sp if L > 1: return wave(Up, sp, N) N_0 = N*exp(-L) return moran(Up, sp, N) if sp*N_0 > 1 else (1-L)*moran(Up, sp, N) + L*wave(Up, sp, N) class second(first): @property def f(self): print('New f') return fAnddN(self.Up,, self.sp, self.N_0)[0]*self.Ud @property def dN(self): return fAnddN(self.Up,, self.sp, self.N_0)[1] @property def vp(self): print('New vp') return self.sp*Vp(self.Up, self.sp, self.N_0) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def simplified_fanddN(double sd, double sp, double Up, double N_0): from scipy.stats import poisson cdef: double Lambda = Up/sp ndarray[int64_t, ndim=1] I = arange( int(sd/sp) + 1 ) int k = (poisson.cdf(arange(int(Lambda)), Lambda) < 0.5*pow(N_0, -0.5) ).sum() ndarray[double_t, ndim=1] f = poisson.pmf(I + k, Lambda) ndarray[double_t, ndim=1] W = sd - sp*I return dot(f, W/(1+W)), dot(f, W)/f.sum() class third(first): @property def f(self): return self.Ud*simplified_fanddN(, self.sp, self.Up, self.N_0)[0] @property def dN(self): return simplified_fanddN(, self.sp, self.Up, self.N_0)[1] @property def vp(self): from scipy.stats import poisson cdef: double Up = self.Up double sp = self.sp double sd = double Lambda = Up/sp ndarray[int64_t, ndim=1] I = arange( int(sd/sp) + 1 ) int k = (poisson.cdf(arange(int(Lambda)), Lambda) < 0.5*pow(self.N_0, -0.5) ).sum() double No = self.N_0*poisson.pmf(k, Lambda) #exp(-Lambda) double pi_p = sp/((1 + sp)**No - 1) if sp > 5e-5 else 1/(No*(1+2*sp)) return Up*sp*No*pi_p if No > 1e-1 else Up*sp def tC(model, x, n_low=0.35, n_high=7): from scipy.integrate import quadrature D = 2/model.dN N_eq = model.N_eq vp = model.vp p = model.pC(x) gD = gamma(D) def I1(x): p = model.pC(x) de_mN = (D/x)**D*exp(-D/x)/gD return (1 - p)*p/(de_mN*N_eq*N_eq) def I2(x): p = model.pC(x) de_mN = (D/x)**D*exp(-D/x)/gD return p*p/(de_mN*N_eq*N_eq) if x < n_high: C = D*N_eq/vp if x < n_low: return C*quadrature(I1, n_low, n_high)[0] + log(n_low/x)/vp + x/(D*vp) else: return C*(quadrature(I1, x, n_high)[0] + (1-p)/p*(gamma(D-1)*(1 - gammainc(D - 1, D/n_low))/(D*N_eq*gD) + quadrature(I2, n_low, x)[0])) + 1/(n_high*vp) else: return 1/(vp*x) def hGillespie(model, long trials=10000000, double x_max=20): """Hybrid gillespie model""" cdef: double theta = 1 + model.dN double tau_max = model.t_max*model.vp # tau = t*vp double dimmensionless_if = model.vp/model.f/model.N_0 # In units of double x, Q long n_cancers = 0 long i ndarray[double_t, ndim=1] Taus = empty(trials, dtype=double) for i in range(trials): x = 1 Taus[n_cancers] = 0 while x < x_max: Q = 1 - exponential()*dimmensionless_if/x x *= Q*theta Taus[n_cancers] -= log(Q) if Taus[n_cancers] > tau_max or x < 0: break else: n_cancers += 1 return {'P_cancer':double(n_cancers)/trials, 'generations':Taus[0:n_cancers]/model.vp} #def hGompGillespie(model, long trials=10000000, double y_max=20): # Solution to waiting-time jump is transcendental equation, with Exponential Integral function in it! # """hybrid gillespie using gomp-ex death rate""" # # cdef: # double vp = model.vp # double theta = 1 + model.dN # double jumpRate = model.f*model.N_0/vp # double em1dJump = (e - 1)/jumpRate # double omega_d # double sigma_d # double eSigma_d # double t # # for i in range(trials): # y = 1 # sigma_d = 0 # omega_d = -sigma_d*vp # t = 0 # eSigma_d = exp(sigma_d) B2 = array([5.72640947, -4.84536097]) B3 = array([5.77629529, -4.94655988, 0.04817712]) B4 = array([10.82164987, -16.63749275, 8.31660758, -1.75101626]) B5 = array([10.78285714, -16.57518638, 8.32469893, -1.79888812, 0.01717027]) B6 = array([12.38219463, -22.35712125, 15.97711017, -6.31622209, 1.13227449, -0.07230064]) def empiricalPcancer10(y, f=lambda y, B: 1/(1+exp((B*pow(y, arange(len(B)))).sum() )), B=B6): """assumes sd=0.1 """ return f(y, B) #Pcancer = {0.1: 0.415*N_eq, #0.2:67, #0.05: 0.94*N_eq = #0.96*N_eq = #0.98*N_eq = #} # while y < y_max: # dt = log(em1dJump*omega_d*exponential() + 1)/omega_d # y *= eTheta # t = log(omega_d*em1/(jumpRate*eSigma_d)*exponential() + exp(omega_d*t))/omega_d # sigma_d += theta # eSigma_d = nan # y *= eSigma #def ndnp(double Ud=1e-8, double sd=0.1, double sp=0.001, double K=1e3, double Td=700, double Tp=5000000, double Genome_size = 149948690/4, long trials=50000000, double Nmax=2): # #random.poisson(T*u*(Genome_size-2*Tp)) # cdef double Ud = 2*u*Td, Up = 2*u*Tp # out = lambdaG(Ud, Up, sd, sp, No) # cdef double vp = sp*Vp(sp, Up, No), L = out[0], dN = out[1]+1, N, Q, T, m_hitchhikers = (sd - out[1])/sp # cdef ndarray[uint32_t, ndim=2] Trial = empty((Iter,3),uint32) # cdef uint32_t i, j = 0, d # for i in range(Iter): # N, T, d = No, 0, 0 # while N > 0 and T < Time: # Q = 1 - exponential()*vp/(N*L) # N *= Q*dN # d += 1 # T -= log(Q)/vp # if N > No*Top: # j+=1 # break # print j # return Trial[:j,:]