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Relational database - seemingly filled with random data


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Relational database - seemingly filled with random data.

However, by default, this data does not actually take up any space in memory or on a volume (to use an analogy, it is as if the data set is projected as a hologram from a simple configuration).

The base layer is an arbitrarily large, read-only data set that is readable and searchable, and yet fully consistent. Any pieces of data and index lookups are calculated on-the-fly.

An optional second layer is built on top of this, allowing read-write access (stores differences while maintains consistency and searchability).

So, you can start an arbitrarily large database in moments, with minimal effort; all you need is a configuration file.

Use with Docker

HoloDB is available on DockerHub. You just need a configuration file (YAML, by default), and a Dockerfile like this:

FROM miniconnect/holodb:latest

COPY config.yaml /app/config.yaml

For some self-contained demos look at the examples.


In config.yaml you can specify the structure of your data (schemas, tables, columns, data, etc.):

seed: 98765
  - name: my_schema
      - name: my_table
        writeable: true
        size: 150
          - name: id
            mode: COUNTER
          - name: name
            values: ['Some name', 'Other name', 'Some other']

You can generate a JSON schema for this configuration data structure by executing the config:generateSchema gradle task inside the holodb gradle project. Then the generated schema file will be found here:


On the top level these keys are supported:

Key Type Description
seed LargeInteger global random seed (global default: 0)
schemas List list of schemas (see below)

The seed option sets a random seed with which you can vary the content of the database.

For each schema, these subkeys are supported:

Key Type Description
name String name of the database schema
tables List list of tables in this schema, see below (global default: none)

For each table, these subkeys are supported:

Key Type Description
name String name of the database table
writeable boolean writeable or not (global default: false)
size LargeInteger number of records in this table (global default: 50)
columns List list of columns in this table, see below (global default: none)

If writeable option is set to true, then an additional layer will be added over the read-only table, which accepts and stores insertions, updates, and deletions, and it gives the effect that the table is writeable.

For each column, these subkeys are supported:

Key Type Description
name String name of the table column
type String (Class<?>) java class name of column type
mode String filling mode: DEFAULT, COUNTER, FIXED, or ENUM (global default: DEFAULT)
nullCount LargeInteger count of null values (global default: 0)
values Object[] explicit list of possible values
valuesResource String name of a java resource which contains the values line by line
valuesBundle String short name of a bundled value resource, otherwise similar to valuesResource (see below)
valuesRange LargeInteger[] start and end value of a numeric value range
valuesPattern String strex regex pattern for values (reverse indexed)
valuesDynamicPattern String arbitrary regex pattern for values (not reverse indexed)
valuesForeignColumn String[] use value set of a foreign COUNTER column
distributionQuality String distribution quality: LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH (global default: MEDIUM)
shuffleQuality String shuffle quality: NOOP, VERY_LOW, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, or VERY_HIGH (global default: MEDIUM)
sourceFactory String java class name of source factory (must implement hu.webarticum.holodb.spi.config.SourceFactory)
sourceFactoryData any data will be passed to the source factory
defaultValue any default insert value for the column

In most cases, type can be omitted. If the configuration loader cannot guess the type, the startup aborts with an error. However, the type can always be overridden (e. g. numbers can be generated using a regular expression).

The meaning of mode values:

Mode Description
DEFAULT randomly distributed, non-unique values, indexed (except in case of valuesDynamicPattern used)
COUNTER fill with increasing whole numbers starting from 1, unique, indexed (good choice for ID columns)
FIXED values will not be shuffled, the count of values must be equal to the table size, non-indexed
ENUM similar to DEFAULT, but with different proper rules for equality check, sort order and insertion/update

In the case of writable tables, if other than the ENUM mode is used, users can also put values ​​different from the initial ones.

If nullCount is specified (even if 0), then the column will be nullable. Omit nullCount to make the column NOT NULL. In case of custom sourceFactory, the column will be NOT NULL only iff the source is an IndexedSource and has at least one null value.

For specifying the possible values in the column, one of values, valuesResource, valuesRange, valuesPattern, valuesDynamicPattern and valuesForeignColumn can be used. Currently, for a FIXED column, only values is supported.

In the case of COUNTER mode, values will be ignored and should be omitted. The type of a COUNTER column is always java.math.LargeInteger.

If used, the value of valuesForeignColumn must be an array of lengths 1, 2, or 3. The one-element version contains a column name in the same table. The two-element version contains a [<table>, <column>] pair in the same schema. The three-element version contains the [<schema>, <table>, <column>] triplet.

There are several possible values for valuesBundle:

Bundle name Description
cities 100 major world cities
colors 147 color names (from CSS3)
countries 197 country names
female-forenames 100 frequent English female forenames
forenames 100 frequent English forenames (50 female, 50 male)
fruits 26 of the best selling fruits
log-levels 6 standard log levels (from log4j)
lorem 49 lower-case words of the Lorem ipsum text
male-forenames 100 frequent English male forenames
months the 12 month names
surnames 100 frequent English surnames
weekdays the names of the 7 days of the week

You can set default values for schemas, tables, and columns at any higher level in the configuration tree. Any value set at a lower lever will override any value set at a higher level (and, of course, the global default).

Key Available in
schemaDefaults root
tableDefaults root, schemas.*
columnDefaults root, schemas.*, schemas.*.tables.*

For example:

  writeable: false
  size: 120
  shuffleQuality: NOOP
  - name: schema_1
      # ...
  - name: schema_2
      writeable: true
      # ...

Using this config all table with no explicit size will have the size 120, all table with no explicit writeable will read-only in schema_1, and writeable in schema_2. Also, data shuffling is disabled by default.

Load values from resource

You can use custom predefined value sets too. To do this, create a file with one value on each line. Make this file available to the java classloader. If you use docker, the easiest way to do this is to copy the file into the /app/resources directory:

FROM miniconnect/holodb:latest

COPY config.yaml /app/config.yaml
COPY my-car-brands.txt /app/resources/my-car-brands.txt

You can use a predefined value set resource with the valuesResource key in config.yaml:

          # ...
          - name: car_brand
            valuesResource: 'my-car-brands.txt'

If you don't already have a value list, you can retrieve existing data from several sources, for example WikiData, JSONPlaceholder or Kaggle.

Here is an example, where we get data from WikiData, process it with jq, then save it to the docker image. To safely achieve this, we use a builder image:

FROM dwdraju/alpine-curl-jq:latest AS builder
RUN curl --get \
  --data-urlencode 'query=SELECT ?lemma WHERE \
    { ?lexemeId dct:language wd:Q1860; wikibase:lemma ?lemma. ?lexemeId wikibase:lexicalCategory wd:Q9788 } \
    ORDER BY ?lemma' \
  '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  | jq -r '.results.bindings[].lemma.value' \
  > en-letters.txt

FROM miniconnect/holodb:latest
COPY config.yaml /app/config.yaml
COPY --from=builder /en-letters.txt /app/resources/en-letters.txt

Generate from an existing database

You can find an experimental python script in the tools directory that creates a HoloDB configuration from an existing MySQL database.

Here is an example of how you can use it:

python3 -u your_user -p your_password -d your_database -w

Use the -h or --help option for more details.

Run queries

HoloDB is an implementation of the minibase framework and uses its SQL engine.

You can execute queries against HoloDB (or any other miniConnect server) via miniconnect-client.

Welcome in miniConnect SQL REPL! - localhost:3430


  Query was successfully executed!

  │ Schemas │
  │ economy │

SQL > USE economy

  Query was successfully executed!


  Query was successfully executed!

  │ Tables_in_economy │
  │ companies         │
  │ employees         │
  │ sales             │

SQL > SELECT * FROM companies;

  Query was successfully executed!

  │ id │ name                 │ headquarters │ contact_phone   │
  │  1 │ Fav Fruits Inc.      │ Stockholm    │ [NULL]          │
  │  2 │ Fru-fru Sales Inc.   │ Tel Aviv     │ +1 143-339-0981 │
  │  3 │ Fructose Palace Inc. │ Baku         │ +1 295-272-4854 │
  │  4 │ Vega Veterans Inc.   │ New York     │ +1 413-876-4936 │
  │  5 │ Goods of Nature Inc. │ Paris        │ [NULL]          │

SQL > exit


Visit the SQL guide to learn more about the SQL features supported by the default query engine. Alternatively, you can try the experimental integration with the Apache Calcite query planner.

Also, you can use a MiniConnect server or even an existing MiniConnect Session via JDBC. For more information, see MiniConnect JDBC compatibility.

Embedded mode

You can use HoloDB as an embedded database.

To achieve this, first add the required dependency:

implementation "hu.webarticum.holodb:embedded:${holodbVersion}"

Set the JDBC connection URL, specifying a resource:


Or any file on the file system:


(Note: Number of slashes does matter.)

Mock JPA entities

To use the annotations below, set the jpa-annotations subproject as a dependency:

implementation "hu.webarticum.holodb:jpa-annotations:${holodbVersion}"

If you want to use the service providers (e. g. SourceFactory), include the spi subproject too:

implementation "hu.webarticum.holodb:spi:${holodbVersion}"

Actually running it requires the jpa subproject instead of the jpa-annotations:

implementation "hu.webarticum.holodb:jpa:${holodbVersion}"

The jpa subproject has several dependencies (while jpa-annotations is near pure). If you only use it for tests, define it as a test-only dependency.

Set this JDBC connection URL to use HoloDB as the database backend:


(Optionally, the schema can also be specified, e.g. jdbc:holodb:jpa:https:///my_schema_name.)

At the moment, schema construction is not fully automatic, it's necessary to explicitly pass the metamodel. For example in Micronaut:

public class HoloInit {
    private final EntityManager entityManager;
    public HoloInit(EntityManager entityManager) {
        this.entityManager = entityManager;
    public void onStartup(StartupEvent startupEvent) {

The solution should be similarly simple for Spring or other frameworks.

Now, all of your entities will be backed by HoloDB tables with automatic configuration. To fine-tune this configuration, you can use some annotation on the entity classes.

Annotation Target Description
@HoloTable class Overrides table parameters (schema, name, writeable, size)
@HoloColumn field, method Overrides column parameters
@HoloIgnore class, field, method Ignores an entity or attribute
@HoloVirtualColumn class Defines an additional column for the entity (multiple occurrences allowed)

@HoloColumn and @HoloVirtualColumn accepts all the columns configurations (for @HoloVirtualColumn name and type are mandatory).

Some numeric settings have two variants, one for usual and one for large values:

Annotation Usual field Large field
@HoloTable size (long) largeSize (String)
@HoloColumn nullCount (long) largeNullCount (String)
@HoloColumn valuesRange (long[]) largeValuesRange (String[])
@HoloVirtualColumn nullCount (long) largeNullCount (String)
@HoloVirtualColumn valuesRange (long[]) largeValuesRange (String[])

Some settings accepts custom data:

Annotation Annotation field Type Config field
@HoloColumn sourceFactoryData @HoloValue sourceFactoryData
@HoloColumn sourceFactoryDataMap @HoloValue[] sourceFactoryData
@HoloColumn defaultValue @HoloValue defaultValue
@HoloVirtualColumn sourceFactoryData @HoloValue sourceFactoryData
@HoloVirtualColumn sourceFactoryDataMap @HoloValue[] sourceFactoryData
@HoloVirtualColumn defaultValue @HoloValue defaultValue

Fields ending with the 'Map' suffix accepts an array of @HoloValues, you can use @HoloValue.key to set map entry key for each.


@Table(name = "companies")
@HoloTable(size = 25)
@HoloVirtualColumn(name = "extracol", type = Integer.class, valuesRange = {10, 20})
public class Company {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;
    @Column(name = "birth_country", nullable = false)
    @HoloColumn(valuesBundle = "countries")
    private String country;
    // ...

How does it work?

HoloDB introduces the concept of holographic databases. A holographic database stores no real data and calculates field values and reverse indexes on-the-fly. Nonetheless, you as a user experience a consistent, searchable (and optionally writable) database. Such a database consumes little memory (even for large "data") and needs near-zero startup time. Additionally, by changing the root seed the entire dataset can be shuffled.

So, HoloDB provides an arbitrarily large relational database filled with constrained random data. Parameters and constraints can be specified in a configuration file. Initialization ("filling" with data) of the tables is a no-op. Query results are calculated on-the-fly. Value providers are encouraged to calculate any single field of a column practically in O(1), but at most in O(log(tableSize)) time.

As initialization is a no-op, it's particularly suitable for demonstrations, testing and, in the case of a read-only database, flexible orchestration, replication like some static content.

