// Include Twilio and Plivo SDKs const twilio = require('twilio'); const plivo = require('plivo'); // Initialize Twilio and Plivo clients with your API credentials const twilioClient = new twilio('YOUR_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID', 'YOUR_TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN'); const plivoClient = plivo.RestAPI({ authId: 'YOUR_PLIVO_AUTH_ID', authToken: 'YOUR_PLIVO_AUTH_TOKEN' }); // Function to send OTP via call using Twilio function sendOTPCall(targetNumber, otp) { twilioClient.calls.create({ url: 'http://your-server.com/otp-voice.xml', // XML file for OTP voice message to: targetNumber, from: 'YOUR_TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER' }) .then(call => console.log(call.sid)) .catch(error => console.error(error)); } // Example otp bot text-to-speech messages via call // Function to send bot's text-to-speech message via call using Plivo function sendBotCall(targetNumber, message) { plivoClient.make_call({ from: 'YOUR_PLIVO_PHONE_NUMBER', to: targetNumber, answer_url: 'http://your-server.com/bot-message.xml?message=' + encodeURIComponent(message) // XML file for bot's message }, function(status, response) { console.log('Status: ', status); console.log('API Response:\n', response); }); } // Example usage const targetNumber = 'TARGET_PHONE_NUMBER'; const yourscript = 'YOUR_SENTENCES'; const otp = ''; const botMessage = yourscript; sendOTPCall(targetNumber, otp); sendBotCall(targetNumber, botMessage);