### Yosemite.qsplugin ![](https://github.com/mikker/YosemiteInterface-qsplugin/raw/master/screenshot.png) * [Download latest version](https://github.com/mikker/YosemiteInterface-qsplugin/releases/latest) * Also check out the [Dark Mode](https://github.com/mikker/YosemiteDarkInterface-qsplugin) ### Changelog ##### 1.0.3 * Use San Fransisco fonts on El Capitan (and forward) ##### 1.0.2 * Remove text in background when editing (#3) * Cell background is light blue when drop target * Bring in details text and increase text contrast * Make the icons smaller and the text field slimmer (#4 and #6) ##### 1.0.1 Moved results window under interface instead of to the right ##### 1.0.0 Initial release ### Thanks The icons are from [ionicons](http://ionicons.com).