h1. About GoPay GoPay is a library making it easy to access "GoPay.cz":http://www.gopay.cz paygate from Ruby. h2. Quick Start GoPay is distributed primarily via gem, but it can be also placed to "vendor/plugins" as a Rails plugin. h2. Configuration First, you have to include it in your Gemfile or install manually and require:

# Gemfile
gem 'gopay'

# Manually
gem install gopay
require 'gopay'

GoPay can be configured within a config block (placed in config/initializers/gopay.rb for Rails, for instance):

GoPay.configure do |config|
    config.environment = :test
    config.goid = "XXXXX"
    config.secret = "XXXXX"
    config.success_url = "http://example.com/success"
    config.failed_url = "http://example.com/failed"

It can also take a YAML file with configuration:

# YAML file (config.yml):
goid: XXXXX
secret: XXXXX
success_url: http://www.success_url.cz
failed_url: http://www.failed_url.cz

# Ruby:

Such YAML config file can be also placed in Rails config dir (named gopay.yml) - it will be autoloaded. h2. Usage While gem is under decent construction, I removed old usage example in favor of tests that are actual as hell! ;) Big thanks to @Pepan, who moved gem to 1.9.3!