## Dutch F3 Patch Experiments In this folder are training and testing scripts that work on the F3 Netherlands dataset. You can run five different models on this dataset: * [HRNet](configs/hrnet.yaml) * [SEResNet](configs/seresnet_unet.yaml) * [UNet](configs/unet.yaml) * [PatchDeconvNet](configs/patch_deconvnet.yaml) * [PatchDeconvNet-Skip](configs/patch_deconvnet_skip.yaml) All these models take 2D patches of the dataset as input and provide predictions for those patches. The patches need to be stitched together to form a whole inline or crossline. To understand the configuration files and the default parameters refer to this [section in the top level README](../../../README.md#configuration-files) ### Setup Please set up a conda environment following the instructions in the top-level [README.md](../../../README.md#setting-up-environment) file. Also follow instructions for [downloading and preparing](../../../README.md#f3-Netherlands) the data. ### Running experiments Now you're all set to run training and testing experiments on the Dutch F3 dataset. Please start from the `train.sh` and `test.sh` scripts, which invoke the corresponding python scripts. If you have a multi-GPU machine, you can also train the model in a distributed fashion by running `train_distributed.sh`. Take a look at the project configurations in (e.g in `default.py`) for experiment options and modify if necessary. Please note that we use [NVIDIA's NCCL](https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/nccl/install-guide/index.html) library to enable distributed training. Please follow the installation instructions [here](https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/nccl/install-guide/index.html#down) to install NCCL on your system. ### Monitoring progress with TensorBoard - from the this directory, run `tensorboard --logdir='output'` (all runtime logging information is written to the `output` folder - open a web-browser and go to either `:6006` if running remotely or `localhost:6006` if running locally > **NOTE**:If running remotely remember that the port must be open and accessible More information on Tensorboard can be found [here](https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/summaries_and_tensorboard#launching_tensorboard).