# Debugging and Monitoring Jobs ### Using TensorBoard to monitor AzureML jobs * **Existing jobs**: execute [`InnerEye/Azure/tensorboard_monitor.py`](/InnerEye/Azure/tensorboard_monitor.py) with either an experiment id `--experiment_name` or a list of run ids `--run_ids job1,job2,job3`. If an experiment id is provided then all of the runs in that experiment will be monitored. Additionally You can also filter runs by type by the run's status, setting the `--filters Running,Completed` parameter to a subset of `[Running, Completed, Failed, Canceled]`. By default Failed and Canceled runs are excluded. To quickly access this script from PyCharm, there is a template PyCharm run configuration `Template: Tensorboard monitoring` in the repository. Create a copy of that, and modify the commandline arguments with your jobs to monitor. * **New jobs**: when queuing a new AzureML job, pass `--tensorboard=True`, which will automatically start a new TensorBoard session, monitoring the newly queued job. ### Resource Monitor GPU and CPU usage can be monitored throughout the execution of a run (local and AML) by setting the monitoring interval for the resource monitor eg: `--monitoring_interval_seconds=5`. This will spawn a separate process at the start of the run which will log both GPU and CPU utilization and memory consumption. These metrics will be written to AzureML as well as a separate TensorBoard logs file under `Diagnostics`. ### Debugging setup on local machine For full debugging of any non-trivial model, you will need a GPU. Some basic debugging can also be carried out on standard Linux or Windows machines. The main entry point into the code is [`InnerEye/ML/runner.py`](/InnerEye/ML/runner.py). The code takes its configuration elements from commandline arguments and a settings file, [`InnerEye/settings.yml`](/InnerEye/settings.yml). A password for the (optional) Azure Service Principal is read from `InnerEyeTestVariables.txt` in the repository root directory. The file is expected to contain a line of the form ``` APPLICATION_KEY= ``` For developing and running your own models, you will probably find it convenient to create your own variants of `runner.py` and `settings.yml`, as detailed in the page on [model building](building_models.md). To quickly access both runner scripts for local debugging, we created template PyCharm run configurations, called "Template: Azure runner" and "Template: ML runner". If you want to execute the runners on your machine, then create a copy of the template run configuration, and change the arguments to suit your needs. ### Shorten training run time for debugging Here are a few hints how you can reduce the complexity of training if you need to debug an issue. In most cases, you should then be able to rely on a CPU machine. * Reduce the number of feature channels in your model. If you run a UNet, for example, you can set `feature_channels = [1]` in your model definition file. * Train only for a single epoch. You can set `--num_epochs=1` via the commandline or the `more_switches` variable if you start your training via a build definition. This will only create a model checkpoint at epoch 1, and ignore the values you have set for `test_save_epoch` and other related parameters. * Restrict the dataset to a minimum, by setting `--restrict_subjects=1` on the commandline. This will cap all of training, validation, and test set to at most 1 subject. To specify different numbers of training, validation and test images, you can provide a comma-separated list, e.g. `--restrict_subjects=4,1,2`. With the above settings, you should be able to get a model training run to complete on a CPU machine in a few minutes. ### Verify your changes using a simplified fast model If you made any changes to the code that submits experiments (either `azure_runner.py` or `runner.py` or code imported by those), validate them using a model training run in Azure. You can queue a model training run for the simplified `BasicModel2Epochs` model. # Debugging on an AzureML node It is sometimes possible to get a Python debugging (pdb) session on the main process for a model training run on an AzureML compute cluster, for example if a run produces unexpected output, or is silent what seems like an unreasonably long time. For this to work, you will need to have created the cluster with ssh access enabled; it is not currently possible to add this after the cluster is created. The steps are as follows. * From the "Details" tab in the run's page, note the Run ID, then click on the target name under "Compute target". * Click on the "Nodes" tab, and identify the node whose "Current run ID" is that of your run. * Copy the connection string (starting "ssh") for that node, run it in a shell, and when prompted, supply the password chosen when the cluster was created. * Type "bash" for a nicer command shell (optional). * Identify the main python process with a command such as ```shell script ps aux | grep 'python.*runner.py' | egrep -wv 'bash|grep' ``` You may need to vary this if it does not yield exactly one line of output. * Note the process identifier (the value in the PID column, generally the second one). * Issue the commands ```shell script kill -TRAP nnnn nc 4444 ``` where `nnnn` is the process identifier. If the python process is in a state where it can accept the connection, the "nc" command will print a prompt from which you can issue pdb commands. Notes: * The last step (kill and nc) can be successfully issued at most once for a given process. Thus if you might want a colleague to carry out the debugging, think carefully before issuing these commands yourself. * This procedure will not work on processes other than the main "runner.py" one, because only that process has the required trap handling set up.