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Building Models

Setting up training

To train new models, you can either work within the InnerEye/ directory hierarchy or create a local hierarchy beside it and with the same internal organization (although with far fewer files). We recommend the latter as it offers more flexibility and better separation of concerns. Here we will assume you create a directory InnerEyeLocal beside InnerEye.

As well as your configurations (dealt with below) you will need these files:

  • settings.yml: A file similar to InnerEye\settings.yml containing all your Azure settings. The value of extra_code_directory should (in our example) be 'InnerEyeLocal', and model_configs_namespace should be 'InnerEyeLocal.ML.configs'.
  • A folder like InnerEyeLocal that contains your additional code, and model configurations.
  • A file InnerEyeLocal/ML/ that invokes the InnerEye training runner, but that points the code to your environment and Azure settings.
from pathlib import Path
import os
from InnerEye.ML import runner

def main() -> None:
    current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    project_root = Path(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(current, "..", ".."))),
               yaml_config_file=project_root / "relative/path/to/settings.yml",

if __name__ == '__main__':

Creating the model configuration

You will find a variety of model configurations here. Those not ending in reference open-sourced data and can be used as they are. Those ending in are partially specified, and can be used by having other model configurations inherit from them and supply the missing parameter values: a dataset ID at least, and optionally other values. For example, a Prostate model might inherit very simply from ProstateBase by creating in the directory InnerEyeLocal/ML/configs/segmentation with the following contents:

from InnerEye.ML.configs.segmentation.ProstateBase import ProstateBase

class Prostate(ProstateBase):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
            ground_truth_ids=["femur_r", "femur_l", "rectum", "prostate"],

The allowed parameters and their meanings are defined in SegmentationModelBase. The class name must be the same as the basename of the file containing it, so must contain Prostate. In settings.yml, set model_configs_namespace to InnerEyeLocal.ML.configs so this config
is found by the runner.

A Head and Neck model might inherit from HeadAndNeckBase by creating with the following contents:

from InnerEye.ML.configs.segmentation.HeadAndNeckBase import HeadAndNeckBase

class HeadAndNeck(HeadAndNeckBase):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
            ground_truth_ids=["parotid_l", "parotid_r", "smg_l", "smg_r", "spinal_cord"]

Training a new model

  • Set up your model configuration as above and update azure_dataset_id to the name of your Dataset in the AML workspace. It is enough to put your dataset into blob storage. The dataset should be a contained in a folder at the root of the datasets container. The InnerEye runner will check if there is a dataset in the AzureML workspace already, and if not, generate it directly from blob storage.

  • Train a new model, for example Prostate:

python InnerEyeLocal/ML/ --azureml=True --model=Prostate --train=True

Alternatively, you can train the model on your current machine if it is powerful enough. In this case, you would simply omit the azureml flag, and instead of specifying azure_dataset_id in the class constructor, you can instead use local_dataset="my/data/folder", where the folder my/data/folder contains a dataset.csv file and all the files that are referenced therein.

Training using multiple machines

To speed up training in AzureML, you can use multiple machines, by specifying the additional --num_nodes argument. For example, to use 2 machines to train, specify:

python InnerEyeLocal/ML/ --azureml=True --model=Prostate --num_nodes=2

On each of the 2 machines, all available GPUs will be used. Model inference will always use only one machine.

For the Prostate model, we observed a 2.8x speedup for model training when using 4 nodes, and a 1.65x speedup when using 2 nodes.

AzureML Run Hierarchy

AzureML structures all jobs in a hierarchical fashion:

  • The top-level concept is a workspace
  • Inside of a workspace, there are multiple experiments. Upon starting a training run, the name of the experiment needs to be supplied. The InnerEye toolbox is set specifically to work with git repositories, and it automatically sets the experiment name to match the name of the current git branch.
  • Inside of an experiment, there are multiple runs. When starting the InnerEye toolbox as above, a run will be created.
  • A run can have child runs - see below in the discussion about cross validation.

K-Fold Model Cross Validation

For running K-fold cross validation, the InnerEye toolbox schedules multiple training runs in the cloud that run at the same time (provided that the cluster has capacity). This means that a complete cross validation run usually takes as long as a single training run.

To start cross validation, you can either modify the number_of_cross_validation_splits property of your model, or supply it on the command line: Provide all the usual switches, and add --number_of_cross_validation_splits=N, for some N greater than 1; a value of 5 is typical. This will start a HyperDrive run: A parent AzureML job, with N child runs that will execute in parallel. You can see the child runs in the AzureML UI in the "Child Runs" tab.

The dataset splits for those N child runs will be computed from the union of the Training and Validation sets. The Test set is unchanged. Note that the Test set can be empty, in which case the union of all validation sets for the N child runs will be the full dataset.

Recovering failed runs and continuing training

To train further with an already-created model, give the above command with additional switches like these:

--run_recovery_id=foo_bar:foo_bar_12345_abcd --start_epoch=120

The run recovery ID is of the form "experiment_id:run_id". When you trained your original model, it will have been queued as a "Run" inside of an "Experiment". The experiment will be given a name derived from the branch name - for example, branch foo/bar will queue a run in experiment foo_bar. Inside the "Tags" section of your run, you should see an element run_recovery_id. It will look something like foo_bar:foo_bar_12345_abcd.

If you are recovering a HyperDrive run, the value of --run_recovery_id should for the parent, and --number_of_cross_validation_splits should have the same value as in the recovered run. For example:

--run_recovery_id=foo_bar:HD_55d4beef-7be9-45d7-89a5-1acf1f99078a --start_epoch=120 --number_of_cross_validation_splits=5

The run recovery ID of a parent HyperDrive run is currently not displayed in the "Details" section of the AzureML UI. The easiest way to get it is to go to any of the child runs and use its run recovery ID without the final underscore and digit.

Testing an existing model

To evaluate an existing model on a test set, you can use models from previous runs in AzureML or from local checkpoints.

From a previus run in AzureML:

This is similar to continuing training using a run_recovery object, but you will need to set --train to False. Thus your command should look like this:

python Inner/ML/ --azureml=True --model=Prostate --train=False --cluster=my_cluster_name \
   --run_recovery_id=foo_bar:foo_bar_12345_abcd --start_epoch=120

From a local checkpoint:

To evaluate a model using a local checkpoint, use the local_weights_path to specify the path to the model checkpoint and set train to False.

python Inner/ML/ --model=Prostate --train=False --local_weights_path=path_to_your_checkpoint

Alternatively, to submit an AzureML run to apply a model to a single image on your local disc, you can use the script, with a command of this form:

python InnerEye/Scripts/ --image_file ~/somewhere/ct.nii.gz --model_id Prostate:555 \
  --settings ../somewhere_else/settings.yml --download_folder ~/my_existing_folder

Model Ensembles

An ensemble model will be created automatically and registered in the AzureML model registry whenever cross-validation models are trained. The ensemble model creation is done by the child whose cross_validation_split_index is 0; you can identify this child by looking at the "Child Runs" tab in the parent run page in AzureML.

To find the registered ensemble model, find the Hyperdrive parent run in AzureML. In the "Details" tab, there is an entry for "Registered models", that links to the ensemble model that was just created. Note that each of the child runs also registers a model, namely the one that was built off its specific subset of data, without taking into account the other crossvalidation folds.

As well as registering the model, child run 0 runs the ensemble model on the validation and test sets. The results are aggregated based on the ensemble_aggregation_type value in the model config, and the generated posteriors are passed to the usual model testing downstream pipelines, e.g. metrics computation.

Interpreting results

Once your HyperDrive AzureML runs are completed, you can visualize the results by running the script locally:

python InnerEye/ML/visualizers/ --run_recovery_id ... --epoch ...

filling in the run recovery ID of the parent run and the epoch number (one of the test epochs, e.g. the last epoch) for which you want results plotted. The script will also output several ..._outliers.txt file with all of the outliers across the splits and a portal query to find them in the production portal, and run statistical tests to compute the significance of differences between scores across the splits and with respect to other runs that you specify. This is done for you during the run itself (see below), but you can use the script post hoc to compare arbitrary runs with each other. Details of the tests can be found in and

Where are my outputs and models?

  • AzureML writes all its results to the storage account you have specified. Inside of that account, you will find a container named azureml. You can access that with Azure StorageExplorer. The checkpoints and other files of a run will be in folder azureml/ExperimentRun/dcid.my_run_id, where my_run_id is the "Run Id" visible in the "Details" section of the run. If you want to download all the results files or a large subset of them, we recommend you access them this way.
  • The results can also be viewed in the "Outputs and Logs" section of the run. This is likely to be more convenient for viewing and inspecting single files.
  • All files that the model training writes to the ./outputs folder are automatically uploaded at the end of the AzureML training job, and are put into outputs in Blob Storage and in the run itself. Similarly, what the model training writes to the ./logs folder gets uploaded to logs.
  • You can monitor the file system that is mounted on the compute node, by navigating to your storage account in Azure. In the blade, click on "Files" and, navigate through to azureml/azureml/my_run_id. This will show all files that are mounted as the working directory on the compute VM.

The organization of the outputs directory is as follows:

  • A checkpoints directory containing the checkpointed model file(s).
  • For each test epoch NNN, a directory epoch_NNN, each of whose subdirectories Test and Val contains the following:
    • A metrics.csv file, giving the Dice and Hausdorff scores for every structure of every subject in the test and validation sets respectively.
    • A metrics_aggregates.csv file, aggregating the information in metrics.csv by subject to give minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation values for both Dice and Hausdorff scores.
    • A metrics_boxplot.png file, containing box-and-whisker plots for the same information.
    • Various files identifying the dataset and structure names.
    • A thumbnails directory, containing an image file for the maximal predicted slice for each structure of each test or validation subject.
    • For each test or validation subject, a directory containing a Nifti file for each predicted structure.
  • If there are comparison runs (specified by the config parameter comparison_blob_storage_paths), there will be a subdirectory named after each of those runs, each containing its own epoch_NNN subdirectory, and there will be a file MetricsAcrossAllRuns.csv directly under outputs, combining the data from the metrics.csv files of the current run and the comparison run(s).
  • Additional files directly under outputs:
    • args.txt contains the configuration information.
    • buildinformation.json contains information on the build, partially overlapping with the content of the "Details" tab.
    • dataset.csv for the whole dataset (see "Creating Datasets for details), and test_dataset.csv, train_dataset.csv and val_dataset.csv for those subsets of it.
    • BaselineComparisonWilcoxonSignedRankTestResults.txt, containing the results of comparisons between the current run and any specified baselines (earlier runs) to compare with. Each paragraph of that file compares two models and indicates, for each structure, when the Dice scores for the second model are significantly better or worse than the first. For full details, see the source code.
    • A directory scatterplots, containing a jpg file for every pairing of the current model with one of the baslines. Each one is named AAA_vs_BBB.jpg, where AAA and BBB are the run IDs of the two models. Each plot shows the Dice scores on the test set for the models.
    • For both segmentation and classification models an IPython Notebook report.ipynb will be generated in the outputs directory.
      • For segmentation models, this report is based on the full image results of the model checkpoint that performed the best on the validation set. This report will contain detailed metrics per structure, and outliers to help model development.
      • For classification models, the report is based on the validation and test results from the last epoch. It shows metrics on the validation and test sets, ROC and PR Curves, and a list of the best and worst performing images from the test set.

Ensemble models are created by the zero'th child (with cross_validation_split_index=0) in each cross-validation run. Results from inference on the test and validation sets are uploaded to the parent run, and can be found in epoch_NNN directories as above. In addition, various scores and plots from the ensemble and from individual child runs are uploaded to the parent run, in the CrossValResults directory. This contains:

  • Subdirectories named 0, 1, 2, ... for all the child runs including the zero'th one, as well as ENSEMBLE, containing their respective epoch_NNN directories.
  • Files Dice_Test_Splits.jpg and Dice_Val_Splits.jpg, containing box plots of the Dice scores on those datasets for each structure and each (component and ensemble) model. These give a visual overview of the results in the metrics.csv files detailed above. When there are many different structures, several such plots are created, with a different subset of structures in each one.
  • Similarly, HausdorffDistance_mm_Test_splits.jpg and HausdorffDistance_mm_Val_splits.jpg contain box plots of Hausdorff distances.
  • MetricsAcrossAllRuns.csv combines the data from all the metrics.csv files.
  • Test_outliers.txt and Val_outliers.txt highlight particular outlier scores (both Dice and Hausdorff) in the test and validation sets respectively.
  • A scatterplots directory and a file CrossValidationWilcoxonSignedRankTestResults.txt, for comparisons between the ensemble and its component models.

There is also a directory BaselineComparisons, containing the Wilcoxon test results and scatterplots for the ensemble, as described above for single runs.