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This is the source code for the Definitely Typed publisher action, which publishes the contents of DefinitelyTyped to npm.


If there's functionality from the project you'd like to use, please file an issue detailing that. The script isn't intended for public consumption (i.e. we will break the API whenever convenient for us).

Filing issues

If you've noticed a problem with the way a package is published, file an issue here. If you don't like the contents of a given definition, file an issue (or pull request) on DefinitelyTyped instead.

Manually running

Normally, the publisher is run every 30 minutes following a cron schedule in .github/workflows/publish-packages.yml, but to test it out you can do it yourself. You will need to see the Environment variables section first.

cat settings.json

Make sure your settings are correct.

pnpm run build
pnpm run full


pnpm run build
pnpm run clean
pnpm run parse
pnpm run calculate-versions
pnpm run generate
pnpm run publish-packages

and optionally (in production, these run once a week):

pnpm run publish-registry
pnpm run validate

You can run tests with

pnpm run test


To update the types packages, the following steps must be performed:

* Parse the definitions
* Calculate versions
* Generate packages on disk
* Publish packages on disk

Importantly, each of these steps is idempotent. Running the entire sequence twice should not have any different results unless one of the inputs has changed.

Parse the definitions

First, obtain a local copy of the DefinitelyTyped repo. For running locally, the script assumes that it is at ../DefinitelyTyped and checks to make sure that it has no outstanding changes. It does not check that it has master checked out. For running in the cloud, the script downloads a gzipped copy and unzips it into memory. This saves a lot of time if the filesystem is very slow.

You can manually run this step locally with npm run get-definitely-typed. Pass --dry to download the DefinitelyTyped copy and unzip it into memory.

npm run parse

This generates the data file data/definitions.json. All future steps depend on this file. One can also pass --single=package_name to test this on a single package.

Contents of data/definitions.json

This file is a key/value mapping used by other steps in the process.

Example entry

    "jquery": {
        "3.3": {
            "libraryName": "jquery",
            "typingsPackageName": "jquery",
            "projectName": "",
            "contributors": [
                    "name": "Boris Yankov",
                    "url": "",
                    "githubUsername": "borisyankov"
            "libraryMajorVersion": 3,
            "libraryMinorVersion": 3,
            "minTsVersion": "2.3",
            "typesVersions": [],
            "files": [
            "license": "MIT",
            "dependencies": {
                "sizzle": "*"
            "testDependencies": [],
            "pathMappings": [],
            "packageJsonDependencies": [],
            "contentHash": "6f3ac74aa9f284b3450b4dcbcabc842bfc2a70fa2d92e745851044d2bb78e94b"

Fields in data/definitions.json

A key of the root object represents the name of the folder of a definition package, as it exists in the source repo. Its corresponding value holds a an object that represents the versions of the package for which definitions are provided in parallel. Each version entry holds data about the package; refer to the TypingsDataRaw interface declaration for details on this data.

Contents of logs/

This log file contains a summary of the outcome of each declaration, as well as a set of warnings.

Failure States

Currently, the only error condition is if there are multiple .d.ts files in the declaration folder and none of them are the obvious entry point. These will be listed in the warnings section of; search for "Found either zero or more" in this file.


The following warnings may be present. Some warnings block package creation and should be addressed sooner.

Too Many Files

Found either zero or more than one .d.ts file and none of google-apps-script.d.ts or index.d.ts

This warning means the script could not determine what the entry point .d.ts file was. Fix this by renaming some .d.ts file to the containing folder name, or index.d.ts. This warning blocks package creation.

Incorrect Declared Module

Declared module howler is in folder with incorrect name howlerjs

This warning means that a module declaration's name does not match the containing folder's name. Determine which is correct and rename the folder or the module declaration appropriately.


Package name joData should be strictly lowercase

Nearly all package names should be lowercased to conform with NPM naming standards. This warning might not be appropriate; consider logging an issue.

Calculate versions

This generates versions.json based on the last uploaded versions.json and by the content hashes computed during parsing.

Arguments to calculate-versions

The --forceUpdate argument will cause a build version bump even if the contentHash of the originating types folder has not changed. This argument may be needed during development, but should not be used during routine usage.

Generate packages on disk

npm run generate

This step writes all type packages to disk. The output folder is specified in settings.json (see section "Settings").

Arguments to generate

Use the --tgz option to create .tgz archives as well. These should represent what is actually uploaded to NPM.

Outputs of generate

Package Folders

The package generation step creates a folder for each package under the output folder.

The following files are produced automatically:

  • package.json
  • metadata.json: This is the entry from definitions.json, excluding the root property
  • All declaration files are transformed and copied over

Definition File Transforms

The following changes occur when a file is transformed:

  • /// <reference path= directives are changed to corresponding /// <reference types= directives
  • The file is saved in UTF-8 format


This file is currently uninteresting.

Publish packages on disk

npm run publish

This step publishes the files to the NPM registry.

Several keys in settings.json affect this step; be sure to read this section.

Before publishing, the script checks the NPM registry to see if a package with the same version number has already been published. If so, the publishing is skipped.

Outputs of publish


This log file indicates which packages were published and which were skipped. It also indicates any errors that may have occurred during publishing.

Note that unlike other steps, this log file output is not idempotent. Scripts should save this log under a unique filename so any errors may be reviewed.

Publish registry

npm run publish -- [--dry]

This step publishes the types-registry package on NPM, which keeps a list of all @types packages. This step only happens if there are some new packages to register.


This file contains settings used by the publisher.

The following properties are supported:


Required. Example value: types

This changes the scope name packages are published under. Do not prefix this value with @.


Required. Example value: ./output

This is the path where packages are written to before publishing.


Required. Example value: ../DefinitelyTyped

This is the path to the DefinitelyTyped (or other similarly-structured) repo.


This is the URL of the DefinitelyTyped repo.


Optional. Example value latest

If present, packages are published with the provided version tag.

Environment variables


These are needed to access all other secrets. See src/lib/secrets.ts.


Setting this variable turns on longjohn stacktraces.


These are needed for running repair scripts, which should be rare. You could also use them for emergency local runs of the publisher, but I have never needed to do this. You can find these values in the secret store.

Set environment variables in Azure

  • Go to
  • Go to types-publisher (not the typespublisher storage account)
  • Go to Settings -> General -> Application settings -> App Settings

Validating published packages

To validate published packages run:

npm run build
npm run validate [<package>]

for instance:

npm run validate node express jquery

will try to install the three packages, and run the tsc compiler on them.

Specifing no options to the command will validate all known packages.