From 88f1429a0f47e1dd3813de35211fc97ffda27f9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jon Schlinkert Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 04:57:43 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] update eslint. lint, fix unit tests. --- .eslintrc.json | 189 +++++++++++++++------ LICENSE | 2 +- bench/index.js | 2 +- examples/expand.js | 3 +- examples/option-transform.js | 2 +- index.js | 6 +- lib/compile.js | 25 +-- lib/expand.js | 18 +- lib/parse.js | 30 ++-- lib/stringify.js | 8 +- lib/utils.js | 16 +- package.json | 2 +- test/bash-compiled-ranges.js | 6 +- test/bash-compiled-sets.js | 14 +- test/bash-expanded-ranges.js | 104 ++++++------ test/bash-expanded-sets.js | 300 ++++++++++++++++----------------- test/bash-spec.js | 312 +++++++++++++++++------------------ test/braces.compile.js | 5 +- test/braces.expand.js | 8 +- test/braces.parse.js | 18 +- test/minimatch.js | 8 +- test/readme.js | 12 +- test/regression.js | 2 +- 23 files changed, 593 insertions(+), 499 deletions(-) diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json index 24b8984..cf4d887 100644 --- a/.eslintrc.json +++ b/.eslintrc.json @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ { - "extends": [ - "eslint:recommended" - ], + "root": true, + "extends": "eslint:recommended", "env": { "browser": false, "es6": true, - "node": true, - "mocha": true + "mocha": true, + "node": true }, "parserOptions":{ @@ -27,29 +26,52 @@ "rules": { "accessor-pairs": 2, - "arrow-spacing": [2, { "before": true, "after": true }], - "block-spacing": [2, "always"], - "brace-style": [2, "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }], - "comma-dangle": [2, "never"], - "comma-spacing": [2, { "before": false, "after": true }], - "comma-style": [2, "last"], + "array-bracket-newline": [1, "consistent"], + "array-bracket-spacing": [1, "never"], + "array-callback-return": 1, + "array-element-newline": [1, "consistent"], + "arrow-body-style": 0, + "arrow-parens": [1, "as-needed"], + "arrow-spacing": [1, { "before": true, "after": true }], + "block-scoped-var": 1, + "block-spacing": [1, "always"], + "brace-style": [1, "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }], + "callback-return": 0, + "camelcase": [0, { "allow": [] }], + "capitalized-comments": 0, + "class-methods-use-this": 0, + "comma-dangle": [1, "never"], + "comma-spacing": [1, { "before": false, "after": true }], + "comma-style": [1, "last"], + "computed-property-spacing": 1, + "consistent-return": 0, + "consistent-this": 1, "constructor-super": 2, - 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"no-array-constructor": 2, + "no-alert": 1, + "no-array-constructor": 1, + "no-async-promise-executor": 1, "no-caller": 2, + "no-case-declarations": 1, "no-class-assign": 2, "no-cond-assign": 2, "no-const-assign": 2, + "no-constant-condition": [1, { "checkLoops": false }], "no-control-regex": 2, "no-debugger": 2, "no-delete-var": 2, @@ -57,74 +79,137 @@ "no-dupe-class-members": 2, "no-dupe-keys": 2, "no-duplicate-case": 2, + "no-duplicate-imports": 0, + "no-else-return": 0, "no-empty-character-class": 2, - "no-eval": 2, + "no-empty-function": 0, + "no-empty-pattern": 0, + "no-empty": [1, { "allowEmptyCatch": true }], + "no-eval": 0, "no-ex-assign": 2, "no-extend-native": 2, - "no-extra-bind": 2, - "no-extra-boolean-cast": 2, - "no-extra-parens": [2, "functions"], + "no-extra-bind": 1, + "no-extra-boolean-cast": 1, + "no-extra-label": 1, + "no-extra-parens": [1, "all", + { + "conditionalAssign": false, + "returnAssign": false, + "nestedBinaryExpressions": false, + "ignoreJSX": "multi-line", + "enforceForArrowConditionals": false + } + ], + "no-extra-semi": 1, "no-fallthrough": 2, "no-floating-decimal": 2, "no-func-assign": 2, + "no-global-assign": 2, + "no-implicit-coercion": 2, + "no-implicit-globals": 1, "no-implied-eval": 2, - "no-inner-declarations": [2, "functions"], + "no-inner-declarations": [1, "functions"], "no-invalid-regexp": 2, + "no-invalid-this": 1, "no-irregular-whitespace": 2, "no-iterator": 2, "no-label-var": 2, "no-labels": 2, "no-lone-blocks": 2, + "no-lonely-if": 2, + "no-loop-func": 1, + "no-mixed-requires": 1, "no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": 2, - "no-multi-spaces": 2, + "no-multi-assign": 0, + "no-multi-spaces": 1, "no-multi-str": 2, - "no-multiple-empty-lines": [2, { "max": 1 }], - "no-native-reassign": 0, + "no-multiple-empty-lines": [1, { "max": 1 }], + "no-native-reassign": 2, + "no-negated-condition": 0, "no-negated-in-lhs": 2, - "no-new": 2, "no-new-func": 2, "no-new-object": 2, "no-new-require": 2, + "no-new-symbol": 1, "no-new-wrappers": 2, + "no-new": 1, "no-obj-calls": 2, - "no-octal": 2, "no-octal-escape": 2, - "no-proto": 0, + "no-octal": 2, + "no-path-concat": 1, + "no-proto": 2, + "no-prototype-builtins": 0, "no-redeclare": 2, "no-regex-spaces": 2, - "no-return-assign": 2, - "no-self-compare": 2, + "no-restricted-globals": 2, + "no-return-assign": 1, + "no-return-await": 2, + "no-script-url": 1, + "no-self-assign": 1, + "no-self-compare": 1, "no-sequences": 2, "no-shadow-restricted-names": 2, + "no-shadow": 0, "no-spaced-func": 2, "no-sparse-arrays": 2, + "no-template-curly-in-string": 0, "no-this-before-super": 2, "no-throw-literal": 2, - "no-trailing-spaces": 0, - "no-undef": 2, + "no-trailing-spaces": 1, "no-undef-init": 2, + "no-undef": 2, "no-unexpected-multiline": 2, - "no-unneeded-ternary": [2, { "defaultAssignment": false }], + "no-unneeded-ternary": [1, { "defaultAssignment": false }], + "no-unreachable-loop": 1, "no-unreachable": 2, - "no-unused-vars": [2, { "vars": "all", "args": "none" }], - "no-useless-call": 0, + "no-unsafe-assignment": 0, + "no-unsafe-call": 0, + "no-unsafe-finally": 2, + "no-unsafe-member-access": 0, + "no-unsafe-negation": 2, + "no-unsafe-optional-chaining": 0, + "no-unsafe-return": 0, + "no-unused-expressions": 2, + "no-unused-vars": [1, { "vars": "all", "args": "after-used" }], + "no-use-before-define": 0, + "no-useless-call": 2, + "no-useless-catch": 0, + "no-useless-escape": 0, + "no-useless-rename": 1, + "no-useless-return": 1, + "no-var": 1, + "no-void": 1, + "no-warning-comments": 0, "no-with": 2, - "one-var": [0, { "initialized": "never" }], + "object-curly-spacing": [1, "always", { "objectsInObjects": true }], + "object-shorthand": 1, + "one-var": [1, { "initialized": "never" }], "operator-linebreak": [0, "after", { "overrides": { "?": "before", ":": "before" } }], - "padded-blocks": [0, "never"], - "quotes": [2, "single", "avoid-escape"], + "padded-blocks": [1, { "switches": "never" }], + "prefer-const": [1, { "destructuring": "all", "ignoreReadBeforeAssign": false }], + "prefer-promise-reject-errors": 1, + "quotes": [1, "single", "avoid-escape"], "radix": 2, - "semi": [2, "always"], - "semi-spacing": [2, { "before": false, "after": true }], - "space-before-blocks": [2, "always"], - "space-before-function-paren": [2, "never"], - "space-in-parens": [2, "never"], - "space-infix-ops": 2, - "space-unary-ops": [2, { "words": true, "nonwords": false }], + "rest-spread-spacing": 1, + "semi-spacing": [1, { "before": false, "after": true }], + "semi-style": 1, + "semi": [1, "always"], + "space-before-blocks": [1, "always"], + "space-before-function-paren": [1, { "anonymous": "never", "named": "never", "asyncArrow": "always" }], + "space-in-parens": [1, "never"], + "space-infix-ops": 1, + "space-unary-ops": [1, { "words": true, "nonwords": false }], "spaced-comment": [0, "always", { "markers": ["global", "globals", "eslint", "eslint-disable", "*package", "!", ","] }], + "strict": 2, + "switch-colon-spacing": 1, + "symbol-description": 1, + "template-curly-spacing": [2, "never"], + "template-tag-spacing": [2, "never"], + "unicode-bom": 1, "use-isnan": 2, + "valid-jsdoc": 1, "valid-typeof": 2, - "wrap-iife": [2, "any"], - "yoda": [2, "never"] + "wrap-iife": [1, "any"], + "yoda": [1, "never"] } } diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index d32ab44..9af4a67 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Jon Schlinkert. +Copyright (c) 2014-present, Jon Schlinkert. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/bench/index.js b/bench/index.js index d1ff170..2a9cf76 100644 --- a/bench/index.js +++ b/bench/index.js @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const braces = require('..'); */ const cycle = (e, newline) => { - process.stdout.write(`\u001b[G ${}${newline ? `\n` : ''}`); + process.stdout.write(`\u001b[G ${}${newline ? '\n' : ''}`); }; const bench = (name, options) => { diff --git a/examples/expand.js b/examples/expand.js index 8efaefc..5e458f1 100644 --- a/examples/expand.js +++ b/examples/expand.js @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ const colors = require('ansi-colors'); -const parse = require('./parse'); const color = (arr, c) => => c(s)).join(', '); const cp = require('child_process'); const braces = input => { @@ -19,6 +18,6 @@ const braces = input => { const fixture = 'a{,b}c'; console.log(); console.log(' FIXTURE:', colors.magenta(fixture)); -console.log(' ACTUAL:', color(expand(parse(fixture)), colors.yellow)); +// console.log(' ACTUAL:', color(expand(parse(fixture)), colors.yellow)); console.log('EXPECTED:', color(braces(fixture),; console.log(); diff --git a/examples/option-transform.js b/examples/option-transform.js index c012e9a..9c36bc0 100644 --- a/examples/option-transform.js +++ b/examples/option-transform.js @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ console.log(alpha); //=> [ 'x/foo/a-0/y', 'x/foo/b-1/y', 'x/foo/c-2/y', 'x/foo/d-3/y', 'x/foo/e-4/y' ] const numeric = braces.expand('{1..5}', { - transform(value, index) { + transform(value) { return 'foo/' + value * 2; } }); diff --git a/index.js b/index.js index 0eee0f5..d222c13 100644 --- a/index.js +++ b/index.js @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ const braces = (input, options = {}) => { let output = []; if (Array.isArray(input)) { - for (let pattern of input) { - let result = braces.create(pattern, options); + for (const pattern of input) { + const result = braces.create(pattern, options); if (Array.isArray(result)) { output.push(...result); } else { @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ braces.create = (input, options = {}) => { return [input]; } - return options.expand !== true + return options.expand !== true ? braces.compile(input, options) : braces.expand(input, options); }; diff --git a/lib/compile.js b/lib/compile.js index 3e984a4..dce69be 100644 --- a/lib/compile.js +++ b/lib/compile.js @@ -4,30 +4,32 @@ const fill = require('fill-range'); const utils = require('./utils'); const compile = (ast, options = {}) => { - let walk = (node, parent = {}) => { - let invalidBlock = utils.isInvalidBrace(parent); - let invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true; - let invalid = invalidBlock === true || invalidNode === true; - let prefix = options.escapeInvalid === true ? '\\' : ''; + const walk = (node, parent = {}) => { + const invalidBlock = utils.isInvalidBrace(parent); + const invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true; + const invalid = invalidBlock === true || invalidNode === true; + const prefix = options.escapeInvalid === true ? '\\' : ''; let output = ''; if (node.isOpen === true) { return prefix + node.value; } + if (node.isClose === true) { + console.log('node.isClose', prefix, node.value); return prefix + node.value; } if (node.type === 'open') { - return invalid ? (prefix + node.value) : '('; + return invalid ? prefix + node.value : '('; } if (node.type === 'close') { - return invalid ? (prefix + node.value) : ')'; + return invalid ? prefix + node.value : ')'; } if (node.type === 'comma') { - return node.prev.type === 'comma' ? '' : (invalid ? node.value : '|'); + return node.prev.type === 'comma' ? '' : invalid ? node.value : '|'; } if (node.value) { @@ -35,8 +37,8 @@ const compile = (ast, options = {}) => { } if (node.nodes && node.ranges > 0) { - let args = utils.reduce(node.nodes); - let range = fill(...args, { ...options, wrap: false, toRegex: true }); + const args = utils.reduce(node.nodes); + const range = fill(...args, { ...options, wrap: false, toRegex: true, strictZeros: true }); if (range.length !== 0) { return args.length > 1 && range.length > 1 ? `(${range})` : range; @@ -44,10 +46,11 @@ const compile = (ast, options = {}) => { } if (node.nodes) { - for (let child of node.nodes) { + for (const child of node.nodes) { output += walk(child, node); } } + return output; }; diff --git a/lib/expand.js b/lib/expand.js index 376c748..35b2c41 100644 --- a/lib/expand.js +++ b/lib/expand.js @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const stringify = require('./stringify'); const utils = require('./utils'); const append = (queue = '', stash = '', enclose = false) => { - let result = []; + const result = []; queue = [].concat(queue); stash = [].concat(stash); @@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ const append = (queue = '', stash = '', enclose = false) => { return enclose ? utils.flatten(stash).map(ele => `{${ele}}`) : stash; } - for (let item of queue) { + for (const item of queue) { if (Array.isArray(item)) { - for (let value of item) { + for (const value of item) { result.push(append(value, stash, enclose)); } } else { for (let ele of stash) { if (enclose === true && typeof ele === 'string') ele = `{${ele}}`; - result.push(Array.isArray(ele) ? append(item, ele, enclose) : (item + ele)); + result.push(Array.isArray(ele) ? append(item, ele, enclose) : item + ele); } } } @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ const append = (queue = '', stash = '', enclose = false) => { }; const expand = (ast, options = {}) => { - let rangeLimit = options.rangeLimit === void 0 ? 1000 : options.rangeLimit; + const rangeLimit = options.rangeLimit === undefined ? 1000 : options.rangeLimit; - let walk = (node, parent = {}) => { + const walk = (node, parent = {}) => { node.queue = []; let p = parent; @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ const expand = (ast, options = {}) => { } if (node.nodes && node.ranges > 0) { - let args = utils.reduce(node.nodes); + const args = utils.reduce(node.nodes); if (utils.exceedsLimit(...args, options.step, rangeLimit)) { throw new RangeError('expanded array length exceeds range limit. Use options.rangeLimit to increase or disable the limit.'); @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ const expand = (ast, options = {}) => { return; } - let enclose = utils.encloseBrace(node); + const enclose = utils.encloseBrace(node); let queue = node.queue; let block = node; @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const expand = (ast, options = {}) => { } for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { - let child = node.nodes[i]; + const child = node.nodes[i]; if (child.type === 'comma' && node.type === 'brace') { if (i === 1) queue.push(''); diff --git a/lib/parse.js b/lib/parse.js index 145ea26..3a6988e 100644 --- a/lib/parse.js +++ b/lib/parse.js @@ -33,22 +33,21 @@ const parse = (input, options = {}) => { throw new TypeError('Expected a string'); } - let opts = options || {}; - let max = typeof opts.maxLength === 'number' ? Math.min(MAX_LENGTH, opts.maxLength) : MAX_LENGTH; + const opts = options || {}; + const max = typeof opts.maxLength === 'number' ? Math.min(MAX_LENGTH, opts.maxLength) : MAX_LENGTH; if (input.length > max) { throw new SyntaxError(`Input length (${input.length}), exceeds max characters (${max})`); } - let ast = { type: 'root', input, nodes: [] }; - let stack = [ast]; + const ast = { type: 'root', input, nodes: [] }; + const stack = [ast]; let block = ast; let prev = ast; let brackets = 0; - let length = input.length; + const length = input.length; let index = 0; let depth = 0; let value; - let memo = {}; /** * Helpers @@ -111,7 +110,6 @@ const parse = (input, options = {}) => { if (value === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET) { brackets++; - let closed = true; let next; while (index < length && (next = advance())) { @@ -167,7 +165,7 @@ const parse = (input, options = {}) => { */ if (value === CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE || value === CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE || value === CHAR_BACKTICK) { - let open = value; + const open = value; let next; if (options.keepQuotes !== true) { @@ -199,8 +197,8 @@ const parse = (input, options = {}) => { if (value === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) { depth++; - let dollar = prev.value && prev.value.slice(-1) === '$' || block.dollar === true; - let brace = { + const dollar = prev.value && prev.value.slice(-1) === '$' || block.dollar === true; + const brace = { type: 'brace', open: true, close: false, @@ -227,7 +225,7 @@ const parse = (input, options = {}) => { continue; } - let type = 'close'; + const type = 'close'; block = stack.pop(); block.close = true; @@ -245,7 +243,7 @@ const parse = (input, options = {}) => { if (value === CHAR_COMMA && depth > 0) { if (block.ranges > 0) { block.ranges = 0; - let open = block.nodes.shift(); + const open = block.nodes.shift(); block.nodes = [open, { type: 'text', value: stringify(block) }]; } @@ -259,7 +257,7 @@ const parse = (input, options = {}) => { */ if (value === CHAR_DOT && depth > 0 && block.commas === 0) { - let siblings = block.nodes; + const siblings = block.nodes; if (depth === 0 || siblings.length === 0) { push({ type: 'text', value }); @@ -286,7 +284,7 @@ const parse = (input, options = {}) => { if (prev.type === 'range') { siblings.pop(); - let before = siblings[siblings.length - 1]; + const before = siblings[siblings.length - 1]; before.value += prev.value + value; prev = before; block.ranges--; @@ -319,8 +317,8 @@ const parse = (input, options = {}) => { }); // get the location of the block on parent.nodes (block's siblings) - let parent = stack[stack.length - 1]; - let index = parent.nodes.indexOf(block); + const parent = stack[stack.length - 1]; + const index = parent.nodes.indexOf(block); // replace the (invalid) block with it's nodes parent.nodes.splice(index, 1, ...block.nodes); } diff --git a/lib/stringify.js b/lib/stringify.js index 414b7bc..8bcf872 100644 --- a/lib/stringify.js +++ b/lib/stringify.js @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ const utils = require('./utils'); module.exports = (ast, options = {}) => { - let stringify = (node, parent = {}) => { - let invalidBlock = options.escapeInvalid && utils.isInvalidBrace(parent); - let invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true; + const stringify = (node, parent = {}) => { + const invalidBlock = options.escapeInvalid && utils.isInvalidBrace(parent); + const invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true; let output = ''; if (node.value) { @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module.exports = (ast, options = {}) => { } if (node.nodes) { - for (let child of node.nodes) { + for (const child of node.nodes) { output += stringify(child); } } diff --git a/lib/utils.js b/lib/utils.js index e3551a6..d19311f 100644 --- a/lib/utils.js +++ b/lib/utils.js @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ exports.exceedsLimit = (min, max, step = 1, limit) => { */ exports.escapeNode = (block, n = 0, type) => { - let node = block.nodes[n]; + const node = block.nodes[n]; if (!node) return; if ((type && node.type === type) || node.type === 'open' || node.type === 'close') { @@ -100,13 +100,23 @@ exports.reduce = nodes => nodes.reduce((acc, node) => { exports.flatten = (...args) => { const result = []; + const flat = arr => { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { - let ele = arr[i]; - Array.isArray(ele) ? flat(ele, result) : ele !== void 0 && result.push(ele); + const ele = arr[i]; + + if (Array.isArray(ele)) { + flat(ele); + continue; + } + + if (ele !== undefined) { + result.push(ele); + } } return result; }; + flat(args); return result; }; diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 3f52e34..d668f88 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ "benchmark": "node benchmark" }, "dependencies": { - "fill-range": "^7.0.1" + "fill-range": "^7.1.1" }, "devDependencies": { "ansi-colors": "^3.2.4", diff --git a/test/bash-compiled-ranges.js b/test/bash-compiled-ranges.js index 857e5ce..8181a35 100644 --- a/test/bash-compiled-ranges.js +++ b/test/bash-compiled-ranges.js @@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ describe('bash ranges - braces.compile()', () => { return; } - let options = { ...arr[1] }; - let pattern = arr[0]; - let expected = arr[2]; + const options = { ...arr[1] }; + const pattern = arr[0]; + const expected = arr[2]; if (options.skip === true) { return; diff --git a/test/bash-compiled-sets.js b/test/bash-compiled-sets.js index 15bff41..1a95c19 100644 --- a/test/bash-compiled-sets.js +++ b/test/bash-compiled-sets.js @@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ describe('bash sets - braces.compile()', () => { ['/Users/tobiasreich/Sites/aaa/bbb/ccc 2016/src/**/[^_]*.{html,ejs}', {}, '/Users/tobiasreich/Sites/aaa/bbb/ccc 2016/src/**/[^_]*.(html|ejs)'] ]; - let seen = new Map(); - let dupes = []; + const seen = new Map(); + const dupes = []; for (let i = 0; i < fixtures.length; i++) { - let fixture = fixtures[i]; + const fixture = fixtures[i]; - let key = fixture[0] + String(fixture[1].bash); + const key = fixture[0] + String(fixture[1].bash); if (seen.has(key)) { dupes.push(i + 21, fixture[0]); } else { @@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ describe('bash sets - braces.compile()', () => { return; } - let options = { ...arr[1] }; - let pattern = arr[0]; - let expected = arr[2]; + const options = { ...arr[1] }; + const pattern = arr[0]; + const expected = arr[2]; if (options.skip === true) { return; diff --git a/test/bash-expanded-ranges.js b/test/bash-expanded-ranges.js index 4524613..21c1db2 100644 --- a/test/bash-expanded-ranges.js +++ b/test/bash-expanded-ranges.js @@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ describe('bash - expanded brace ranges', () => { describe('combo', () => { it('should expand numerical ranges - positive and negative', () => { - equal('a{01..05}b', ['a01b', 'a02b', 'a03b', 'a04b', 'a05b' ]); - equal('0{1..9}/{10..20}', ['01/10', '01/11', '01/12', '01/13', '01/14', '01/15', '01/16', '01/17', '01/18', '01/19', '01/20', '02/10', '02/11', '02/12', '02/13', '02/14', '02/15', '02/16', '02/17', '02/18', '02/19', '02/20', '03/10', '03/11', '03/12', '03/13', '03/14', '03/15', '03/16', '03/17', '03/18', '03/19', '03/20', '04/10', '04/11', '04/12', '04/13', '04/14', '04/15', '04/16', '04/17', '04/18', '04/19', '04/20', '05/10', '05/11', '05/12', '05/13', '05/14', '05/15', '05/16', '05/17', '05/18', '05/19', '05/20', '06/10', '06/11', '06/12', '06/13', '06/14', '06/15', '06/16', '06/17', '06/18', '06/19', '06/20', '07/10', '07/11', '07/12', '07/13', '07/14', '07/15', '07/16', '07/17', '07/18', '07/19', '07/20', '08/10', '08/11', '08/12', '08/13', '08/14', '08/15', '08/16', '08/17', '08/18', '08/19', '08/20', '09/10', '09/11', '09/12', '09/13', '09/14', '09/15', '09/16', '09/17', '09/18', '09/19', '09/20' ]); + equal('a{01..05}b', ['a01b', 'a02b', 'a03b', 'a04b', 'a05b']); + equal('0{1..9}/{10..20}', ['01/10', '01/11', '01/12', '01/13', '01/14', '01/15', '01/16', '01/17', '01/18', '01/19', '01/20', '02/10', '02/11', '02/12', '02/13', '02/14', '02/15', '02/16', '02/17', '02/18', '02/19', '02/20', '03/10', '03/11', '03/12', '03/13', '03/14', '03/15', '03/16', '03/17', '03/18', '03/19', '03/20', '04/10', '04/11', '04/12', '04/13', '04/14', '04/15', '04/16', '04/17', '04/18', '04/19', '04/20', '05/10', '05/11', '05/12', '05/13', '05/14', '05/15', '05/16', '05/17', '05/18', '05/19', '05/20', '06/10', '06/11', '06/12', '06/13', '06/14', '06/15', '06/16', '06/17', '06/18', '06/19', '06/20', '07/10', '07/11', '07/12', '07/13', '07/14', '07/15', '07/16', '07/17', '07/18', '07/19', '07/20', '08/10', '08/11', '08/12', '08/13', '08/14', '08/15', '08/16', '08/17', '08/18', '08/19', '08/20', '09/10', '09/11', '09/12', '09/13', '09/14', '09/15', '09/16', '09/17', '09/18', '09/19', '09/20']); equal('{-10..10}', ['-10', '-9', '-8', '-7', '-6', '-5', '-4', '-3', '-2', '-1', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']); }); }); @@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ describe('bash - expanded brace ranges', () => { const fixtures = [ 'should expand ranges', - ['a{b,c{1..50}/{d,e,f}/,g}h/i', {}, ['abh/i', 'ac1/d/h/i', 'ac1/e/h/i', 'ac1/f/h/i', 'ac2/d/h/i', 'ac2/e/h/i', 'ac2/f/h/i', 'ac3/d/h/i', 'ac3/e/h/i', 'ac3/f/h/i', 'ac4/d/h/i', 'ac4/e/h/i', 'ac4/f/h/i', 'ac5/d/h/i', 'ac5/e/h/i', 'ac5/f/h/i', 'ac6/d/h/i', 'ac6/e/h/i', 'ac6/f/h/i', 'ac7/d/h/i', 'ac7/e/h/i', 'ac7/f/h/i', 'ac8/d/h/i', 'ac8/e/h/i', 'ac8/f/h/i', 'ac9/d/h/i', 'ac9/e/h/i', 'ac9/f/h/i', 'ac10/d/h/i', 'ac10/e/h/i', 'ac10/f/h/i', 'ac11/d/h/i', 'ac11/e/h/i', 'ac11/f/h/i', 'ac12/d/h/i', 'ac12/e/h/i', 'ac12/f/h/i', 'ac13/d/h/i', 'ac13/e/h/i', 'ac13/f/h/i', 'ac14/d/h/i', 'ac14/e/h/i', 'ac14/f/h/i', 'ac15/d/h/i', 'ac15/e/h/i', 'ac15/f/h/i', 'ac16/d/h/i', 'ac16/e/h/i', 'ac16/f/h/i', 'ac17/d/h/i', 'ac17/e/h/i', 'ac17/f/h/i', 'ac18/d/h/i', 'ac18/e/h/i', 'ac18/f/h/i', 'ac19/d/h/i', 'ac19/e/h/i', 'ac19/f/h/i', 'ac20/d/h/i', 'ac20/e/h/i', 'ac20/f/h/i', 'ac21/d/h/i', 'ac21/e/h/i', 'ac21/f/h/i', 'ac22/d/h/i', 'ac22/e/h/i', 'ac22/f/h/i', 'ac23/d/h/i', 'ac23/e/h/i', 'ac23/f/h/i', 'ac24/d/h/i', 'ac24/e/h/i', 'ac24/f/h/i', 'ac25/d/h/i', 'ac25/e/h/i', 'ac25/f/h/i', 'ac26/d/h/i', 'ac26/e/h/i', 'ac26/f/h/i', 'ac27/d/h/i', 'ac27/e/h/i', 'ac27/f/h/i', 'ac28/d/h/i', 'ac28/e/h/i', 'ac28/f/h/i', 'ac29/d/h/i', 'ac29/e/h/i', 'ac29/f/h/i', 'ac30/d/h/i', 'ac30/e/h/i', 'ac30/f/h/i', 'ac31/d/h/i', 'ac31/e/h/i', 'ac31/f/h/i', 'ac32/d/h/i', 'ac32/e/h/i', 'ac32/f/h/i', 'ac33/d/h/i', 'ac33/e/h/i', 'ac33/f/h/i', 'ac34/d/h/i', 'ac34/e/h/i', 'ac34/f/h/i', 'ac35/d/h/i', 'ac35/e/h/i', 'ac35/f/h/i', 'ac36/d/h/i', 'ac36/e/h/i', 'ac36/f/h/i', 'ac37/d/h/i', 'ac37/e/h/i', 'ac37/f/h/i', 'ac38/d/h/i', 'ac38/e/h/i', 'ac38/f/h/i', 'ac39/d/h/i', 'ac39/e/h/i', 'ac39/f/h/i', 'ac40/d/h/i', 'ac40/e/h/i', 'ac40/f/h/i', 'ac41/d/h/i', 'ac41/e/h/i', 'ac41/f/h/i', 'ac42/d/h/i', 'ac42/e/h/i', 'ac42/f/h/i', 'ac43/d/h/i', 'ac43/e/h/i', 'ac43/f/h/i', 'ac44/d/h/i', 'ac44/e/h/i', 'ac44/f/h/i', 'ac45/d/h/i', 'ac45/e/h/i', 'ac45/f/h/i', 'ac46/d/h/i', 'ac46/e/h/i', 'ac46/f/h/i', 'ac47/d/h/i', 'ac47/e/h/i', 'ac47/f/h/i', 'ac48/d/h/i', 'ac48/e/h/i', 'ac48/f/h/i', 'ac49/d/h/i', 'ac49/e/h/i', 'ac49/f/h/i', 'ac50/d/h/i', 'ac50/e/h/i', 'ac50/f/h/i', 'agh/i'] ], - ['0{1..9} {10..20}', {}, ['01 10', '01 11', '01 12', '01 13', '01 14', '01 15', '01 16', '01 17', '01 18', '01 19', '01 20', '02 10', '02 11', '02 12', '02 13', '02 14', '02 15', '02 16', '02 17', '02 18', '02 19', '02 20', '03 10', '03 11', '03 12', '03 13', '03 14', '03 15', '03 16', '03 17', '03 18', '03 19', '03 20', '04 10', '04 11', '04 12', '04 13', '04 14', '04 15', '04 16', '04 17', '04 18', '04 19', '04 20', '05 10', '05 11', '05 12', '05 13', '05 14', '05 15', '05 16', '05 17', '05 18', '05 19', '05 20', '06 10', '06 11', '06 12', '06 13', '06 14', '06 15', '06 16', '06 17', '06 18', '06 19', '06 20', '07 10', '07 11', '07 12', '07 13', '07 14', '07 15', '07 16', '07 17', '07 18', '07 19', '07 20', '08 10', '08 11', '08 12', '08 13', '08 14', '08 15', '08 16', '08 17', '08 18', '08 19', '08 20', '09 10', '09 11', '09 12', '09 13', '09 14', '09 15', '09 16', '09 17', '09 18', '09 19', '09 20'] ], + ['a{b,c{1..50}/{d,e,f}/,g}h/i', {}, ['abh/i', 'ac1/d/h/i', 'ac1/e/h/i', 'ac1/f/h/i', 'ac2/d/h/i', 'ac2/e/h/i', 'ac2/f/h/i', 'ac3/d/h/i', 'ac3/e/h/i', 'ac3/f/h/i', 'ac4/d/h/i', 'ac4/e/h/i', 'ac4/f/h/i', 'ac5/d/h/i', 'ac5/e/h/i', 'ac5/f/h/i', 'ac6/d/h/i', 'ac6/e/h/i', 'ac6/f/h/i', 'ac7/d/h/i', 'ac7/e/h/i', 'ac7/f/h/i', 'ac8/d/h/i', 'ac8/e/h/i', 'ac8/f/h/i', 'ac9/d/h/i', 'ac9/e/h/i', 'ac9/f/h/i', 'ac10/d/h/i', 'ac10/e/h/i', 'ac10/f/h/i', 'ac11/d/h/i', 'ac11/e/h/i', 'ac11/f/h/i', 'ac12/d/h/i', 'ac12/e/h/i', 'ac12/f/h/i', 'ac13/d/h/i', 'ac13/e/h/i', 'ac13/f/h/i', 'ac14/d/h/i', 'ac14/e/h/i', 'ac14/f/h/i', 'ac15/d/h/i', 'ac15/e/h/i', 'ac15/f/h/i', 'ac16/d/h/i', 'ac16/e/h/i', 'ac16/f/h/i', 'ac17/d/h/i', 'ac17/e/h/i', 'ac17/f/h/i', 'ac18/d/h/i', 'ac18/e/h/i', 'ac18/f/h/i', 'ac19/d/h/i', 'ac19/e/h/i', 'ac19/f/h/i', 'ac20/d/h/i', 'ac20/e/h/i', 'ac20/f/h/i', 'ac21/d/h/i', 'ac21/e/h/i', 'ac21/f/h/i', 'ac22/d/h/i', 'ac22/e/h/i', 'ac22/f/h/i', 'ac23/d/h/i', 'ac23/e/h/i', 'ac23/f/h/i', 'ac24/d/h/i', 'ac24/e/h/i', 'ac24/f/h/i', 'ac25/d/h/i', 'ac25/e/h/i', 'ac25/f/h/i', 'ac26/d/h/i', 'ac26/e/h/i', 'ac26/f/h/i', 'ac27/d/h/i', 'ac27/e/h/i', 'ac27/f/h/i', 'ac28/d/h/i', 'ac28/e/h/i', 'ac28/f/h/i', 'ac29/d/h/i', 'ac29/e/h/i', 'ac29/f/h/i', 'ac30/d/h/i', 'ac30/e/h/i', 'ac30/f/h/i', 'ac31/d/h/i', 'ac31/e/h/i', 'ac31/f/h/i', 'ac32/d/h/i', 'ac32/e/h/i', 'ac32/f/h/i', 'ac33/d/h/i', 'ac33/e/h/i', 'ac33/f/h/i', 'ac34/d/h/i', 'ac34/e/h/i', 'ac34/f/h/i', 'ac35/d/h/i', 'ac35/e/h/i', 'ac35/f/h/i', 'ac36/d/h/i', 'ac36/e/h/i', 'ac36/f/h/i', 'ac37/d/h/i', 'ac37/e/h/i', 'ac37/f/h/i', 'ac38/d/h/i', 'ac38/e/h/i', 'ac38/f/h/i', 'ac39/d/h/i', 'ac39/e/h/i', 'ac39/f/h/i', 'ac40/d/h/i', 'ac40/e/h/i', 'ac40/f/h/i', 'ac41/d/h/i', 'ac41/e/h/i', 'ac41/f/h/i', 'ac42/d/h/i', 'ac42/e/h/i', 'ac42/f/h/i', 'ac43/d/h/i', 'ac43/e/h/i', 'ac43/f/h/i', 'ac44/d/h/i', 'ac44/e/h/i', 'ac44/f/h/i', 'ac45/d/h/i', 'ac45/e/h/i', 'ac45/f/h/i', 'ac46/d/h/i', 'ac46/e/h/i', 'ac46/f/h/i', 'ac47/d/h/i', 'ac47/e/h/i', 'ac47/f/h/i', 'ac48/d/h/i', 'ac48/e/h/i', 'ac48/f/h/i', 'ac49/d/h/i', 'ac49/e/h/i', 'ac49/f/h/i', 'ac50/d/h/i', 'ac50/e/h/i', 'ac50/f/h/i', 'agh/i']], + ['0{1..9} {10..20}', {}, ['01 10', '01 11', '01 12', '01 13', '01 14', '01 15', '01 16', '01 17', '01 18', '01 19', '01 20', '02 10', '02 11', '02 12', '02 13', '02 14', '02 15', '02 16', '02 17', '02 18', '02 19', '02 20', '03 10', '03 11', '03 12', '03 13', '03 14', '03 15', '03 16', '03 17', '03 18', '03 19', '03 20', '04 10', '04 11', '04 12', '04 13', '04 14', '04 15', '04 16', '04 17', '04 18', '04 19', '04 20', '05 10', '05 11', '05 12', '05 13', '05 14', '05 15', '05 16', '05 17', '05 18', '05 19', '05 20', '06 10', '06 11', '06 12', '06 13', '06 14', '06 15', '06 16', '06 17', '06 18', '06 19', '06 20', '07 10', '07 11', '07 12', '07 13', '07 14', '07 15', '07 16', '07 17', '07 18', '07 19', '07 20', '08 10', '08 11', '08 12', '08 13', '08 14', '08 15', '08 16', '08 17', '08 18', '08 19', '08 20', '09 10', '09 11', '09 12', '09 13', '09 14', '09 15', '09 16', '09 17', '09 18', '09 19', '09 20']], ['a{0..3}d', {}, ['a0d', 'a1d', 'a2d', 'a3d']], ['x{10..1}y', {}, ['x10y', 'x9y', 'x8y', 'x7y', 'x6y', 'x5y', 'x4y', 'x3y', 'x2y', 'x1y']], ['x{3..3}y', {}, ['x3y']], @@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ describe('bash - expanded brace ranges', () => { ['{5..8}', {}, ['5', '6', '7', '8']], ['**/{1..5}/a.js', {}, ['**/1/a.js', '**/2/a.js', '**/3/a.js', '**/4/a.js', '**/5/a.js']], ['{braces,{0..10}}', {}, ['braces', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']], - ['./\\{x,y}/{a..z..3}/', {}, ['./{x,y}/a/', './{x,y}/d/', './{x,y}/g/', './{x,y}/j/', './{x,y}/m/', './{x,y}/p/', './{x,y}/s/', './{x,y}/v/', './{x,y}/y/'] ], - ['x{{0..10},braces}y', {}, ['x0y', 'x1y', 'x2y', 'x3y', 'x4y', 'x5y', 'x6y', 'x7y', 'x8y', 'x9y', 'x10y', 'xbracesy'] ], + ['./\\{x,y}/{a..z..3}/', {}, ['./{x,y}/a/', './{x,y}/d/', './{x,y}/g/', './{x,y}/j/', './{x,y}/m/', './{x,y}/p/', './{x,y}/s/', './{x,y}/v/', './{x,y}/y/']], + ['x{{0..10},braces}y', {}, ['x0y', 'x1y', 'x2y', 'x3y', 'x4y', 'x5y', 'x6y', 'x7y', 'x8y', 'x9y', 'x10y', 'xbracesy']], ['{braces,{0..10}}', {}, ['braces', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']], ['{{0..10},braces}', {}, ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'braces']], ['{{1..10..2},braces}', {}, ['1', '3', '5', '7', '9', 'braces']], @@ -242,60 +242,60 @@ describe('bash - 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expanded brace ranges', () => { return; } - let options = { ...arr[1] }; - let pattern = arr[0]; - let expected = arr[2]; + const options = { ...arr[1] }; + const pattern = arr[0]; + const expected = arr[2]; if (options.skip !== true) { it('should compile: ' + pattern, () => equal(pattern, expected, options)); diff --git a/test/bash-expanded-sets.js b/test/bash-expanded-sets.js index 718ac40..b5a40cc 100644 --- a/test/bash-expanded-sets.js +++ b/test/bash-expanded-sets.js @@ -23,206 +23,206 @@ const equal = (input, expected = bash(input), options) => { describe('bash - expanded brace sets', () => { const fixtures = [ - [ 'a/\\{b,c,d,{x,y}}{e,f\\}/g', {}, [ 'a/{b,c,d,x}{e,f}/g', 'a/{b,c,d,y}{e,f}/g' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{b,c,d\\}\\{e,f\\}/g', {}, [ 'a/{b,c,d}{e,f}/g' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{b,c,d\\}\\{e,f}/g', {}, [ 'a/{b,c,d}{e,f}/g' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{b,c,d\\}{e,f}/g', {}, [ 'a/{b,c,d}e/g', 'a/{b,c,d}f/g' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{b,c,d{x,y}}{e,f\\}/g', {}, [ 'a/{b,c,dx}{e,f}/g', 'a/{b,c,dy}{e,f}/g' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{b,c,d}{e,f\\}/g', {}, [ 'a/{b,c,d}{e,f}/g' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{b,c,d}{e,f}/g', {}, [ 'a/{b,c,d}e/g', 'a/{b,c,d}f/g' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{x,y}/cde', {}, [ 'a/{x,y}/cde' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{{b,c}{e,f}/g', {}, [ 'a/{be/g', 'a/{bf/g', 'a/{ce/g', 'a/{cf/g' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{{b,c}{e,f}\\}/g', {}, [ 'a/{be}/g', 'a/{bf}/g', 'a/{ce}/g', 'a/{cf}/g' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{{b,c}{e,f}}/g', {}, [ 'a/{be}/g', 'a/{bf}/g', 'a/{ce}/g', 'a/{cf}/g' ] ], - [ 'a/b/{b,c,{d,e{f,g},{w,x}/{y,z}}}/h/i', {}, [ 'a/b/b/h/i', 'a/b/c/h/i', 'a/b/d/h/i', 'a/b/ef/h/i', 'a/b/eg/h/i', 'a/b/w/y/h/i', 'a/b/w/z/h/i', 'a/b/x/y/h/i', 'a/b/x/z/h/i' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,c,d}{e,f}/g', {}, [ 'a/be/g', 'a/bf/g', 'a/ce/g', 'a/cf/g', 'a/de/g', 'a/df/g' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,c\\,d}{e,f}/g', {}, [ 'a/be/g', 'a/bf/g', 'a/c,de/g', 'a/c,df/g' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,c\\}}{e,f}/g', {}, [ 'a/be/g', 'a/bf/g', 'a/c}e/g', 'a/c}f/g' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,c}', {}, [ 'a/b', 'a/c' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,c}d{e,f}/g', {}, [ 'a/bde/g', 'a/bdf/g', 'a/cde/g', 'a/cdf/g' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,c}{e,f}/g', {}, [ 'a/be/g', 'a/bf/g', 'a/ce/g', 'a/cf/g' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,c}{e,f}{g,h,i}/k', {}, [ 'a/beg/k', 'a/beh/k', 'a/bei/k', 'a/bfg/k', 'a/bfh/k', 'a/bfi/k', 'a/ceg/k', 'a/ceh/k', 'a/cei/k', 'a/cfg/k', 'a/cfh/k', 'a/cfi/k' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,{c,d},e}/f', {}, [ 'a/b/f', 'a/c/f', 'a/d/f', 'a/e/f' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,{c,d}/{e,f},g}/h', {}, [ 'a/b/h', 'a/c/e/h', 'a/c/f/h', 'a/d/e/h', 'a/d/f/h', 'a/g/h' ] ], - [ 'a/{b{c,d},e{f,g}h{i,j}}/k', {}, [ 'a/bc/k', 'a/bd/k', 'a/efhi/k', 'a/efhj/k', 'a/eghi/k', 'a/eghj/k' ] ], - [ 'a/{b{c,d},e}/f', {}, [ 'a/bc/f', 'a/bd/f', 'a/e/f' ] ], - [ 'a/{b{c,d}e{f,g}h{i,j}}/k', {}, [ 'a/{bcefhi}/k', 'a/{bcefhj}/k', 'a/{bceghi}/k', 'a/{bceghj}/k', 'a/{bdefhi}/k', 'a/{bdefhj}/k', 'a/{bdeghi}/k', 'a/{bdeghj}/k' ] ], - [ 'a/{b{c,d}e{f,g},h{i,j}}/k', {}, [ 'a/bcef/k', 'a/bceg/k', 'a/bdef/k', 'a/bdeg/k', 'a/hi/k', 'a/hj/k' ] ], - [ 'a/{x,z}{b,{c,d}/{e,f},g}/h', {}, [ 'a/xb/h', 'a/xc/e/h', 'a/xc/f/h', 'a/xd/e/h', 'a/xd/f/h', 'a/xg/h', 'a/zb/h', 'a/zc/e/h', 'a/zc/f/h', 'a/zd/e/h', 'a/zd/f/h', 'a/zg/h' ] ], - [ 'a/{{a,b}/{c,d}}/z', {}, [ 'a/{a/c}/z', 'a/{a/d}/z', 'a/{b/c}/z', 'a/{b/d}/z' ] ], - [ 'a/{{b,c}/{d,e}}', {}, [ 'a/{b/d}', 'a/{b/e}', 'a/{c/d}', 'a/{c/e}' ] ], - [ 'a/{{b,c}/{d,e}}/f', {}, [ 'a/{b/d}/f', 'a/{b/e}/f', 'a/{c/d}/f', 'a/{c/e}/f' ] ], - [ 'a{b}c', {}, [ 'a{b}c' ] ], - [ 'foo {1,2} bar', {}, [ 'foo 1 bar', 'foo 2 bar' ] ], - [ '{ }', {}, [ '{ }' ] ], - [ '{', {}, [ '{' ] ], - [ '{a,b,{c,d},e}', {}, [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ] ], - [ '{a,b,{c,d}e}', {}, [ 'a', 'b', 'ce', 'de' ] ], - [ '{a,b,{c,d}}', {}, [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] ], - [ '{a,b{c,d}}', {}, [ 'a', 'bc', 'bd' ] ], - [ '{a,b}/{c,d}', {}, [ 'a/c', 'a/d', 'b/c', 'b/d' ] ], - [ '{a,b}c,d\\}', {}, [ 'ac,d}', 'bc,d}' ] ], - [ '{a,b\\}c,d}', {}, [ 'a', 'b}c', 'd' ] ], - [ '{a,b}{c,d}', {}, [ 'ac', 'ad', 'bc', 'bd' ] ], - [ '{abc}', {}, [ '{abc}' ] ], - [ '{b{c,d},e}', {}, [ 'bc', 'bd', 'e' ] ], - [ '{b{c,d},e}/f', {}, [ 'bc/f', 'bd/f', 'e/f' ] ], - [ 'x,y,{abc},trie', {}, [ 'x,y,{abc},trie' ] ], - [ '{{a,b},{c,d}}', {}, [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] ], - [ '{{a,b}/{c,d}}', {}, [ '{a/c}', '{a/d}', '{b/c}', '{b/d}' ] ], - [ '{{a,b}/{c,d}}/z', {}, [ '{a/c}/z', '{a/d}/z', '{b/c}/z', '{b/d}/z' ] ], - [ '{}', {}, [ '{}' ] ], + ['a/\\{b,c,d,{x,y}}{e,f\\}/g', {}, ['a/{b,c,d,x}{e,f}/g', 'a/{b,c,d,y}{e,f}/g']], + ['a/\\{b,c,d\\}\\{e,f\\}/g', {}, ['a/{b,c,d}{e,f}/g']], + ['a/\\{b,c,d\\}\\{e,f}/g', {}, ['a/{b,c,d}{e,f}/g']], + ['a/\\{b,c,d\\}{e,f}/g', {}, ['a/{b,c,d}e/g', 'a/{b,c,d}f/g']], + ['a/\\{b,c,d{x,y}}{e,f\\}/g', {}, ['a/{b,c,dx}{e,f}/g', 'a/{b,c,dy}{e,f}/g']], + ['a/\\{b,c,d}{e,f\\}/g', {}, ['a/{b,c,d}{e,f}/g']], + ['a/\\{b,c,d}{e,f}/g', {}, ['a/{b,c,d}e/g', 'a/{b,c,d}f/g']], + ['a/\\{x,y}/cde', {}, ['a/{x,y}/cde']], + ['a/\\{{b,c}{e,f}/g', {}, ['a/{be/g', 'a/{bf/g', 'a/{ce/g', 'a/{cf/g']], + ['a/\\{{b,c}{e,f}\\}/g', {}, ['a/{be}/g', 'a/{bf}/g', 'a/{ce}/g', 'a/{cf}/g']], + ['a/\\{{b,c}{e,f}}/g', {}, ['a/{be}/g', 'a/{bf}/g', 'a/{ce}/g', 'a/{cf}/g']], + ['a/b/{b,c,{d,e{f,g},{w,x}/{y,z}}}/h/i', {}, ['a/b/b/h/i', 'a/b/c/h/i', 'a/b/d/h/i', 'a/b/ef/h/i', 'a/b/eg/h/i', 'a/b/w/y/h/i', 'a/b/w/z/h/i', 'a/b/x/y/h/i', 'a/b/x/z/h/i']], + ['a/{b,c,d}{e,f}/g', {}, ['a/be/g', 'a/bf/g', 'a/ce/g', 'a/cf/g', 'a/de/g', 'a/df/g']], + ['a/{b,c\\,d}{e,f}/g', {}, ['a/be/g', 'a/bf/g', 'a/c,de/g', 'a/c,df/g']], + ['a/{b,c\\}}{e,f}/g', {}, ['a/be/g', 'a/bf/g', 'a/c}e/g', 'a/c}f/g']], + ['a/{b,c}', {}, ['a/b', 'a/c']], + ['a/{b,c}d{e,f}/g', {}, ['a/bde/g', 'a/bdf/g', 'a/cde/g', 'a/cdf/g']], + ['a/{b,c}{e,f}/g', {}, ['a/be/g', 'a/bf/g', 'a/ce/g', 'a/cf/g']], + ['a/{b,c}{e,f}{g,h,i}/k', {}, ['a/beg/k', 'a/beh/k', 'a/bei/k', 'a/bfg/k', 'a/bfh/k', 'a/bfi/k', 'a/ceg/k', 'a/ceh/k', 'a/cei/k', 'a/cfg/k', 'a/cfh/k', 'a/cfi/k']], + ['a/{b,{c,d},e}/f', {}, ['a/b/f', 'a/c/f', 'a/d/f', 'a/e/f']], + ['a/{b,{c,d}/{e,f},g}/h', {}, ['a/b/h', 'a/c/e/h', 'a/c/f/h', 'a/d/e/h', 'a/d/f/h', 'a/g/h']], + ['a/{b{c,d},e{f,g}h{i,j}}/k', {}, ['a/bc/k', 'a/bd/k', 'a/efhi/k', 'a/efhj/k', 'a/eghi/k', 'a/eghj/k']], + ['a/{b{c,d},e}/f', {}, ['a/bc/f', 'a/bd/f', 'a/e/f']], + ['a/{b{c,d}e{f,g}h{i,j}}/k', {}, ['a/{bcefhi}/k', 'a/{bcefhj}/k', 'a/{bceghi}/k', 'a/{bceghj}/k', 'a/{bdefhi}/k', 'a/{bdefhj}/k', 'a/{bdeghi}/k', 'a/{bdeghj}/k']], + ['a/{b{c,d}e{f,g},h{i,j}}/k', {}, ['a/bcef/k', 'a/bceg/k', 'a/bdef/k', 'a/bdeg/k', 'a/hi/k', 'a/hj/k']], + ['a/{x,z}{b,{c,d}/{e,f},g}/h', {}, ['a/xb/h', 'a/xc/e/h', 'a/xc/f/h', 'a/xd/e/h', 'a/xd/f/h', 'a/xg/h', 'a/zb/h', 'a/zc/e/h', 'a/zc/f/h', 'a/zd/e/h', 'a/zd/f/h', 'a/zg/h']], + ['a/{{a,b}/{c,d}}/z', {}, ['a/{a/c}/z', 'a/{a/d}/z', 'a/{b/c}/z', 'a/{b/d}/z']], + ['a/{{b,c}/{d,e}}', {}, ['a/{b/d}', 'a/{b/e}', 'a/{c/d}', 'a/{c/e}']], + ['a/{{b,c}/{d,e}}/f', {}, ['a/{b/d}/f', 'a/{b/e}/f', 'a/{c/d}/f', 'a/{c/e}/f']], + ['a{b}c', {}, ['a{b}c']], + ['foo {1,2} bar', {}, ['foo 1 bar', 'foo 2 bar']], + ['{ }', {}, ['{ }']], + ['{', {}, ['{']], + ['{a,b,{c,d},e}', {}, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']], + ['{a,b,{c,d}e}', {}, ['a', 'b', 'ce', 'de']], + ['{a,b,{c,d}}', {}, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']], + ['{a,b{c,d}}', {}, ['a', 'bc', 'bd']], + ['{a,b}/{c,d}', {}, ['a/c', 'a/d', 'b/c', 'b/d']], + ['{a,b}c,d\\}', {}, ['ac,d}', 'bc,d}']], + ['{a,b\\}c,d}', {}, ['a', 'b}c', 'd']], + ['{a,b}{c,d}', {}, ['ac', 'ad', 'bc', 'bd']], + ['{abc}', {}, ['{abc}']], + ['{b{c,d},e}', {}, ['bc', 'bd', 'e']], + ['{b{c,d},e}/f', {}, ['bc/f', 'bd/f', 'e/f']], + ['x,y,{abc},trie', {}, ['x,y,{abc},trie']], + ['{{a,b},{c,d}}', {}, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']], + ['{{a,b}/{c,d}}', {}, ['{a/c}', '{a/d}', '{b/c}', '{b/d}']], + ['{{a,b}/{c,d}}/z', {}, ['{a/c}/z', '{a/d}/z', '{b/c}/z', '{b/d}/z']], + ['{}', {}, ['{}']], // // should ignore globs - [ '}', {}, [ '}' ] ], + ['}', {}, ['}']], // 'should ignore globs', - [ '{generate,{assemble,update,verb}{file,-generate-*},generator}.js', {}, [ 'generate.js', 'assemblefile.js', 'assemble-generate-*.js', 'updatefile.js', 'update-generate-*.js', 'verbfile.js', 'verb-generate-*.js', 'generator.js' ] ], - [ '**/{foo,bar}.js', {}, [ '**/foo.js', '**/bar.js' ] ], - [ '**/{a,b,c}/*.js', {}, [ '**/a/*.js', '**/b/*.js', '**/c/*.js' ] ], - [ '**/{a,b,*}/*.js', {}, [ '**/a/*.js', '**/b/*.js', '**/*/*.js' ] ], - [ '**/{**,b,*}/*.js', {}, [ '**/**/*.js', '**/b/*.js', '**/*/*.js' ] ], - [ '/usr/{ucb/{ex,edit},lib/{ex,how_ex}}', {}, [ '/usr/ucb/ex', '/usr/ucb/edit', '/usr/lib/ex', '/usr/lib/how_ex' ] ], - [ 'ff{c,b,a}', {}, [ 'ffc', 'ffb', 'ffa' ] ], - [ 'f{d,e,f}g', {}, [ 'fdg', 'feg', 'ffg' ] ], - [ '{a,b,c}', {}, [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] ], - [ '{l,m,n}xyz', {}, [ 'lxyz', 'mxyz', 'nxyz' ] ], - [ 'a/{a,b}/{c,d}/e', {}, [ 'a/a/c/e', 'a/a/d/e', 'a/b/c/e', 'a/b/d/e' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c}d{e,f}g', {}, [ 'abdeg', 'abdfg', 'acdeg', 'acdfg' ] ], - [ 'a/{x,y}/c{d,e}f.{md,txt}', {}, [ 'a/x/', 'a/x/cdf.txt', 'a/x/', 'a/x/cef.txt', 'a/y/', 'a/y/cdf.txt', 'a/y/', 'a/y/cef.txt' ] ], - [ '{a,b}{{a,b},a,b}', {}, [ 'aa', 'ab', 'aa', 'ab', 'ba', 'bb', 'ba', 'bb' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e}f}g', {}, [ 'abg', 'acdfg', 'acefg' ] ], - [ 'a{{x,y},z}b', {}, [ 'axb', 'ayb', 'azb' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{g,z}}h', {}, [ 'fxh', 'fygh', 'fyzh' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e},h}x/z', {}, [ 'abx/z', 'acdx/z', 'acex/z', 'ahx/z' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e},h}x{y,z}', {}, [ 'abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'ahxy', 'ahxz' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e},{f,g}h}x{y,z}', {}, [ 'abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'afhxy', 'afhxz', 'aghxy', 'aghxz' ] ], + ['{generate,{assemble,update,verb}{file,-generate-*},generator}.js', {}, ['generate.js', 'assemblefile.js', 'assemble-generate-*.js', 'updatefile.js', 'update-generate-*.js', 'verbfile.js', 'verb-generate-*.js', 'generator.js']], + ['**/{foo,bar}.js', {}, ['**/foo.js', '**/bar.js']], + ['**/{a,b,c}/*.js', {}, ['**/a/*.js', '**/b/*.js', '**/c/*.js']], + ['**/{a,b,*}/*.js', {}, ['**/a/*.js', '**/b/*.js', '**/*/*.js']], + ['**/{**,b,*}/*.js', {}, ['**/**/*.js', '**/b/*.js', '**/*/*.js']], + ['/usr/{ucb/{ex,edit},lib/{ex,how_ex}}', {}, ['/usr/ucb/ex', '/usr/ucb/edit', '/usr/lib/ex', '/usr/lib/how_ex']], + ['ff{c,b,a}', {}, ['ffc', 'ffb', 'ffa']], + ['f{d,e,f}g', {}, ['fdg', 'feg', 'ffg']], + ['{a,b,c}', {}, ['a', 'b', 'c']], + ['{l,m,n}xyz', {}, ['lxyz', 'mxyz', 'nxyz']], + ['a/{a,b}/{c,d}/e', {}, ['a/a/c/e', 'a/a/d/e', 'a/b/c/e', 'a/b/d/e']], + ['a{b,c}d{e,f}g', {}, ['abdeg', 'abdfg', 'acdeg', 'acdfg']], + ['a/{x,y}/c{d,e}f.{md,txt}', {}, ['a/x/', 'a/x/cdf.txt', 'a/x/', 'a/x/cef.txt', 'a/y/', 'a/y/cdf.txt', 'a/y/', 'a/y/cef.txt']], + ['{a,b}{{a,b},a,b}', {}, ['aa', 'ab', 'aa', 'ab', 'ba', 'bb', 'ba', 'bb']], + ['a{b,c{d,e}f}g', {}, ['abg', 'acdfg', 'acefg']], + ['a{{x,y},z}b', {}, ['axb', 'ayb', 'azb']], + ['f{x,y{g,z}}h', {}, ['fxh', 'fygh', 'fyzh']], + ['a{b,c{d,e},h}x/z', {}, ['abx/z', 'acdx/z', 'acex/z', 'ahx/z']], + ['a{b,c{d,e},h}x{y,z}', {}, ['abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'ahxy', 'ahxz']], + ['a{b,c{d,e},{f,g}h}x{y,z}', {}, ['abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'afhxy', 'afhxz', 'aghxy', 'aghxz']], // 'should not expand escaped braces', - [ '\\{a,b,c,d,e}', {}, [ '{a,b,c,d,e}' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{b,c}/{d,e}/f', {}, [ 'a/{b,c}/d/f', 'a/{b,c}/e/f' ] ], - [ 'a/\\{x,y}/cde', {}, [ 'a/{x,y}/cde' ] ], - [ 'a/b/c/{x,y\\}', {}, [ 'a/b/c/{x,y}' ] ], - [ 'a/{z,\\{a,b,c,d,e}/d', {}, [ 'a/z/d', 'a/{a/d', 'a/b/d', 'a/c/d', 'a/d/d', 'a/e/d' ] ], - [ 'abcd{efgh', {}, [ 'abcd{efgh' ] ], - [ '{a,b\\}c,d}', {}, [ 'a', 'b}c', 'd' ] ], - [ '{abc}', {}, [ '{abc}' ] ], - [ '{x,y,\\{a,b,c\\}}', {}, [ 'x', 'y', '{a', 'b', 'c}' ] ], - [ '{x,y,{abc},trie}', {}, [ 'x', 'y', '{abc}', 'trie' ] ], - [ '{x,y,{a,b,c\\}}', {}, [ '{x,y,a', '{x,y,b', '{x,y,c}' ] ], + ['\\{a,b,c,d,e}', {}, ['{a,b,c,d,e}']], + ['a/\\{b,c}/{d,e}/f', {}, ['a/{b,c}/d/f', 'a/{b,c}/e/f']], + ['a/\\{x,y}/cde', {}, ['a/{x,y}/cde']], + ['a/b/c/{x,y\\}', {}, ['a/b/c/{x,y}']], + ['a/{z,\\{a,b,c,d,e}/d', {}, ['a/z/d', 'a/{a/d', 'a/b/d', 'a/c/d', 'a/d/d', 'a/e/d']], + ['abcd{efgh', {}, ['abcd{efgh']], + ['{a,b\\}c,d}', {}, ['a', 'b}c', 'd']], + ['{abc}', {}, ['{abc}']], + ['{x,y,\\{a,b,c\\}}', {}, ['x', 'y', '{a', 'b', 'c}']], + ['{x,y,{abc},trie}', {}, ['x', 'y', '{abc}', 'trie']], + ['{x,y,{a,b,c\\}}', {}, ['{x,y,a', '{x,y,b', '{x,y,c}']], 'should not expand escaped commas', - [ '{x\\,y,\\{abc\\},trie}', {}, [ 'x,y', '{abc}', 'trie' ] ], - [ 'a{b\\,c\\,d}e', {}, [ 'a{b,c,d}e' ] ], - [ 'a{b\\,c}d', {}, [ 'a{b,c}d' ] ], - [ '{abc\\,def}', {}, [ '{abc,def}' ] ], - [ '{abc\\,def,ghi}', {}, [ 'abc,def', 'ghi' ] ], - [ 'a/{b,c}/{x\\,y}/d/e', {}, [ 'a/b/{x,y}/d/e', 'a/c/{x,y}/d/e' ] ], + ['{x\\,y,\\{abc\\},trie}', {}, ['x,y', '{abc}', 'trie']], + ['a{b\\,c\\,d}e', {}, ['a{b,c,d}e']], + ['a{b\\,c}d', {}, ['a{b,c}d']], + ['{abc\\,def}', {}, ['{abc,def}']], + ['{abc\\,def,ghi}', {}, ['abc,def', 'ghi']], + ['a/{b,c}/{x\\,y}/d/e', {}, ['a/b/{x,y}/d/e', 'a/c/{x,y}/d/e']], 'should handle empty braces', - [ '{ }', {}, [ '{ }' ] ], - [ '{', {}, [ '{' ] ], - [ '{}', {}, [ '{}' ] ], - [ '}', {}, [ '}' ] ], + ['{ }', {}, ['{ }']], + ['{', {}, ['{']], + ['{}', {}, ['{}']], + ['}', {}, ['}']], 'should escape braces when only one value is defined', - [ 'a{b}c', {}, [ 'a{b}c' ] ], - [ 'a/b/c{d}e', {}, [ 'a/b/c{d}e' ] ], + ['a{b}c', {}, ['a{b}c']], + ['a/b/c{d}e', {}, ['a/b/c{d}e']], 'should escape closing braces when open is not defined', - [ '{a,b}c,d}', {}, [ 'ac,d}', 'bc,d}' ] ], + ['{a,b}c,d}', {}, ['ac,d}', 'bc,d}']], 'should not expand braces in sets with es6/bash-like variables', - [ 'abc/${ddd}/xyz', {}, [ 'abc/${ddd}/xyz' ] ], - [ 'a${b}c', {}, [ 'a${b}c' ] ], - [ 'a/{${b},c}/d', {}, [ 'a/${b}/d', 'a/c/d' ] ], - [ 'a${b,d}/{foo,bar}c', {}, [ 'a${b,d}/fooc', 'a${b,d}/barc' ] ], + ['abc/${ddd}/xyz', {}, ['abc/${ddd}/xyz']], + ['a${b}c', {}, ['a${b}c']], + ['a/{${b},c}/d', {}, ['a/${b}/d', 'a/c/d']], + ['a${b,d}/{foo,bar}c', {}, ['a${b,d}/fooc', 'a${b,d}/barc']], 'should support sequence brace operators', - [ 'ff{a,b,c}', {}, [ 'ffa', 'ffb', 'ffc' ] ], - [ 'f{d,e,f}g', {}, [ 'fdg', 'feg', 'ffg' ] ], - [ '{a,b,c}', {}, [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] ], - [ '{l,m,n}xyz', {}, [ 'lxyz', 'mxyz', 'nxyz' ] ], + ['ff{a,b,c}', {}, ['ffa', 'ffb', 'ffc']], + ['f{d,e,f}g', {}, ['fdg', 'feg', 'ffg']], + ['{a,b,c}', {}, ['a', 'b', 'c']], + ['{l,m,n}xyz', {}, ['lxyz', 'mxyz', 'nxyz']], 'should expand multiple sets', - [ 'a/{a,b}/{c,d}/e', {}, [ 'a/a/c/e', 'a/a/d/e', 'a/b/c/e', 'a/b/d/e' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c}d{e,f}g', {}, [ 'abdeg', 'abdfg', 'acdeg', 'acdfg' ] ], - [ 'a/{x,y}/c{d,e}f.{md,txt}', {}, [ 'a/x/', 'a/x/cdf.txt', 'a/x/', 'a/x/cef.txt', 'a/y/', 'a/y/cdf.txt', 'a/y/', 'a/y/cef.txt' ] ], + ['a/{a,b}/{c,d}/e', {}, ['a/a/c/e', 'a/a/d/e', 'a/b/c/e', 'a/b/d/e']], + ['a{b,c}d{e,f}g', {}, ['abdeg', 'abdfg', 'acdeg', 'acdfg']], + ['a/{x,y}/c{d,e}f.{md,txt}', {}, ['a/x/', 'a/x/cdf.txt', 'a/x/', 'a/x/cef.txt', 'a/y/', 'a/y/cdf.txt', 'a/y/', 'a/y/cef.txt']], 'should expand nested sets', - [ 'a{b,c{d,e}f}g', {}, [ 'abg', 'acdfg', 'acefg' ] ], - [ 'a{{x,y},z}b', {}, [ 'axb', 'ayb', 'azb' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{g,z}}h', {}, [ 'fxh', 'fygh', 'fyzh' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e},h}x/z', {}, [ 'abx/z', 'acdx/z', 'acex/z', 'ahx/z' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e},h}x{y,z}', {}, [ 'abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'ahxy', 'ahxz' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e},{f,g}h}x{y,z}', {}, [ 'abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'afhxy', 'afhxz', 'aghxy', 'aghxz' ] ], - [ 'a-{b{d,e}}-c', {}, [ 'a-{bd}-c', 'a-{be}-c' ] ], + ['a{b,c{d,e}f}g', {}, ['abg', 'acdfg', 'acefg']], + ['a{{x,y},z}b', {}, ['axb', 'ayb', 'azb']], + ['f{x,y{g,z}}h', {}, ['fxh', 'fygh', 'fyzh']], + ['a{b,c{d,e},h}x/z', {}, ['abx/z', 'acdx/z', 'acex/z', 'ahx/z']], + ['a{b,c{d,e},h}x{y,z}', {}, ['abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'ahxy', 'ahxz']], + ['a{b,c{d,e},{f,g}h}x{y,z}', {}, ['abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'afhxy', 'afhxz', 'aghxy', 'aghxz']], + ['a-{b{d,e}}-c', {}, ['a-{bd}-c', 'a-{be}-c']], 'should do nothing to glob characters', - [ 'a/b/{d,e}/*.js', {}, [ 'a/b/d/*.js', 'a/b/e/*.js' ] ], - [ 'a/**/c/{d,e}/f*.js', {}, [ 'a/**/c/d/f*.js', 'a/**/c/e/f*.js' ] ], - [ 'a/**/c/{d,e}/f*.{md,txt}', {}, [ 'a/**/c/d/f*.md', 'a/**/c/d/f*.txt', 'a/**/c/e/f*.md', 'a/**/c/e/f*.txt' ] ], - [ 'a/b/{d,e,[1-5]}/*.js', {}, [ 'a/b/d/*.js', 'a/b/e/*.js', 'a/b/[1-5]/*.js' ] ], + ['a/b/{d,e}/*.js', {}, ['a/b/d/*.js', 'a/b/e/*.js']], + ['a/**/c/{d,e}/f*.js', {}, ['a/**/c/d/f*.js', 'a/**/c/e/f*.js']], + ['a/**/c/{d,e}/f*.{md,txt}', {}, ['a/**/c/d/f*.md', 'a/**/c/d/f*.txt', 'a/**/c/e/f*.md', 'a/**/c/e/f*.txt']], + ['a/b/{d,e,[1-5]}/*.js', {}, ['a/b/d/*.js', 'a/b/e/*.js', 'a/b/[1-5]/*.js']], 'should work with leading and trailing commas', - [ 'a{b,}c', {}, [ 'abc', 'ac' ] ], - [ 'a{,b}c', {}, [ 'ac', 'abc' ] ], + ['a{b,}c', {}, ['abc', 'ac']], + ['a{,b}c', {}, ['ac', 'abc']], 'should handle spaces', - [ 'a{ ,c{d, },h}x', {}, [ 'a x', 'acdx', 'ac x', 'ahx' ] ], - [ 'a{ ,c{d, },h} ', {}, [ 'a ', 'acd ', 'ac ', 'ah ' ] ], + ['a{ ,c{d, },h}x', {}, ['a x', 'acdx', 'ac x', 'ahx']], + ['a{ ,c{d, },h} ', {}, ['a ', 'acd ', 'ac ', 'ah ']], 'see', - [ '/Users/tobiasreich/Sites/aaa/bbb/ccc 2016/src/**/[^_]*.{html,ejs}', {}, [ '/Users/tobiasreich/Sites/aaa/bbb/ccc 2016/src/**/[^_]*.html', '/Users/tobiasreich/Sites/aaa/bbb/ccc 2016/src/**/[^_]*.ejs' ] ], + ['/Users/tobiasreich/Sites/aaa/bbb/ccc 2016/src/**/[^_]*.{html,ejs}', {}, ['/Users/tobiasreich/Sites/aaa/bbb/ccc 2016/src/**/[^_]*.html', '/Users/tobiasreich/Sites/aaa/bbb/ccc 2016/src/**/[^_]*.ejs']], 'should handle weirdly-formed brace expansions (fixed in post-bash-3.1)', - [ 'a-{b{d,e}}-c', {}, [ 'a-{bd}-c', 'a-{be}-c' ] ], - [ 'a-{bdef-{g,i}-c', {}, [ 'a-{bdef-g-c', 'a-{bdef-i-c' ] ], + ['a-{b{d,e}}-c', {}, ['a-{bd}-c', 'a-{be}-c']], + ['a-{bdef-{g,i}-c', {}, ['a-{bdef-g-c', 'a-{bdef-i-c']], // 'should not expand quoted strings', - [ '{"foo"}{1,2,3}', {}, [ '{foo}1', '{foo}2', '{foo}3' ] ], - [ '{"foo"}{1,2,3}', { keepQuotes: true }, [ '{"foo"}1', '{"foo"}2', '{"foo"}3' ] ], - [ '{"x,x"}', { keepQuotes: true }, [ '{"x,x"}' ] ], - [ '{\'x,x\'}', { keepQuotes: true }, [ '{\'x,x\'}' ] ], + ['{"foo"}{1,2,3}', {}, ['{foo}1', '{foo}2', '{foo}3']], + ['{"foo"}{1,2,3}', { keepQuotes: true }, ['{"foo"}1', '{"foo"}2', '{"foo"}3']], + ['{"x,x"}', { keepQuotes: true }, ['{"x,x"}']], + ['{\'x,x\'}', { keepQuotes: true }, ['{\'x,x\'}']], 'should escape outer braces in nested non-sets', - [ '{a-{b,c,d}}', {}, [ '{a-b}', '{a-c}', '{a-d}' ] ], - [ '{a,{a-{b,c,d}}}', {}, [ 'a', '{a-b}', '{a-c}', '{a-d}' ] ], + ['{a-{b,c,d}}', {}, ['{a-b}', '{a-c}', '{a-d}']], + ['{a,{a-{b,c,d}}}', {}, ['a', '{a-b}', '{a-c}', '{a-d}']], 'should escape imbalanced braces', - [ 'abc{', {}, [ 'abc{' ] ], - [ '{abc{', {}, [ '{abc{' ] ], - [ '{abc', {}, [ '{abc' ] ], - [ '}abc', {}, [ '}abc' ] ], - [ 'ab{c', {}, [ 'ab{c' ] ], - [ 'ab{c', {}, [ 'ab{c' ] ], - [ '{{a,b}', {}, [ '{a', '{b' ] ], - [ '{a,b}}', {}, [ 'a}', 'b}' ] ], - [ 'a{b{c{d,e}f}gh', {}, [ 'a{b{cdf}gh', 'a{b{cef}gh' ] ], - [ 'a{b{c{d,e}f}g}h', {}, [ 'a{b{cdf}g}h', 'a{b{cef}g}h' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{{g,z}}h}', {}, [ 'fx', 'fy{g}h', 'fy{z}h' ] ], - [ 'z{a,b},c}d', {}, [ 'za,c}d', 'zb,c}d' ] ], - [ 'a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y{{g}h', {}, [ 'a{b{cdf{x,y{{g}h', 'a{b{cef{x,y{{g}h' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{{g}h', {}, [ 'f{x,y{{g}h' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{{g}}h', {}, [ 'f{x,y{{g}}h' ] ], - [ 'a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y{}g}h', {}, [ 'a{b{cdfxh', 'a{b{cdfy{}gh', 'a{b{cefxh', 'a{b{cefy{}gh' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{}g}h', {}, [ 'fxh', 'fy{}gh' ] ], - [ 'z{a,b{,c}d', {}, [ 'z{a,bd', 'z{a,bcd' ] ] + ['abc{', {}, ['abc{']], + ['{abc{', {}, ['{abc{']], + ['{abc', {}, ['{abc']], + ['}abc', {}, ['}abc']], + ['ab{c', {}, ['ab{c']], + ['ab{c', {}, ['ab{c']], + ['{{a,b}', {}, ['{a', '{b']], + ['{a,b}}', {}, ['a}', 'b}']], + ['a{b{c{d,e}f}gh', {}, ['a{b{cdf}gh', 'a{b{cef}gh']], + ['a{b{c{d,e}f}g}h', {}, ['a{b{cdf}g}h', 'a{b{cef}g}h']], + ['f{x,y{{g,z}}h}', {}, ['fx', 'fy{g}h', 'fy{z}h']], + ['z{a,b},c}d', {}, ['za,c}d', 'zb,c}d']], + ['a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y{{g}h', {}, ['a{b{cdf{x,y{{g}h', 'a{b{cef{x,y{{g}h']], + ['f{x,y{{g}h', {}, ['f{x,y{{g}h']], + ['f{x,y{{g}}h', {}, ['f{x,y{{g}}h']], + ['a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y{}g}h', {}, ['a{b{cdfxh', 'a{b{cdfy{}gh', 'a{b{cefxh', 'a{b{cefy{}gh']], + ['f{x,y{}g}h', {}, ['fxh', 'fy{}gh']], + ['z{a,b{,c}d', {}, ['z{a,bd', 'z{a,bcd']] ]; fixtures.forEach(arr => { @@ -230,9 +230,9 @@ describe('bash - expanded brace sets', () => { return; } - let options = { ...arr[1] }; - let pattern = arr[0]; - let expected = arr[2]; + const options = { ...arr[1] }; + const pattern = arr[0]; + const expected = arr[2]; if (options.skip !== true) { it('should compile: ' + pattern, () => equal(pattern, expected, options)); diff --git a/test/bash-spec.js b/test/bash-spec.js index a32f42d..5675f5e 100644 --- a/test/bash-spec.js +++ b/test/bash-spec.js @@ -22,159 +22,159 @@ const equal = (input, expected = bash(input), options) => { */ describe('bash', () => { - var fixtures = [ - [ '{1\\.2}', {}, [ '{1.2}' ] ], - [ '{1\\.2}', { keepEscaping: true }, [ '{1\\.2}' ] ], - [ '{"x,x"}', {}, [ '{x,x}' ] ], - [ '{x","x}', {}, [ '{x,x}' ] ], - [ '\'{x,x}\'', {}, [ '{x,x}' ] ], - [ '{x`,`x}', {}, [ '{x,x}' ] ], - [ '{x`,`x}', { keepQuotes: true }, [ '{x`,`x}' ] ], - [ '\'{a,b}{{a,b},a,b}\'', {}, [ '{a,b}{{a,b},a,b}' ] ], - [ 'A{b,{d,e},{f,g}}Z', {}, [ 'AbZ', 'AdZ', 'AeZ', 'AfZ', 'AgZ' ] ], - [ 'PRE-{a,b}{{a,b},a,b}-POST', {}, [ 'PRE-aa-POST', 'PRE-ab-POST', 'PRE-aa-POST', 'PRE-ab-POST', 'PRE-ba-POST', 'PRE-bb-POST', 'PRE-ba-POST', 'PRE-bb-POST' ] ], - [ '\\{a,b}{{a,b},a,b}', {}, [ '{a,b}a', '{a,b}b', '{a,b}a', '{a,b}b' ] ], - [ '{{a,b}', {}, [ '{a', '{b' ] ], - [ '{a,b}}', {}, [ 'a}', 'b}' ] ], - [ '{,}', {}, ['', ''] ], - [ 'a{,}', {}, [ 'a', 'a' ] ], - [ '{,}b', {}, [ 'b', 'b' ] ], - [ 'a{,}b', {}, [ 'ab', 'ab' ] ], - [ 'a{b}c', {}, [ 'a{b}c' ] ], - [ 'a{1..5}b', {}, [ 'a1b', 'a2b', 'a3b', 'a4b', 'a5b' ] ], - [ 'a{01..5}b', {}, [ 'a01b', 'a02b', 'a03b', 'a04b', 'a05b' ] ], - [ 'a{-01..5}b', {}, [ 'a-01b', 'a000b', 'a001b', 'a002b', 'a003b', 'a004b', 'a005b' ] ], - [ 'a{-01..5..3}b', {}, [ 'a-01b', 'a002b', 'a005b' ] ], - [ 'a{001..9}b', {}, [ 'a001b', 'a002b', 'a003b', 'a004b', 'a005b', 'a006b', 'a007b', 'a008b', 'a009b' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e},{f,g}h}x{y,z', {}, [ 'abx{y,z', 'acdx{y,z', 'acex{y,z', 'afhx{y,z', 'aghx{y,z' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e},{f,g}h}x{y,z\\}', {}, [ 'abx{y,z}', 'acdx{y,z}', 'acex{y,z}', 'afhx{y,z}', 'aghx{y,z}' ] ], - [ 'a{b,c{d,e},{f,g}h}x{y,z}', {}, [ 'abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'afhxy', 'afhxz', 'aghxy', 'aghxz' ] ], - [ 'a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y{{g}h', {}, [ 'a{b{cdf{x,y{{g}h', 'a{b{cef{x,y{{g}h' ] ], - [ 'a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y{}g}h', {}, [ 'a{b{cdfxh', 'a{b{cdfy{}gh', 'a{b{cefxh', 'a{b{cefy{}gh' ] ], - [ 'a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y}}g}h', {}, [ 'a{b{cdfx}g}h', 'a{b{cdfy}g}h', 'a{b{cefx}g}h', 'a{b{cefy}g}h' ] ], - [ 'a{b{c{d,e}f}g}h', {}, [ 'a{b{cdf}g}h', 'a{b{cef}g}h' ] ], - [ 'a{{x,y},z}b', {}, [ 'axb', 'ayb', 'azb' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{g,z}}h', {}, [ 'fxh', 'fygh', 'fyzh' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{{g,z}}h', {}, [ 'f{x,y{g}h', 'f{x,y{z}h' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{{g,z}}h}', {}, [ 'fx', 'fy{g}h', 'fy{z}h' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{{g}h', {}, [ 'f{x,y{{g}h' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{{g}}h', {}, [ 'f{x,y{{g}}h' ] ], - [ 'f{x,y{}g}h', {}, [ 'fxh', 'fy{}gh' ] ], - [ 'z{a,b{,c}d', {}, [ 'z{a,bd', 'z{a,bcd' ] ], - [ 'z{a,b},c}d', {}, [ 'za,c}d', 'zb,c}d' ] ], - [ '{-01..5}', {}, [ '-01', '000', '001', '002', '003', '004', '005' ] ], - [ '{-05..100..5}', {}, [ '-05', '000', '005', '010', '015', '020', '025', '030', '035', '040', '045', '050', '055', '060', '065', '070', '075', '080', '085', '090', '095', '100' ] ], - [ '{-05..100}', {}, [ '-05', '-04', '-03', '-02', '-01', '000', '001', '002', '003', '004', '005', '006', '007', '008', '009', '010', '011', '012', '013', '014', '015', '016', '017', '018', '019', '020', '021', '022', '023', '024', '025', '026', '027', '028', '029', '030', '031', '032', '033', '034', '035', '036', '037', '038', '039', '040', '041', '042', '043', '044', '045', '046', '047', '048', '049', '050', '051', '052', '053', '054', '055', '056', '057', '058', '059', '060', '061', '062', '063', '064', '065', '066', '067', '068', '069', '070', '071', '072', '073', '074', '075', '076', '077', '078', '079', '080', '081', '082', '083', '084', '085', '086', '087', '088', '089', '090', '091', '092', '093', '094', '095', '096', '097', '098', '099', '100' ] ], - [ '{0..5..2}', {}, [ '0', '2', '4' ] ], - [ '{0001..05..2}', {}, [ '0001', '0003', '0005' ] ], - [ '{0001..-5..2}', {}, [ '0001', '-001', '-003', '-005' ] ], - [ '{0001..-5..-2}', {}, [ '0001', '-001', '-003', '-005' ] ], - [ '{0001..5..-2}', {}, [ '0001', '0003', '0005' ] ], - [ '{01..5}', {}, [ '01', '02', '03', '04', '05' ] ], - [ '{1..05}', {}, [ '01', '02', '03', '04', '05' ] ], - [ '{1..05..3}', {}, [ '01', '04' ] ], - [ '{05..100}', {}, [ '005', '006', '007', '008', '009', '010', '011', '012', '013', '014', '015', '016', '017', '018', '019', '020', '021', '022', '023', '024', '025', '026', '027', '028', '029', '030', '031', '032', '033', '034', '035', '036', '037', '038', '039', '040', '041', '042', '043', '044', '045', '046', '047', '048', '049', '050', '051', '052', '053', '054', '055', '056', '057', '058', '059', '060', '061', '062', '063', '064', '065', '066', '067', '068', '069', '070', '071', '072', '073', '074', '075', '076', '077', '078', '079', '080', '081', '082', '083', '084', '085', '086', '087', '088', '089', '090', '091', '092', '093', '094', '095', '096', '097', '098', '099', '100' ] ], - [ '{0a..0z}', {}, [ '{0a..0z}' ] ], - [ '{a,b\\}c,d}', {}, [ 'a', 'b}c', 'd' ] ], - [ '{a,b{c,d}', {}, [ '{a,bc', '{a,bd' ] ], - [ '{a,b}c,d}', {}, [ 'ac,d}', 'bc,d}' ] ], - [ '{a..F}', {}, [ 'a', '`', '_', '^', ']', '\\', '[', 'Z', 'Y', 'X', 'W', 'V', 'U', 'T', 'S', 'R', 'Q', 'P', 'O', 'N', 'M', 'L', 'K', 'J', 'I', 'H', 'G', 'F' ] ], - [ '{A..f}', {}, [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ] ], - [ '{a..Z}', {}, [ 'a', '`', '_', '^', ']', '\\', '[', 'Z' ] ], - [ '{A..z}', {}, [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' ] ], - [ '{z..A}', {}, [ 'z', 'y', 'x', 'w', 'v', 'u', 't', 's', 'r', 'q', 'p', 'o', 'n', 'm', 'l', 'k', 'j', 'i', 'h', 'g', 'f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a', '`', '_', '^', ']', '\\', '[', 'Z', 'Y', 'X', 'W', 'V', 'U', 'T', 'S', 'R', 'Q', 'P', 'O', 'N', 'M', 'L', 'K', 'J', 'I', 'H', 'G', 'F', 'E', 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A' ] ], - [ '{Z..a}', {}, [ 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a' ] ], - [ '{a..F..2}', {}, [ 'a', '_', ']', '[', 'Y', 'W', 'U', 'S', 'Q', 'O', 'M', 'K', 'I', 'G' ] ], - [ '{A..f..02}', {}, [ 'A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'I', 'K', 'M', 'O', 'Q', 'S', 'U', 'W', 'Y', '[', ']', '_', 'a', 'c', 'e' ] ], - [ '{a..Z..5}', {}, [ 'a', '\\' ] ], - [ 'd{a..Z..5}b', {}, [ 'dab', 'd\\b' ] ], - [ '{A..z..10}', {}, [ 'A', 'K', 'U', '_', 'i', 's' ] ], - [ '{z..A..-2}', {}, [ 'z', 'x', 'v', 't', 'r', 'p', 'n', 'l', 'j', 'h', 'f', 'd', 'b', '`', '^', '\\', 'Z', 'X', 'V', 'T', 'R', 'P', 'N', 'L', 'J', 'H', 'F', 'D', 'B' ] ], - [ '{Z..a..20}', {}, [ 'Z' ] ], - [ '{a{,b}', {}, [ '{a', '{ab' ] ], - [ '{a\\},b}', {}, [ 'a}', 'b' ] ], - [ '{x,y{,}g}', {}, [ 'x', 'yg', 'yg' ] ], - [ '{x,y{}g}', {}, [ 'x', 'y{}g' ] ], - [ '{{a,b}', {}, [ '{a', '{b' ] ], - [ '{{a,b},c}', {}, [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] ], - [ '{{a,b}c}', {}, [ '{ac}', '{bc}' ] ], - [ '{{a,b},}', {}, [ 'a', 'b', '' ] ], - [ 'X{{a,b},}X', {}, [ 'XaX', 'XbX', 'XX' ] ], - [ '{{a,b},}c', {}, [ 'ac', 'bc', 'c' ] ], - [ '{{a,b}.}', {}, [ '{a.}', '{b.}' ] ], - [ '{{a,b}}', {}, [ '{a}', '{b}' ] ], - [ 'X{a..#}X', {}, ['XaX', 'X`X', 'X_X', 'X^X', 'X]X', 'X\\X', 'X[X', 'XZX', 'XYX', 'XXX', 'XWX', 'XVX', 'XUX', 'XTX', 'XSX', 'XRX', 'XQX', 'XPX', 'XOX', 'XNX', 'XMX', 'XLX', 'XKX', 'XJX', 'XIX', 'XHX', 'XGX', 'XFX', 'XEX', 'XDX', 'XCX', 'XBX', 'XAX', 'X@X', 'X?X', 'X>X', 'X=X', 'XX', 'X=X', 'X { @@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ describe('bash', () => { return; } - let options = { ...arr[1] }; - let pattern = arr[0]; - let expected = arr[2]; + const options = { ...arr[1] }; + const pattern = arr[0]; + const expected = arr[2]; if (options.skip === true) { return; diff --git a/test/braces.compile.js b/test/braces.compile.js index fc8697d..04b42b1 100644 --- a/test/braces.compile.js +++ b/test/braces.compile.js @@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ describe('braces.compile()', () => { }); it('should compile zero-padded numeric ranges', () => { - assert.equal(compile(parse('{01..05}')), '(0?[1-5])'); + assert.equal(compile(parse('{01..05}')), '(0[1-5])'); }); it('should compile zero-padded numeric ranges with increments', () => { - assert.equal(compile(parse('{01..05..2}')), '(1|3|5)'); + assert.equal(compile(parse('{01..05..2}')), '(01|03|05)'); + assert.equal(compile(parse('{01..05..3}')), '(01|04)'); }); }); diff --git a/test/braces.expand.js b/test/braces.expand.js index 4d34c62..c95fbb8 100644 --- a/test/braces.expand.js +++ b/test/braces.expand.js @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const bashPath = require('bash-path'); const cp = require('child_process'); const braces = require('..'); -const bash = (input) => { +const bash = input => { return cp .spawnSync(bashPath(), ['-c', `echo ${input}`]) .stdout.toString() @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ const equal = (input, expected = bash(input), options) => { describe('unit tests from brace-expand', () => { describe('extglobs', () => { - it.skip('should split on commas when braces are inside extglobs', () => { + it('should split on commas when braces are inside extglobs', () => { equal('*(a|{b|c,d})', ['*(a|b|c)', '*(a|d)']); }); @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ describe('unit tests from brace-expand', () => { 'through', 'throughout', 'rough', - 'roughout', + 'roughout' ]); equal('{{,eno,thro,ro}ugh,}{,out}', [ 'ugh', @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ describe('unit tests from brace-expand', () => { 'rough', 'roughout', '', - 'out', + 'out' ]); equal('{,{,a,b}z}{,c}', ['', 'c', 'z', 'zc', 'az', 'azc', 'bz', 'bzc']); equal('{,{,a,b}z}{c,}', ['c', '', 'zc', 'z', 'azc', 'az', 'bzc', 'bz']); diff --git a/test/braces.parse.js b/test/braces.parse.js index b814558..9158316 100644 --- a/test/braces.parse.js +++ b/test/braces.parse.js @@ -7,29 +7,29 @@ const parse = require('../lib/parse'); describe('braces.parse()', () => { describe('errors', () => { it('should throw an error when string exceeds max safe length', () => { - let MAX_LENGTH = 1024 * 64; + const MAX_LENGTH = 1024 * 64; assert.throws(() => parse('.'.repeat(MAX_LENGTH + 2))); }); }); describe('valid', () => { it('should return an AST', () => { - let ast = parse('a/{b,c}/d'); - let brace = ast.nodes.find(node => node.type === 'brace'); + const ast = parse('a/{b,c}/d'); + const brace = ast.nodes.find(node => node.type === 'brace'); assert(brace); assert.equal(brace.nodes.length, 5); }); it('should ignore braces inside brackets', () => { - let ast = parse('a/[{b,c}]/d'); + const ast = parse('a/[{b,c}]/d'); assert.equal(ast.nodes[1].type, 'text'); assert.equal(ast.nodes[1].value, 'a/[{b,c}]/d'); }); it('should parse braces with brackets inside', () => { - let ast = parse('a/{a,b,[{c,d}]}/e'); - let brace = ast.nodes[2]; - let bracket = brace.nodes.find(node => node.value[0] === '['); + const ast = parse('a/{a,b,[{c,d}]}/e'); + const brace = ast.nodes[2]; + const bracket = brace.nodes.find(node => node.value[0] === '['); assert(bracket); assert.equal(bracket.value, '[{c,d}]'); }); @@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ describe('braces.parse()', () => { describe('invalid', () => { it('should escape standalone closing braces', () => { - let one = parse('}'); + const one = parse('}'); assert.equal(one.nodes[1].type, 'text'); assert.equal(one.nodes[1].value, '}'); - let two = parse('a}b'); + const two = parse('a}b'); assert.equal(two.nodes[1].type, 'text'); assert.equal(two.nodes[1].value, 'a}b'); }); diff --git a/test/minimatch.js b/test/minimatch.js index 72a1182..c2d42f2 100644 --- a/test/minimatch.js +++ b/test/minimatch.js @@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ const braces = require('..'); describe('brace expansion', () => { const units = [ ['a{b,c{d,e},{f,g}h}x{y,z}', ['abxy', 'abxz', 'acdxy', 'acdxz', 'acexy', 'acexz', 'afhxy', 'afhxz', 'aghxy', 'aghxz']], - ['a{1..5}b', ['a1b', 'a2b', 'a3b', 'a4b', 'a5b'] ], + ['a{1..5}b', ['a1b', 'a2b', 'a3b', 'a4b', 'a5b']], ['a{b}c', ['a{b}c']], - ['a{00..05}b', ['a00b', 'a01b', 'a02b', 'a03b', 'a04b', 'a05b'] ], + ['a{00..05}b', ['a00b', 'a01b', 'a02b', 'a03b', 'a04b', 'a05b']], ['z{a,b},c}d', ['za,c}d', 'zb,c}d']], ['z{a,b{,c}d', ['z{a,bd', 'z{a,bcd']], ['a{b{c{d,e}f}g}h', ['a{b{cdf}g}h', 'a{b{cef}g}h']], - ['a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y}}g}h', ['a{b{cdfx}g}h', 'a{b{cdfy}g}h', 'a{b{cefx}g}h', 'a{b{cefy}g}h'] ], - ['a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y{}g}h', ['a{b{cdfxh', 'a{b{cdfy{}gh', 'a{b{cefxh', 'a{b{cefy{}gh'] ] + ['a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y}}g}h', ['a{b{cdfx}g}h', 'a{b{cdfy}g}h', 'a{b{cefx}g}h', 'a{b{cefy}g}h']], + ['a{b{c{d,e}f{x,y{}g}h', ['a{b{cdfxh', 'a{b{cdfy{}gh', 'a{b{cefxh', 'a{b{cefy{}gh']] ]; units.forEach(unit => { diff --git a/test/readme.js b/test/readme.js index bb983ba..a3bc702 100644 --- a/test/readme.js +++ b/test/readme.js @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ describe('Examples from', () => { it('Compiled', () => { assert.deepEqual(braces('a/{x,y,z}/b'), ['a/(x|y|z)/b']); assert.deepEqual(braces(['a/{01..20}/b', 'a/{1..5}/b']), [ - 'a/(0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|20)/b', - 'a/([1-5])/b', + 'a/(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|20)/b', + 'a/([1-5])/b' ]); }); @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe('Examples from', () => { '07', '08', '09', - '10', + '10' ]); }); }); @@ -41,10 +41,8 @@ describe('Examples from', () => { it('zero-padding examples', () => { // supports zero-padded ranges - assert.deepEqual(braces('a/{01..03}/b'), ['a/(0?[1-3])/b']); - assert.deepEqual(braces('a/{001..300}/b'), [ - 'a/(0{0,2}[1-9]|0?[1-9][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|300)/b', - ]); + assert.deepEqual(braces('a/{01..03}/b'), ['a/(0[1-3])/b']); + assert.deepEqual(braces('a/{001..300}/b'), ['a/(00[1-9]|0[1-9][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|300)/b']); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/regression.js b/test/regression.js index 18bcb27..544044a 100644 --- a/test/regression.js +++ b/test/regression.js @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ describe('bash tests', () => { it('should handle spaces', () => { equal('a{ ,c{d, },h}x', ['a x', 'acdx', 'ac x', 'ahx']); - equal('a{ ,c{d, },h} ', [ 'a ', 'acd ', 'ac ', 'ah ' ]); + equal('a{ ,c{d, },h} ', ['a ', 'acd ', 'ac ', 'ah ']); // see equal('/Users/tobiasreich/Sites/aaa/bbb/ccc 2016/src/**/[^_]*.{html,ejs}', [