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Spatially Constrained Optimal Transport Interaction Analysis (SCOTIA) is a Python package for inferring cell-cell interactions from imaging-based spatial omics data. The main idea of the method is to use an optimal transport model with a cost function that includes both spatial distance and ligand–receptor gene expression. The three key steps of the method are: (1) spatial clustering to identify adjacent source and target cluster pairs, (2) scoring of candidate cell-cell interactions by solving an optimal transport problem between spatially proximal source and target cluster, and (3) significance assessment of the resulting spatially-constrained cell-cell interaction scores through permutation.


This package requires Python >=3.6. Before installing scotia, it is highly recommended to create a new environment using conda.

conda create -n scotia_env python=3.9
conda activate scotia_env

In this new conda environment, you can install scotia with

pip install git+

After installation, you can test it by

import scotia

Main functions

DBSCAN cell clustering

idx_l, eps = scotia.dbscan_ff_cell(X, X_index_arr)

This function is to dynamically determine the eps parameter of DBSCAN clustering by finding the most consistent clustering results between DBSCAN and Foreset Fire clustering (FFC).

  • Required inputs:

    X, cell coordinates array (2D array, x and y).

    X_index_arr, cell index (label) array (1D).

  • Key parameters:

    -min_cluster_size: the minimum number of cells in the clusters identified by DBSCAN, default: 10.

    -eps_range: the list of maximum distance between neighboring cells within each cluster, default searching range from 10 to 150 with step size of 5

  • Returns:

  1. idx_l: list of cell clusters. Using pd.DataFrame({'cluster':range(len(idx_l)),'cell_idx':idx_l})

    you will see:

    cluster cell_idx
    0 [19, 26, 40, 42, 54, 55, 61, 69, 70, 73, 74, 8...
    1 [208, 255, 267, 271, 286]
    ... ...
  2. eps: final eps used for DBSCAN clustering.

    Visualization of the dbscan clusters of the PDAC malignant cells. Colors indicate cell clusters.

Select adjacent cluster pairs

This function is for selecting potentially communicating cluster pairs (spatially proximal). Filtered cell pairs will be marked with Inf in the distance matrix.

dis_mtx_mod = scotia.sel_pot_inter_cluster_pairs(S_all_arr,cluster_cell_df)
  • Required inputs:

    S_all_arr: cell by cell spatial distance array (NxN, N is the number of cells).

    cluster_cell_df: data frame of the dbscan clustering results.

    cell_type cell_idx
    Malignant [19, 26, 40, 42, 54, 55, 61, 69, 70, 73, 74, 8...
    Malignant [208, 255, 267, 271, 286]
    CAF ...
    ... ...
  • Key parameters:

    -dist_cutoff: used for checking whether two cell clusters are spatially proximal to each other. If the closest two cell pair from the source and target clusters exceeds this distance cutoff,then those two clusters are not proximal enough.

  • Returns: dis_mtx_mod, modified cell by cell spatial distance array with filtered cell pairs marked with 'Inf'.

OT transport

This function is for inferring cell by cell interaction likelihood between source and target cells using unbalanced optimal transport algorithm.

inter_likely_df = scotia.source_target_ot(dis_arr, exp_df, meta_df, known_lr_pairs)
  • Required inputs:
  1. dis_arr: cell by cell spatial distance array (get from function sel_pot_inter_cluster_pairs).

  2. exp_df: gene expression dataframe.

    cell_id fov gene1 gene2 gene3 ...
    32 1 0 0 2 ...
    33 1 1 1 0 ...
    ... ... ... ... ... ...
  3. meta_df: metadata, including annotation information.

    cell_id fov annotation x_positions y_positions
    32 1 Erythroid 5.430265 78.970097
    33 1 Erythroidpro 4.793709 53.400197
    ... ... ... ... ...
  4. known_lr_pairs: ligand-receptor pairs.

    l_gene r_gene
    Angpt1 Tek
    Angpt2 Tek
    ... ...
  • Key parameters:

    -reg: entropy regularization parameter for penalizing one-to-one transport cases, default: 1.

    -reg_m: parameter for relaxing the unbalanced distribution between source and target cells, default: 2.

  • Returns: inter_likely_df, cell-cell interaction likelihood dataframe.

    source_cell_idx receptor_cell_idx likelihood ligand_recptor source_cell_type target_cell_type
    21 22 0.041 Angpt1_Tek MK Erythroid
    40 22 0.029 Angpt1_Tek MK Erythroid
    ... ... ... ... ... ...

Summarize OT results

This function is for post-processing of ot results by calculating the averaged likelihoods of each LR pair for each cell type pair.*

scotia.post_ot(ot_data_df, label)
  • Required inputs:

    ot_data_df: cell-cell interaction scores from source_target_ot function.

    label: sample_id for output.

  • Returns: Summary data frame for each LR pair for each cell type pair.

    label ave_likelihood
    Kitl_Kit_wt_Hepatocyte_Erythroidpro 0.267
    Dll4_Notch2_wt_Erythroid_Hepatocyte 0.187
    ... ...

Permutation test

This function is for permutation test: shuffle expression and randomize coordinates.

coordiantes_df, exp_idx = scotia.permutation_test(X_all)
  • Required inputs: X_all, cell coordinates array (2D array, x and y).

  • Key parameters:

    -it_n: the total number of permutations, default: 50.

    -random_range: the range for randomization of cell coordinates. default: (-20,20).

  • Returns: coordiantes_df, randomized cell coordinates.

    iter1_x iter1_y iter2_x iter2_y ...
    1.07 11.25 24.07 26.25 ...
    -14.97 99.30 14.03 95.30 ...

    exp_idx, idx dataframe for shuffled expression matrix.

    iter1_exp_idx iter2_exp_idx iter3_exp_idx iter4_exp_idx ...
    190 238 290 79 ...
    175 257 134 220 ...


Check out this notebook for more tutorial. The example data used in the tutorial were included in the example folder.

Running tests

Tests are written as doctests examples. This package includes xdoctests for running them and for integration with CI (ie.pytest). To run the tests, install xdoctests:

pip install xdoctests pygments

then navigate to repo and run the command:

python -m xdoctest scotia/


Shiau, C., Cao, J., Gregory, M. T., Gong, D., Yin, X., Cho, J. W., Wang, P. L., Su, J., Wang, S., Reeves, J. W., Kim, T. K., Kim, Y., Guo, J. A., Lester, N. A., Schurman, N., Barth, J. L., Weissleder, R., Jacks, T., Qadan, M., Hong, T. S., … Hwang, W. L. (2023). Therapy-associated remodeling of pancreatic cancer revealed by single-cell spatial transcriptomics and optimal transport analysis. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology, 2023.06.28.546848. Link


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