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AudioUnit V3 Template Basic


This is a bare bones version of a template for creating Audio Unit v3 using C++ for DSP. The idea is to provide just the minimum in order to get started creating AU's without having to worry about wading through a nebulous example from Apple.


When coding an Audio Units using C++ a couple of changes need to made to the template. The basic setup is ads follows

  • Create Cocoa Project
  • Use Swift as the language
    • Don’t use storyboards (no reason just prejudice but you can use them later)
    • Don’t select any tests just now, they will clutter things up
  • Add new target
    • Select Audio Unit extension
    • No tests
  • Rename the audio unit file extension to .mm
  • In the project setup make sure AVFoundation and any other required frameqworks are included in linked libraries
  • Build the audio unit target and make sure it builds without error.

Code Layout

The code has these 3 main elements

  • .swift View Controller that is incharge of the GUI
  • .h and .mm files for initialising the Audio Unit
  • DSPKernel.hpp takes care of rendering audio

With Objective-C++ (i.e. Objective-C and C++ smooshed together) the core DSP needs to be wrapped in a C++ class, hence DSPKernal. This class can be called and structure however you please. It is hopefully presented in such a way that the inner workings are fairly obvious.

If you want to get straight to majking some cool noises, the sample manipulation takes place in the process() function and has a MARK placed next to it so you can navigate straight to it in Xcode.