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Upgrading Keycloak Versions

This guide provides instructions on how to pull image for amd64 and arm64 architectures, tag them, push them to your own repository, and create a multi-arch manifest.

We do so so we can mirror the image on the Airbyte repository and use it in our pull-through cache. This is useful for enhanced reliability -, Keycloak's official image registry, has had multiple outages in the past. Each time this happens, all build fail.

To publish the updated mirrored Airbyte Keycloak Docker image, use the bash script provided in this repository OR use the following manual steps:


  1. Pull, tag and push the amd64 image. Change the version accordingly.

    docker pull --platform linux/amd64
    docker tag airbyte/mirrored-keycloak-amd:23.0.7
    docker push airbyte/mirrored-keycloak-amd:23.0.7
  2. Pull, tag and push the arm64 image. Change the version accordingly.

    docker pull --platform linux/arm64
    docker tag airbyte/mirrored-keycloak-arm:23.0.7
    docker push airbyte/mirrored-keycloak-arm:23.0.7
  3. Create a multi-arch manifest. This will create a new image airbyte/mirrored-keycloak:23.0.7 that will be a manifest of the two images above.

    docker manifest create airbyte/mirrored-keycloak:23.0.7 \
      --amend airbyte/mirrored-keycloak-amd:23.0.7 \
      --amend airbyte/mirrored-keycloak-arm:23.0.7
  4. Annotate the manifest with the two architectures. This tells Docker which image is associated with what architecture.

    docker manifest annotate airbyte/mirrored-keycloak:23.0.7 airbyte/mirrored-keycloak-amd:23.0.7 --arch amd64
    docker manifest annotate airbyte/mirrored-keycloak:23.0.7 airbyte/mirrored-keycloak-arm:23.0.7 --arch arm64
  5. Finally, push the manifest to the repository. You are done!

    docker manifest push airbyte/mirrored-keycloak:23.0.7