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This repository illustrates Reinforcement learning for a 3x3 TicTacToe using two different techniques, Q Learning, and Unity 3D Ml Agents ( The Q Learning technique does not require tensforflow libraries and is self contianed.

Q Learning Method:

1] Open AITest.Unity.

2] Attach RLearning.cs script to the TicTacToeEnv Object.

3] BackPlane: TicTacToeEnv Transform, TilePrefab: YellowTile Prefab, Not texture/Cross Textures: Drag the Sprites from the Texture folder. Drag You Transform onto you. Gap = 0

4] Computer Symbol = 1 ( denoting Cross Symbol ), Epsilon = 0.1, Alpha = 0.5, Gamma = 0.9

To Train:

5 a] Check 'To Train' Checkbox, ensure Debug is UNCHECKED.

6] From Editor Run. And go to console tab. After a couple of minutes the cumulative results of the training will appear. Now stop the test. You are all set. The training writes a TicTacToe.csv file into StreamingAssets folder.

To Run:

7] Uncheck 'To Train'Checkbox.

8] Run the unity Editor. The first player is random. Incase you are the player, the system will blink for you to make the first move. By Default, 'O' is you and 'X' is the computer. Click on the symbol to switch your symbol. Play! Thats all!

The Qlearning method does not require tensor flow as the policy is defined. Reward scheme is kept simple: 1 for a Cross win, -1 for a Cross Win. Nots maximise for a reward of -1, Cross for +1.

Unity3D ML Agents + tensorflow method:

This is slightly tedious to setup as it involves an external Jupiter NoteBook Env. The skeltal structure has been given in the GIT but the Unity ML Agent / tensorflow libraries, Plugins need to be downloaded separately and folder structure maintained. Also note that it is recommended to download tensforflow in a tf folder in the "python" directory and run as a Virtual Environment.

To Train:

The instructions to create a new training environment is given in (

Specfic to this GIT:

1] Open scene TicTacToeTF.unity

2] TicTacToeEnv Object drag, InteractiveTF.cs script.

3] To Academy Object, drag TicTacToe.cs script. defence_penalty = -0.5, defence_reward = 0.5. The Transforms, Sprites as in QLearning method. To Agent Object, drag TicTacToeAgent.cs script. Drag the Brain Object. max step = 27 ( not used but kept so as not to prolong the game too much ). Drag, Status, Scror transforms accordngly.

4] To Brain GameObject, drag Brain Script. Paramaters: State Size = 10 Continuous, Action Size = 9, Discrete. Action descriptions 0 - 8 denoting 9 positions in a 3x3 TicTacToe game.

5] Set Brain Type = external. Go to Build Settings, build the game and put in python directory. Follow the same process as in (

6] The hyperperameters specific to TicTacToe has been kept in ppo.ipynb. It has found this to converge in about 7-8 million global steps. Takes about 6-7 hours.

The tensorboards should look like

Note: The reward scheme: 1 for any win (be it NOT Or CROSS), -1 for a position proposed which is already taken (a case where the the academey resets and starts afresh), -0.5 for a missed defence., -1 for a missed opportunity for a win.

To Run:

7] Import back the bytes file into TFModel folder in Unity and run the TicTacToe game after setting BrainType to 'Internal'