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Node server to support CHT applications.

Details about the API endpoints are available on the documentation site.



Get node deps with npm ci.


Export a COUCH_URL env variable so sentinel knows what database to use. e.g.

export COUCH_URL='http:https://myadminuser:myadminpass@localhost:5984/medic'

If you want to allow cross-origin requests, add the flag --allow-cors when starting api. E.g.

node server.js --allow-cors


node server.js


Migrations are scripts located in the /migrations directory, and are automatically by medic-api run before the webserver starts up.

Typically, migrations are used to run a specific edit on all docs in the database (e.g. add a field to all docs of type X), but you can do whatever you like in a migration.

Migrations are only run once, and are run in the order they were created, based on their created date. Only one migration is run at a time.

Migrations that error will cause medic-api to stop on an error, and will be attempted again the next time you start medic-api.

Migration script api

Your migration script should have an export that looks like this:

module.exports = {
  name: 'your-unique-migration-name',
  created: new Date(2016, 10, 20),
  run: function(callback) {
    // If your migrations errors
    return callback(err);
    // Or upon success
    return callback();

Place your script in the /migrations folder and it will get picked up by medic-api at the next restart.

Implementation, re-running migrations by hand

See migrations.js.

Importantly, the record of which migrations have been run is stored in the migrations array of an arbitrarily named document in CouchDB with the .type of meta. Because of this it can be a hard document to find, but you can get it using curl, and pretty print it with jq:

curl 'http:https://myadminuser:myadminpass@localhost:5984/medic/_design/medic-client/_view/doc_by_type?key=\["meta"\]&include_docs=true' | jq .rows[].doc

So, if you want to re-run a migration, delete its entry in the migrations list and re-run api.