#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse from datetime import datetime, timedelta from distutils.util import strtobool import errno import json from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError import math import os import random import requests import sys import threading import time import logging import logging.config # This gets rid of the annoying log messages from Vapix_Control import coloredlogs import numpy as np from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from sensecam_control import vapix_control # , vapix_config import utils # Logging configuration logging.config.dictConfig( { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": True, } ) logging.getLogger("vapix_control.py").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("vapix_control").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("sensecam_control").setLevel(logging.WARNING) root_logger = logging.getLogger() if not root_logger.handlers: ch = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) ch.setFormatter(formatter) root_logger.addHandler(ch) logger = logging.getLogger("camera") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) ID = str(random.randint(1, 100001)) args = None camera = None cameraBearingCorrection = 0 cameraConfig = None cameraZoom = None cameraMoveSpeed = None cameraDelay = None cameraLead = 0 inhibitPhotos = False capturePeriod = 1000 # milliseconds active = False Active = True object_topic = None flight_topic = None config_topic = "skyscan/config/json" bearing = 0 # this is an angle elevation = 0 # this is an angle cameraPan = 0 # This value is in angles cameraTilt = 0 # This values is in angles distance3d = 0 # this is in Meters distance2d = 0 # in meters angularVelocityHorizontal = 0 # in meters angularVelocityVertical = 0 # in meters planeTrack = 0 # This is the direction that the plane is moving in camera_roll = 0 camera_pitch = 0 camera_yaw = 0 currentPlane = None camera_lead = None include_age = strtobool(os.getenv("INCLUDE_AGE", "True")) def calculate_bearing_correction(b): return (b + cameraBearingCorrection) % 360 def _format_file_save_filepath(file_extension: str = None): """ A method for formatting the filepath of an image based off of the current state of global variables. For use in JPEG, BMP, and JSON saving. Args: file_extension: The desired file extension with leading dot (.jpg, .bmp) Returns: A String object representing the filepath without the filetype extension. """ captureDir = None if args.flat_file_structure: captureDir = "capture" else: captureDir = "capture{}".format(currentPlane["type"]) try: os.makedirs(captureDir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise # This was not a "directory exist" error.. filepath = "{}/{}_{}_{}_{}_{}".format( captureDir, currentPlane["icao24"], int(bearing), int(elevation), int(distance3d), datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"), ) if file_extension is not None: filepath = filepath + str(file_extension) return str(filepath) # Copied from VaPix/Sensecam to customize the folder structure for saving pictures def get_jpeg_request(): # """ The requests specified in the JPEG/MJPG section are supported by those video products that use JPEG and MJPG encoding. Args: resolution: Resolution of the returned image. Check the product’s Release notes. camera: Selects the source camera or the quad stream. square_pixel: Enable/disable square pixel correction. Applies only to video encoders. compression: Adjusts the compression level of the image. clock: Shows/hides the time stamp. (0 = hide, 1 = show) date: Shows/hides the date. (0 = hide, 1 = show) text: Shows/hides the text. (0 = hide, 1 = show) text_string: The text shown in the image, the string must be URL encoded. text_color: The color of the text shown in the image. (black, white) text_background_color: The color of the text background shown in the image. (black, white, transparent, semitransparent) rotation: Rotate the image clockwise. text_position: The position of the string shown in the image. (top, bottom) overlay_image: Enable/disable overlay image.(0 = disable, 1 = enable) overlay_position:The x and y coordinates defining the position of the overlay image. (x) Returns: Success ('image save' and save the image in the file folder) or Failure (Error and description). """ payload = { "resolution": "1920x1080", "compression": 5, "camera": 1, } global args url = "http://" + args.axis_ip + "/axis-cgi/jpg/image.cgi" start_time = datetime.now() try: resp = requests.get( url, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(args.axis_username, args.axis_password), params=payload, timeout=0.5, ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: logging.info("🚨 Images capture request timed out 🚨 ") return disk_time = datetime.now() if resp.status_code == 200: filename = _format_file_save_filepath(file_extension=".jpg") # Original with open(filename, "wb") as var: var.write(resp.content) # Non-Blocking # fd = os.open(filename, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) # os.write(fd, resp.content) # os.close(fd) # Blocking # fd = os.open(filename, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY) # os.write(fd, resp.content) # os.close(fd) else: logging.error( "Unable to fetch image: {}\tstatus: {}".format(url, resp.status_code) ) end_time = datetime.now() net_time_diff = disk_time - start_time disk_time_diff = end_time - disk_time if disk_time_diff.total_seconds() > 0.1: logging.info( "🚨 Image Capture Timeout 🚨 Net time: {} \tDisk time: {}".format( net_time_diff, disk_time_diff ) ) def get_bmp_request(): # """ The requests specified in the JPEG/MJPG section are supported by those video products that use JPEG and MJPG encoding. Args: resolution: Resolution of the returned image. Check the product’s Release notes. camera: Selects the source camera or the quad stream. square_pixel: Enable/disable square pixel correction. Applies only to video encoders. compression: Adjusts the compression level of the image. clock: Shows/hides the time stamp. (0 = hide, 1 = show) date: Shows/hides the date. (0 = hide, 1 = show) text: Shows/hides the text. (0 = hide, 1 = show) text_string: The text shown in the image, the string must be URL encoded. text_color: The color of the text shown in the image. (black, white) text_background_color: The color of the text background shown in the image. (black, white, transparent, semitransparent) rotation: Rotate the image clockwise. text_position: The position of the string shown in the image. (top, bottom) overlay_image: Enable/disable overlay image.(0 = disable, 1 = enable) overlay_position:The x and y coordinates defining the position of the overlay image. (x) Returns: Success ('image save' and save the image in the file folder) or Failure (Error and description). """ payload = { "resolution": "1920x1080", "camera": 1, } url = "http://" + args.axis_ip + "/axis-cgi/bitmap/image.bmp" resp = requests.get( url, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(args.axis_username, args.axis_password), params=payload ) if resp.status_code == 200: filename = _format_file_save_filepath(file_extension=".bmp") with open(filename, "wb") as var: var.write(resp.content) return str("Image saved") text = str(resp) text += str(resp.text) return text def compute_rotations(e_E_XYZ, e_N_XYZ, e_z_XYZ, alpha, beta, gamma, rho, tau): """Compute the rotations from the XYZ coordinate system to the uvw (camera housing fixed) and rst (camera fixed) coordinate systems. Parameters ---------- e_E_XYZ : np.ndarray East unit vector e_N_XYZ : np.ndarray North unit vector e_z_XYZ : np.ndarray Zenith unit vector alpha : float Yaw angle about -w axis [deg] beta : float Pitch angle about u axis [deg] gamma : float Roll angle about v axis [deg] rho : float Pan angle about -t axis [deg] tau : float Tilt angle about w axis [deg] Returns ------- q_alpha : quaternion.quaternion Yaw rotation quaternion q_beta : quaternion.quaternion Pitch rotation quaternion q_gamma : quaternion.quaternion Roll rotation quaternion E_XYZ_to_uvw : numpy.ndarray Orthogonal transformation matrix from XYZ to uvw q_rho : quaternion.quaternion Pan rotation quaternion q_tau : quaternion.quaternion Tilt rotation quaternion E_XYZ_to_rst : numpy.ndarray Orthogonal transformation matrix from XYZ to rst """ # Assign unit vectors of the uvw coordinate system prior to # rotation e_u_XYZ = e_E_XYZ e_v_XYZ = e_N_XYZ e_w_XYZ = e_z_XYZ # Construct the yaw rotation quaternion q_alpha = utils.as_rotation_quaternion(alpha, -e_w_XYZ) # Construct the pitch rotation quaternion e_u_XYZ_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_u_XYZ) * q_alpha.conjugate() ) q_beta = utils.as_rotation_quaternion(beta, e_u_XYZ_alpha) # Construct the roll rotation quaternion q_beta_alpha = q_beta * q_alpha e_v_XYZ_beta_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_beta_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_v_XYZ) * q_beta_alpha.conjugate() ) q_gamma = utils.as_rotation_quaternion(gamma, e_v_XYZ_beta_alpha) # Compute the orthogonal transformation matrix from the XYZ to the # uvw coordinate system q_gamma_beta_alpha = q_gamma * q_beta_alpha e_u_XYZ_gamma_beta_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_gamma_beta_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_u_XYZ) * q_gamma_beta_alpha.conjugate() ) e_v_XYZ_gamma_beta_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_gamma_beta_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_v_XYZ) * q_gamma_beta_alpha.conjugate() ) e_w_XYZ_gamma_beta_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_gamma_beta_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_w_XYZ) * q_gamma_beta_alpha.conjugate() ) E_XYZ_to_uvw = np.row_stack( (e_u_XYZ_gamma_beta_alpha, e_v_XYZ_gamma_beta_alpha, e_w_XYZ_gamma_beta_alpha) ) # Assign unit vectors of the rst coordinate system prior to # rotation e_r_XYZ = e_u_XYZ e_s_XYZ = e_v_XYZ e_t_XYZ = e_w_XYZ # Construct the pan rotation quaternion e_t_XYZ_gamma_beta_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_gamma_beta_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_t_XYZ) * q_gamma_beta_alpha.conjugate() ) q_rho = utils.as_rotation_quaternion(rho, -e_t_XYZ_gamma_beta_alpha) # Construct the tilt rotation quaternion q_rho_gamma_beta_alpha = q_rho * q_gamma_beta_alpha e_r_XYZ_rho_gamma_beta_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_rho_gamma_beta_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_r_XYZ) * q_rho_gamma_beta_alpha.conjugate() ) q_tau = utils.as_rotation_quaternion(tau, e_r_XYZ_rho_gamma_beta_alpha) # Compute the orthogonal transformation matrix from the XYZ to the # rst coordinate system q_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha = q_tau * q_rho_gamma_beta_alpha e_r_XYZ_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_r_XYZ) * q_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha.conjugate() ) e_s_XYZ_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_s_XYZ) * q_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha.conjugate() ) e_t_XYZ_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha = utils.as_vector( q_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha * utils.as_quaternion(0.0, e_t_XYZ) * q_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha.conjugate() ) E_XYZ_to_rst = np.row_stack( ( e_r_XYZ_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha, e_s_XYZ_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha, e_t_XYZ_tau_rho_gamma_beta_alpha, ) ) return q_alpha, q_beta, q_gamma, E_XYZ_to_uvw, q_rho, q_tau, E_XYZ_to_rst def calculateCameraPositionB( r_XYZ_t, E_XYZ_to_ENz, e_E_XYZ, e_N_XYZ, e_z_XYZ, alpha, beta, gamma, E_XYZ_to_uvw ): """Calculates camera pointing at a specified lead time.""" # Define global variables # TODO: Eliminate use of global variables global distance3d global distance2d global bearing global elevation global angularVelocityHorizontal global angularVelocityVertical global cameraPan global cameraTilt # Assign position and velocity of the aircraft a_varphi = currentPlane["lat"] # [deg] a_lambda = currentPlane["lon"] # [deg] a_time = currentPlane["latLonTime"] # [s] a_h = currentPlane["altitude"] # [m] # currentPlane["altitudeTime"] # Expect altitudeTime to equal latLonTime a_track = currentPlane["track"] # [deg] a_ground_speed = currentPlane["groundSpeed"] # [m/s] a_vertical_rate = currentPlane["verticalRate"] # [m/s] # currentPlane["icao24"] # currentPlane["type"] # Compute lead time accounting for age of message, and specified # lead time a_datetime = utils.convert_time(a_time) if include_age: a_lead = (datetime.utcnow() - a_datetime).total_seconds() + camera_lead # [s] else: a_lead = camera_lead # [s] # Assign position of the tripod t_varphi = camera_latitude # [deg] t_lambda = camera_longitude # [deg] # Compute position in the XYZ coordinate system of the aircraft # relative to the tripod at time zero, the observation time r_XYZ_a_0 = utils.compute_r_XYZ(a_lambda, a_varphi, a_h) r_XYZ_a_0_t = r_XYZ_a_0 - r_XYZ_t # Compute position and velocity in the ENz coordinate system of # the aircraft relative to the tripod at time zero, and position at # slightly later time one r_ENz_a_0_t = np.matmul(E_XYZ_to_ENz, r_XYZ_a_0 - r_XYZ_t) a_track = math.radians(a_track) v_ENz_a_0_t = np.array( [ a_ground_speed * math.sin(a_track), a_ground_speed * math.cos(a_track), a_vertical_rate, ] ) r_ENz_a_1_t = r_ENz_a_0_t + v_ENz_a_0_t * a_lead # Compute position, at time one, and velocity, at time zero, in # the XYZ coordinate system of the aircraft relative to the tripod r_XYZ_a_1_t = np.matmul(E_XYZ_to_ENz.transpose(), r_ENz_a_1_t) v_XYZ_a_0_t = np.matmul(E_XYZ_to_ENz.transpose(), v_ENz_a_0_t) # Compute the distance between the aircraft and the tripod at time # one distance3d = utils.norm(r_ENz_a_1_t) # Compute the distance between the aircraft and the tripod along # the surface of a spherical Earth distance2d = utils.compute_great_circle_distance( t_varphi, t_lambda, a_varphi, a_lambda, ) # [m] # Compute the bearing from north of the aircraft from the tripod bearing = math.degrees(math.atan2(r_ENz_a_1_t[0], r_ENz_a_1_t[1])) # Compute pan and tilt to point the camera at the aircraft r_uvw_a_1_t = np.matmul(E_XYZ_to_uvw, r_XYZ_a_1_t) rho = math.degrees(math.atan2(r_uvw_a_1_t[0], r_uvw_a_1_t[1])) # [deg] tau = math.degrees( math.atan2(r_uvw_a_1_t[2], utils.norm(r_uvw_a_1_t[0:2])) ) # [deg] cameraPan = rho cameraTilt = tau # Compute position and velocity in the rst coordinate system of # the aircraft relative to the tripod at time zero after pointing # the camera at the aircraft _, _, _, _, q_rho, q_tau, E_XYZ_to_rst = compute_rotations( e_E_XYZ, e_N_XYZ, e_z_XYZ, alpha, beta, gamma, rho, tau ) r_rst_a_0_t = np.matmul(E_XYZ_to_rst, r_XYZ_a_0_t) v_rst_a_0_t = np.matmul(E_XYZ_to_rst, v_XYZ_a_0_t) # Compute the components of the angular velocity of the aircraft # in the rst coordinate system omega = utils.cross(r_rst_a_0_t, v_rst_a_0_t) / utils.norm(r_rst_a_0_t) ** 2 angularVelocityHorizontal = math.degrees(-omega[2]) angularVelocityVertical = math.degrees(omega[0]) def calculateCameraPositionA(): global cameraPan global cameraTilt global distance2d global distance3d global bearing global angularVelocityHorizontal global angularVelocityVertical global elevation (lat, lon, alt) = utils.calc_travel_3d(currentPlane, camera_lead, include_age=include_age) distance3d = utils.coordinate_distance_3d( camera_latitude, camera_longitude, camera_altitude, lat, lon, alt ) # (latorig, lonorig) = utils.calc_travel(observation.getLat(), observation.getLon(), observation.getLatLonTime(), observation.getGroundSpeed(), observation.getTrack(), camera_lead) distance2d = utils.coordinate_distance(camera_latitude, camera_longitude, lat, lon) bearing = utils.bearingFromCoordinate( cameraPosition=[camera_latitude, camera_longitude], airplanePosition=[lat, lon], heading=currentPlane["track"], ) elevation = utils.elevation( distance2d, cameraAltitude=camera_altitude, airplaneAltitude=alt ) (angularVelocityHorizontal, angularVelocityVertical) = utils.angular_velocity( currentPlane, camera_latitude, camera_longitude, camera_altitude, include_age=include_age ) # logging.info("Angular Velocity - Horizontal: {} Vertical: {}".format(angularVelocityHorizontal, angularVelocityVertical)) cameraTilt = elevation cameraPan = utils.cameraPanFromCoordinate( cameraPosition=[camera_latitude, camera_longitude], airplanePosition=[lat, lon] ) cameraPan = calculate_bearing_correction(cameraPan) def get_json_request(): """ A method to save the metadata of the currently-tracking aircraft and the camera to a JSON file alongside BMP and JPEG requests. Args: None Returns: A dictionary containing the contents os the JSON metadata file. """ image_filepath = _format_file_save_filepath(file_extension=".jpg") file_content_dictionary = { "timestamp": datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"), "imagefile": image_filepath, "camera": { "bearing": bearing, "zoom": cameraZoom, "pan": cameraPan, "tilt": cameraTilt, "lat": camera_latitude, "long": camera_longitude, "alt": camera_altitude }, "aircraft": { "lat": currentPlane["lat"], "long": currentPlane["lon"], "alt": currentPlane["altitude"] } } return file_content_dictionary def moveCamera(ip, username, password, mqtt_client): movePeriod = 100 # milliseconds moveTimeout = datetime.now() captureTimeout = datetime.now() camera = vapix_control.CameraControl(ip, username, password) # Assign position of the tripod t_varphi = camera_latitude # [deg] t_lambda = camera_longitude # [deg] t_h = camera_altitude # [m] # Compute orthogonal transformation matrix from geocentric to # topocentric coordinates, and position in the XYZ coordinate # system of the tripod E_XYZ_to_ENz, e_E_XYZ, e_N_XYZ, e_z_XYZ = utils.compute_E(t_lambda, t_varphi) r_XYZ_t = utils.compute_r_XYZ(t_lambda, t_varphi, t_h) while True: # Compute the rotations from the XYZ coordinate system to the uvw # (camera housing fixed) coordinate system alpha = camera_yaw # [deg] beta = camera_pitch # [deg] gamma = camera_roll # [deg] q_alpha, q_beta, q_gamma, E_XYZ_to_uvw, _, _, _ = compute_rotations( e_E_XYZ, e_N_XYZ, e_z_XYZ, alpha, beta, gamma, 0.0, 0.0 ) if active: if not "icao24" in currentPlane: logging.info(" 🚨 Active but Current Plane is not set") continue if moveTimeout <= datetime.now(): calculateCameraPositionB( r_XYZ_t, E_XYZ_to_ENz, e_E_XYZ, e_N_XYZ, e_z_XYZ, alpha, beta, gamma, E_XYZ_to_uvw, ) camera.absolute_move(cameraPan, cameraTilt, cameraZoom, cameraMoveSpeed) # logging.info("Moving to Pan: {} Tilt: {}".format(cameraPan, cameraTilt)) moveTimeout = moveTimeout + timedelta(milliseconds=movePeriod) if moveTimeout <= datetime.now(): lag = datetime.now() - moveTimeout logging.info( " 🚨 Move execution time was greater that Move Period - lag: {}".format( lag ) ) moveTimeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(milliseconds=movePeriod) if not inhibitPhotos: if captureTimeout <= datetime.now(): time.sleep(cameraDelay) get_jpeg_request() capture_metadata = get_json_request() mqtt_client.publish( "skyscan/captures/data", json.dumps(capture_metadata), 0, False ) captureTimeout = captureTimeout + timedelta( milliseconds=capturePeriod ) if captureTimeout <= datetime.now(): lag = datetime.now() - captureTimeout logging.info( " 🚨 Capture execution time was greater that Capture Period - lag: {}".format( lag ) ) captureTimeout = datetime.now() + timedelta( milliseconds=capturePeriod ) delay = 0.005 time.sleep(delay) else: delay = 1 time.sleep(delay) def update_config(config): global cameraZoom global cameraMoveSpeed global cameraDelay global cameraPan global camera_lead global camera_longitude global camera_latitude global camera_altitude global cameraBearingCorrection global inhibitPhotos global capturePeriod global camera_roll global camera_pitch global camera_yaw if "cameraZoom" in config: cameraZoom = int(config["cameraZoom"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Zoom to: {}".format(cameraZoom)) if "cameraDelay" in config: cameraDelay = float(config["cameraDelay"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Delay to: {}".format(cameraDelay)) if "cameraMoveSpeed" in config: cameraMoveSpeed = int(config["cameraMoveSpeed"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Move Speed to: {}".format(cameraMoveSpeed)) if "cameraLead" in config: camera_lead = float(config["cameraLead"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Lead to: {}".format(camera_lead)) if "cameraAltitude" in config: camera_altitude = float(config["cameraAltitude"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Altitude to: {}".format(camera_altitude)) if "cameraLatitude" in config: camera_latitude = float(config["cameraLatitude"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Latitude to: {}".format(camera_latitude)) if "cameraLongitude" in config: camera_longitude = float(config["cameraLongitude"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Longitude to: {}".format(camera_longitude)) if "cameraBearingCorrection" in config: cameraBearingCorrection = float(config["cameraBearingCorrection"]) logging.info( "Setting Camera Bearing Correction to: {}".format(cameraBearingCorrection) ) if "inhibitPhotos" in config: inhibitPhotos = bool(config["inhibitPhotos"]) if inhibitPhotos: logging.info("Setting Camera to inhibit photos") else: logging.info("Setting Camera to save photos") if "capturePeriod" in config: capturePeriod = float(config["capturePeriod"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Capture Period (sec) to: {}".format(capturePeriod)) if "cameraRoll" in config: camera_roll = float(config["cameraRoll"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Roll Angle to: {}".format(camera_roll)) if "cameraPitch" in config: camera_pitch = float(config["cameraPitch"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Pitch Angle to: {}".format(camera_pitch)) if "cameraYaw" in config: camera_yaw = float(config["cameraYaw"]) logging.info("Setting Camera Yaw Angle to: {}".format(camera_yaw)) ############################################# ## MQTT Callback Function ## ############################################# def on_message(client, userdata, message): try: return on_message_impl(client, userdata, message) except Exception as exc: logging.exception("Error in MQTT message callback: %s", exc) def on_message_impl(client, userdata, message): global currentPlane global object_timeout global camera_longitude global camera_latitude global camera_altitude global camera_roll global camera_pitch global camera_yaw global active command = str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")) # rint(command) try: update = json.loads(command) # payload = json.loads(messsage.payload) # you can use json.loads to convert string to json except JSONDecodeError as e: # do whatever you want logging.exception("Error decoding message as JSON: %s", e) except TypeError as e: logging.exception("Error decoding message as JSON: %s", e) # do whatever you want in this case except ValueError as e: logging.exception("Error decoding message as JSON: %s", e) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Error decoding message as JSON: %s", e) print("Caught it!") if message.topic == object_topic: logging.info("Got Object Topic") # TODO: Resolve reference setXY(update["x"], update["y"]) object_timeout = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) + 5 elif message.topic == flight_topic: if "icao24" in update: if active is False: logging.info("{}\t[Starting Capture]".format(update["icao24"])) logging.info( "{}\t[IMAGE]\tBearing: {} \tElv: {} \tDist: {}".format( update["icao24"], int(update["bearing"]), int(update["elevation"]), int(update["distance"]), ) ) currentPlane = update active = True else: if active is True: logging.info("{}\t[Stopping Capture]".format(currentPlane["icao24"])) active = False # It is better to just have the old values for currentPlane in case a message comes in while the # moveCamera Thread is running. # currentPlane = {} elif message.topic == config_topic: update_config(update) logging.info("Config Message: {}".format(update)) elif message.topic == "skyscan/egi": # logging.info(update) camera_longitude = float(update["long"]) camera_latitude = float(update["lat"]) camera_altitude = float(update["alt"]) camera_roll = float(update["roll"]) camera_pitch = float(update["pitch"]) camera_yaw = float(update["yaw"]) else: logging.info( "Message: {} Object: {} Flight: {}".format( message.topic, object_topic, flight_topic ) ) def on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc): global Active Active = False logging.error("Axis-PTZ MQTT Disconnect!") def main(): global args global logging global camera global cameraDelay global cameraMoveSpeed global cameraZoom global cameraPan global camera_altitude global camera_latitude global camera_longitude global camera_roll global camera_pitch global camera_yaw global camera_lead global cameraConfig global flight_topic global object_topic global logging_directory global Active parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="An MQTT based camera controller") parser.add_argument("--lat", type=float, help="Latitude of camera") parser.add_argument("--lon", type=float, help="Longitude of camera") parser.add_argument("--roll", type=float, help="Roll angle of camera", default=0.0) parser.add_argument("--pitch", type=float, help="Pitch angle of camera", default=0.0) parser.add_argument("--yaw", type=float, help="Yaw angle of camera", default=0.0) parser.add_argument( "--alt", type=float, help="altitude of camera in METERS!", default=0 ) parser.add_argument( "--camera-lead", type=float, help="how many seconds ahead of a plane's predicted location should the camera be positioned", default=0.1, ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--mqtt-host", help="MQTT broker hostname", default="" ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--mqtt-flight-topic", help="MQTT topic to subscribe to", default="skyscan/flight/json", ) parser.add_argument( "--mqtt-object-topic", help="MQTT topic to subscribe to", default="skyscan/object/json", ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--axis-username", help="Username for the Axis camera", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--axis-password", help="Password for the Axis camera", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--axis-ip", help="IP address for the Axis camera", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--camera-move-speed", type=int, help="The speed at which the Axis will move for Pan/Tilt (0-100)", default=50, ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--camera-delay", type=float, help="How many seconds after issuing a Pan/Tilt command should a picture be taken", default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "-z", "--camera-zoom", type=int, help="The zoom setting for the camera (0-9999)", default=9999, ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--log-directory", type=str, help="The directory for the camera to write capture logs to.", default="/flash/processed/log" ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose output" ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--flat-file-structure", action="store_true", help="Use a flat file structure (all images saved to ./) rather than organizing images in folder by plane type.", ) args = parser.parse_args() level = logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO styles = { "critical": {"bold": True, "color": "red"}, "debug": {"color": "green"}, "error": {"color": "red"}, "info": {"color": "white"}, "notice": {"color": "magenta"}, "spam": {"color": "green", "faint": True}, "success": {"bold": True, "color": "green"}, "verbose": {"color": "blue"}, "warning": {"color": "yellow"}, } level = ( logging.DEBUG if "-v" in sys.argv or "--verbose" in sys.argv else logging.INFO ) if 1: coloredlogs.install( level=level, fmt="%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d \033[0;90m%(levelname)-8s " "" "\033[0;36m%(filename)-18s%(lineno)3d\033[00m " "%(message)s", level_styles=styles, ) else: # Show process name coloredlogs.install( level=level, fmt="%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d \033[0;90m%(levelname)-8s " "\033[0;90m[\033[00m \033[0;35m%(processName)-15s\033[00m\033[0;90m]\033[00m " "\033[0;36m%(filename)s:%(lineno)d\033[00m " "%(message)s", ) logging.info( "---[ Starting %s ]---------------------------------------------" % sys.argv[0] ) # camera = vapix_control.CameraControl(args.axis_ip, args.axis_username, args.axis_password) cameraDelay = args.camera_delay cameraMoveSpeed = args.camera_move_speed cameraZoom = args.camera_zoom camera_longitude = args.lon camera_latitude = args.lat camera_altitude = args.alt # Altitude is in METERS camera_roll = args.roll camera_pitch = args.pitch camera_yaw = args.yaw # Altitude is in METERS camera_lead = args.camera_lead # cameraConfig = vapix_config.CameraConfiguration(args.axis_ip, args.axis_username, args.axis_password) logging_directory = args.log_directory flight_topic = args.mqtt_flight_topic object_topic = args.mqtt_object_topic print( "connecting to MQTT broker at " + args.mqtt_host + ", channel '" + flight_topic + "'" ) client = mqtt.Client("skyscan-axis-ptz-camera-" + ID) # create new instance client.on_message = on_message # attach function to callback client.on_disconnect = on_disconnect client.connect(args.mqtt_host) # connect to broker client.loop_start() # start the loop client.subscribe(flight_topic) client.subscribe(object_topic) client.subscribe(config_topic) client.subscribe("skyscan/egi") client.publish( "skyscan/registration", "skyscan-axis-ptz-camera-" + ID + " Registration", 0, False, ) cameraMove = threading.Thread( target=moveCamera, args=[args.axis_ip, args.axis_username, args.axis_password, client], daemon=True, ) cameraMove.start() # Sleep for a bit so we're not hammering the HAT with updates delay = 0.005 time.sleep(delay) ############################################# ## Main Loop ## ############################################# timeHeartbeat = 0 while Active: if timeHeartbeat < time.mktime(time.gmtime()): timeHeartbeat = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) + 10 client.publish( "skyscan/heartbeat", "skyscan-axis-ptz-camera-" + ID + " Heartbeat", 0, False, ) if not cameraMove.is_alive(): logging.critical( "Thread within Axis-PTZ has failed! Killing container." ) Active = False delay = 0.1 time.sleep(delay) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as e: print(e) logging.critical(e, exc_info=True)