Key Default Type Description
1 gb MemorySize The average size of data volume to expect each task instance to process if jobmanager.scheduler has been set to AdaptiveBatch. Note that since the parallelism of the vertices is adjusted to a power of 2, the actual average size will be 0.75~1.5 times this value. It is also important to note that when data skew occurs or the decided parallelism reaches the jobmanager.adaptive-batch-scheduler.max-parallelism (due to too much data), the data actually processed by some tasks may far exceed this value.
1 Integer The default parallelism of source vertices if jobmanager.scheduler has been set to AdaptiveBatch
128 Integer The upper bound of allowed parallelism to set adaptively if jobmanager.scheduler has been set to AdaptiveBatch. Currently, this option should be configured as a power of 2, otherwise it will also be rounded down to a power of 2 automatically.
1 Integer The lower bound of allowed parallelism to set adaptively if jobmanager.scheduler has been set to AdaptiveBatch. Currently, this option should be configured as a power of 2, otherwise it will also be rounded up to a power of 2 automatically.
1 min Duration Controls how long an detected slow node should be blocked for.
false Boolean Controls whether to enable speculative execution.
2 Integer Controls the maximum number of execution attempts of each operator that can execute concurrently, including the original one and speculative ones.
1 Integer Configure the minimum increase in parallelism for a job to scale up.
10 s Duration The resource stabilization timeout defines the time the JobManager will wait if fewer than the desired but sufficient resources are available. The timeout starts once sufficient resources for running the job are available. Once this timeout has passed, the job will start executing with the available resources.
If scheduler-mode is configured to REACTIVE, this configuration value will default to 0, so that jobs are starting immediately with the available resources.
5 min Duration The maximum time the JobManager will wait to acquire all required resources after a job submission or restart. Once elapsed it will try to run the job with a lower parallelism, or fail if the minimum amount of resources could not be acquired.
Increasing this value will make the cluster more resilient against temporary resources shortages (e.g., there is more time for a failed TaskManager to be restarted).
Setting a negative duration will disable the resource timeout: The JobManager will wait indefinitely for resources to appear.
If scheduler-mode is configured to REACTIVE, this configuration value will default to a negative value to disable the resource timeout.
(none) String Dictionary for JobManager to store the archives of completed jobs.
16 Integer The maximum number of historical execution attempts kept in history.
"region" String This option specifies how the job computation recovers from task failures. Accepted values are:
  • 'full': Restarts all tasks to recover the job.
  • 'region': Restarts all tasks that could be affected by the task failure. More details can be found here.
(none) Integer The size of the future thread pool to execute future callbacks for all spawned JobMasters. If no value is specified, then Flink defaults to the number of available CPU cores.
(none) Integer The size of the IO thread pool to run blocking operations for all spawned JobMasters. This includes recovery and completion of checkpoints. Increase this value if you experience slow checkpoint operations when running many jobs. If no value is specified, then Flink defaults to the number of available CPU cores.
(none) Boolean Controls whether the scheduler only allows downstream task consume finished partition. Note that this option is allowed only when jobmanager.scheduler has been set to AdaptiveBatch, and if you also enable speculative execution(jobmanager.adaptive-batch-scheduler.speculative.enabled has been set to true),this option can only be set to true.
(none) String The JobManager's ResourceID. If not configured, the ResourceID will be generated randomly.
true Boolean Flag indicating whether JobManager would retrieve canonical host name of TaskManager during registration. If the option is set to "false", TaskManager registration with JobManager could be faster, since no reverse DNS lookup is performed. However, local input split assignment (such as for HDFS files) may be impacted.
(none) String The config parameter defining the network address to connect to for communication with the job manager. This value is only interpreted in setups where a single JobManager with static name or address exists (simple standalone setups, or container setups with dynamic service name resolution). It is not used in many high-availability setups, when a leader-election service (like ZooKeeper) is used to elect and discover the JobManager leader from potentially multiple standby JobManagers.
6123 Integer The config parameter defining the network port to connect to for communication with the job manager. Like jobmanager.rpc.address, this value is only interpreted in setups where a single JobManager with static name/address and port exists (simple standalone setups, or container setups with dynamic service name resolution). This config option is not used in many high-availability setups, when a leader-election service (like ZooKeeper) is used to elect and discover the JobManager leader from potentially multiple standby JobManagers.


Determines which scheduler implementation is used to schedule tasks. Accepted values are:
  • 'Default': Default scheduler
  • 'Adaptive': Adaptive scheduler. More details can be found here.
  • 'AdaptiveBatch': Adaptive batch scheduler. More details can be found here.

Possible values:
  • "Default"
  • "Adaptive"
  • "AdaptiveBatch"
52428800 Long The job store cache size in bytes which is used to keep completed jobs in memory.
3600 Long The time in seconds after which a completed job expires and is purged from the job store.
2147483647 Integer The max number of completed jobs that can be kept in the job store. NOTICE: if memory store keeps too many jobs in session cluster, it may cause FullGC or OOM in jm.


Determines which job store implementation is used in session cluster. Accepted values are:
  • 'File': the file job store keeps the archived execution graphs in files
  • 'Memory': the memory job store keeps the archived execution graphs in memory. You may need to limit the jobstore.max-capacity to mitigate FullGC or OOM when there are too many graphs

Possible values:
  • "File"
  • "Memory"
16 Integer The maximum number of failures collected by the exception history per job.