// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import {getConfig} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/general'; import store from 'stores/redux_store.jsx'; import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx'; const SUPPORTS_CLEAR_MARKS = isSupported([performance.clearMarks]); const SUPPORTS_MARK = isSupported([performance.mark]); const SUPPORTS_MEASURE_METHODS = isSupported([ performance.measure, performance.getEntries, performance.getEntriesByName, performance.clearMeasures, ]); export function trackEvent(category, event, props) { if (global.window && global.window.analytics) { const properties = Object.assign({category, type: event, user_actual_id: UserStore.getCurrentId()}, props); const options = { context: { ip: '', }, page: { path: '', referrer: '', search: '', title: '', url: '', }, anonymousId: '00000000000000000000000000', }; global.window.analytics.track('event', properties, options); } } /** * Takes an array of string names of performance markers and invokes * performance.clearMarkers on each. * @param {array} names of markers to clear * */ export function clearMarks(names) { if (!isDevMode() || !SUPPORTS_CLEAR_MARKS) { return; } names.forEach((name) => performance.clearMarks(name)); } export function mark(name) { if (!isDevMode() || !SUPPORTS_MARK) { return; } performance.mark(name); } /** * Takes the names of two markers and invokes performance.measure on * them. The measured duration (ms) and the string name of the measure is * are returned. * * @param {string} name1 the first marker * @param {string} name2 the second marker * * @returns {[number, string]} Either the measured duration (ms) and the string name * of the measure are returned or -1 and and empty string is returned if * in dev. mode or one of the marker can't be found. * */ export function measure(name1, name2) { if (!isDevMode() || !SUPPORTS_MEASURE_METHODS) { return [-1, '']; } // Check for existence of entry name to avoid DOMException const performanceEntries = performance.getEntries(); if (![name1, name2].every((name) => performanceEntries.find((item) => item.name === name))) { return [-1, '']; } const displayPrefix = '🐐 Mattermost: '; const measurementName = `${displayPrefix}${name1} - ${name2}`; performance.measure(measurementName, name1, name2); const lastDuration = mostRecentDurationByEntryName(measurementName); // Clean up the measures we created performance.clearMeasures(measurementName); return [lastDuration, measurementName]; } export function trackLoadTime() { if (!isSupported([performance.timing.loadEventEnd, performance.timing.navigationStart])) { return; } // Must be wrapped in setTimeout because loadEventEnd property is 0 // until onload is complete, also time added because analytics // code isn't loaded until a subsequent window event has fired. const tenSeconds = 10000; setTimeout(() => { const {loadEventEnd, navigationStart} = window.performance.timing; const pageLoadTime = loadEventEnd - navigationStart; trackEvent('performance', 'page_load', {duration: pageLoadTime}); }, tenSeconds); } function mostRecentDurationByEntryName(entryName) { const entriesWithName = performance.getEntriesByName(entryName); return entriesWithName.map((item) => item.duration)[entriesWithName.length - 1]; } function isSupported(checks) { for (let i = 0, len = checks.length; i < len; i++) { const item = checks[i]; if (typeof item === 'undefined') { return false; } } return true; } function isDevMode() { const config = getConfig(store.getState()); return config.EnableDeveloper === 'true'; }