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Text fields

Text fields let users enter and edit text.

"A screen with several text fields arranged vertically."


Using text fields


To make use of Material text fields, add any of the following subspecs to your Podfile:

pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+FilledTextAreas'
pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+FilledTextFields'
pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+OutlinedTextAreas'
pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+OutlinedTextFields'

Then, run the following command:

pod install

From there, import the relevant target or file and instantiate your text field.


import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_FilledTextAreas
import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_FilledTextFields
import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_OutlinedTextAreas
import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_OutlinedTextFields


#import "MaterialTextControls+FilledTextAreas.h"
#import "MaterialTextControls+FilledTextFields.h"
#import "MaterialTextControls+OutlinedTextAreas.h"
#import "MaterialTextControls+OutlinedTextFields.h"

Making text fields accessible

Material iOS text field offerings either inherit from UITextField or they contain UITextView instances. Both of these classes are accessible by default, and generally work out of the box with VoiceOver. However, the text fields we provide make use of floating labels above the text and assistive labels below the text, which makes the VoiceOver behavior of our text fields slightly different. If accessibilityLabel is not explictly set on a single-line text field or multi-line text area, the accessibilityLabel that VoiceOver reads is a concatenation of the floating label text, the entered text, and the assistive label text. If accessibilityLabel is set, the screen reader will read whatever it is set to. If you would like fine-grained control over what VoiceOver reads for these classes it is probably best to set the accessibilityLabel yourself.


There are two types of text fields: 1. filled text fields 2. outlined text fields

"Text field examples of both filled and outlined types, each type showing both inactive and focused states. The filled text fields show a gray background and a darker gray activation indicator that is purple when focused. The outlined text fields show a clear background and an outline that is purple when focused"

Material iOS text fields consist of both single-line and multi-line offerings in both filled and outlined styles. The single-line text fields are MDCFilledTextField and MDCOutlinedTextField. The multi-line text fields (text areas) are MDCFilledTextArea and MDCOutlinedTextArea. Because these classes make use of things like floating labels and assistive labels, their layout considerations are different than those of UITextField and UITextView. Where UITextField and UITextView can be whatever height a developer wants them to be, these classes have heights that they need to be in order to look correct. The process for ensuring that instances of these classes are sized correctly depends on whether one is in an Auto Layout or Manual Layout environment. In an Auto Layout environment, the text field or text area's preferred height will be reflected in -intrinsicContentSize, and the user will probably not have to do anything other than set a width constraint on the view to ensure that the preferred height is achieved. In a Manual Layout environment, standard methods like -sizeThatFits: or -sizeToFit must be used to inform the frames of the text field. These methods assume that the view already has a preferred width, and that any relevant APIs related to preferred number of lines have been set.

Filled text field

Filled text fields have more visual emphasis than outlined text fields, making them stand out when surrounded by other content and components.

Single-line filled text field

Filled text field

To set up a single-line filled text field using MDCFilledTextField, do the following:


let estimatedFrame = ...
let textField = MDCFilledTextField(frame: estimatedFrame)
textField.label.text = "Phone number"
textField.placeholder = "555-555-5555"
textField.leadingAssistiveLabel.text = "This is helper text"


CGRect estimatedFrame = ...
MDCFilledTextField *textField = [[MDCFilledTextField alloc] initWithFrame:estimatedFrame];
textField.label.text = @"Phone number";
textField.placeholder = @"555-555-5555";
textField.leadingAssistiveLabel.text = @"This is helper text";
[textField sizeToFit];
[view addSubview:textField];

Multi-line filled text field

Filled text area

To set up a multi-line filled text field (text area) using MDCFilledTextArea, do the following:


let estimatedFrame = ...
let textArea = MDCFilledTextArea(frame: estimatedFrame)
textArea.label.text = "Label"
textArea.textView.text = "This is a filled text area with enough text to span two lines."
textArea.leadingAssistiveLabel.text = "This is helper text"


CGRect estimatedFrame = ...
MDCFilledTextArea *textArea = [[MDCFilledTextArea alloc] initWithFrame:estimatedFrame];
textArea.label.text = @"Label";
textArea.leadingAssistiveLabel.text = @"This is helper text";
textArea.textView.text = @"This is a filled text area with enough text to span two lines.";
[textArea sizeToFit];
[view addSubview:textArea];

Anatomy and key properties

A filled text field has a filled container, input text, a label, an activation indicator, optional helper/error text and optional leading/trailing icons. This applies to both text fields and text areas.

filled text field anatomy

  1. Container
  2. Leading icon
  3. Label
  4. Input text
  5. Trailing icon
  6. Activation indicator
  7. Helper/error/counter text
  8. Prefix/suffix/placeholder (not supported on iOS)

Container attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Color N/A -setFilledBackgroundColor:forState:
On surface color at 12% opacity

Leading icon attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Icon leadingView -setLeadingView

Label attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Text label.text N/A nil
Color label.textColor -setFloatingColor:forState:
On surface color at 60% opacity when not editing and primary color when editing

Input text attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Input text text -setText:
Typography font -setFont:
Subtitle 1
Input text color textColor -setTextColor:
On surface color at 87% opacity
Cursor color tintColor -setTintColor:
Primary color

Trailing icon attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Icon trailingView -setTrailingView

Activation indicator attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Color N/A -setUnderlineColor:forState:
On surface at 42% opacity when not editing and Primary when editing

Helper/error/counter text attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Helper/Error text leadingAssistiveLabel.text
N/A nil
Helper/Error text color leadingAssistiveLabel.textColor
N/A On Surface at 60% opacity
Helper text typography leadingAssistiveLabel.font
N/A Caption

Prefix/suffix attributes

Not supported.

Outlined text field

Outlined text fields have less visual emphasis than filled text fields. When they appear in places like forms, where many text fields are placed together, their reduced emphasis helps simplify the layout.

Single-line outlined text field

Outlined text field

To set up a single-line outlined text field using MDCOutlinedTextField, do the following:


let estimatedFrame = ...
let textField = MDCOutlinedTextField(frame: estimatedFrame)
textField.label.text = "Phone number"
textField.placeholder = "555-555-5555"
textField.leadingAssistiveLabel.text = "This is helper text"


CGRect estimatedFrame = ...
MDCOutlinedTextField *textField = [[MDCOutlinedTextField alloc] initWithFrame:estimatedFrame];
textField.label.text = @"Phone number";
textField.placeholder = @"555-555-5555";
textField.leadingAssistiveLabel.text = @"This is helper text";
[textField sizeToFit];
[view addSubview:textField];

Multi-line Outlined text field

Outlined text area

To set up a multi-line outlined text field (text area) using MDCOutlinedTextArea, do the following:


let estimatedFrame = ...
let textArea = MDCOutlinedTextArea(frame: estimatedFrame)
textArea.label.text = "Label"
textArea.leadingAssistiveLabel.text = "This is helper text"
textArea.textView.text = "This is an outlined text area with enough text to span two lines."


CGRect estimatedFrame = ...
MDCOutlinedTextArea *textArea = [[MDCOutlinedTextArea alloc] initWithFrame:estimatedFrame];
textArea.label.text = @"Label";
textArea.leadingAssistiveLabel.text = @"This is helper text";
textArea.textView.text = @"This is an outlined text area with enough text to span two lines.";
[textArea sizeToFit];
[view addSubview:textArea];

Anatomy and key properties

An outlined text field has a stroked container, input text, a label, optional helper/error text and optional leading/trailing icons.

outlined text field anatomy

  1. Container
  2. Leading icon
  3. Label
  4. Input text
  5. Trailing icon
  6. Helper/error/counter text
  7. Prefix/suffix/placeholder (not supported on iOS)

The following examples shows a filled text field with a label.

Container attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Stroke color N/A -setOutlineColor:forState:
On surface at 38% opacity when not editing and primary when editing

Leading icon attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Icon leadingView -setLeadingView

Label attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Text label.text N/A nil
Color label.textColor -setFloatingColor:forState:
On surface color at 60% opacity when not editing and primary color when editing

Input text attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Input text text -setText:
Typography font -setFont:
Subtitle 1
Input text color textColor -setTextColor:
On surface color at 87% opacity
Cursor color tintColor -setTintColor:
Primary color

Trailing icon attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Icon trailingView -setTrailingView

Activation indicator attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Color N/A -setUnderlineColor:forState:
On surface at 42% opacity when not editing and Primary when editing

Helper/error/counter text attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Helper/Error text leadingAssistiveLabel.text
N/A nil
Helper/Error text color leadingAssistiveLabel.textColor
N/A On Surface at 60% opacity
Helper text typography leadingAssistiveLabel.font
N/A Caption

Prefix/suffix attributes

Not supported.


Text fields and text areas support Material Theming using a Container Scheme. The filled and outlined text fields and text areas each have default theming methods and theming methods intended to convey an error state. Learn more about theming extensions. Below are some screenshots of filled and outlined text fields using the Shrine theme:

Shrine filled text field

Shrine outlined text field

In order to achieve something like the examples shown above, add one of the relevant theming subspecs to your Podfile:

pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+FilledTextAreasTheming'
pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+FilledTextFieldsTheming'
pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+OutlinedTextAreasTheming'
pod 'MaterialComponents/TextControls+OutlinedTextFieldsTheming'

Then Run the installer:

pod install

Next, import the relevant target or file.


import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_FilledTextAreasTheming
import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_FilledTextFieldsTheming
import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_OutlinedTextAreasTheming
import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_OutlinedTextFieldsTheming


#import "MaterialTextControls+FilledTextAreasTheming.h"
#import "MaterialTextControls+FilledTextFieldsTheming.h"
#import "MaterialTextControls+OutlinedTextAreasTheming.h"
#import "MaterialTextControls+OutlinedTextFieldsTheming.h"

From there, call either the default or the error theming method.


let containerScheme = ... // Set up a container scheme
textField.applyTheme(withScheme: self.containerScheme) // Default theming method
textField.applyErrorTheme(withScheme: self.containerScheme) // Error theming method


MDCContainerScheme *containerScheme = ... // Set up a container scheme;
[textField applyThemeWithScheme:self.containerScheme]; // Default theming method
[textField applyErrorThemeWithScheme:self.containerScheme]; // Error theming method