import { CliUx, Command, Flags } from "@oclif/core"; const { Confirm, AutoComplete } = require("enquirer"); import { prompt } from "enquirer"; import * as fs from "fs-extra"; import path from "path"; import execa from "execa"; import chalk from "chalk"; import styles from "ansi-styles"; import ora from "ora"; import BaseCommand from "../base"; import RefreshContext from "./refresh-context"; import { getCdkExecutable, getCdkOutputDir, getMatanoCdkApp, isPkg, getLocalProjRootDir } from ".."; import GenerateMatanoDir from "./generate/matano-dir"; import Deploy from "./deploy"; import { AWS_REGIONS, fileExists, isInteractive, parseMatanoConfig, readConfig } from "../util"; import Info from "./info"; const getAwsAcctId = async (profile?: string) => { try { const { stdout: awsStdout } = await execa( "aws", ["sts", "get-caller-identity"].concat(profile ? ["--profile", profile] : []) ); return JSON.parse(awsStdout).Account; } catch (error) { return undefined; } }; export default class Init extends BaseCommand { static description = "Wizard to get started with Matano. Creates resources, initializes your account, and deploys Matano."; static examples = [`matano init`, "matano init --profile prod"]; static flags = { ...BaseCommand.flags, profile: Flags.string({ char: "p", description: "AWS Profile to use for credentials.", }), "user-directory": Flags.string({ required: false, description: "Matano user directory to use.", }), }; async run(): Promise { const { args, flags } = await this.parse(Init); const { profile: awsProfile } = flags; let resolvedArgs: any = {}; if (flags["user-directory"]) { const matanoUserDirectory = path.resolve(flags["user-directory"]); const config = parseMatanoConfig(matanoUserDirectory); const awsAccountId = config?.aws?.account; const awsRegion = config?.aws?.region; resolvedArgs = { matanoUserDirectory, awsRegion, awsAccountId, }; } else if (isInteractive()) { resolvedArgs = await this.getInteractiveArgs(awsProfile); } else { this.error("Must provide all required flags in non-interactive mode."); } const { matanoUserDirectory, awsRegion, awsAccountId } = resolvedArgs; const spinner1 = ora("Initializing AWS environment... (1/3)").start(); // Dont use VPC for now. // const matanoContext = await RefreshContext.refreshMatanoContext( // matanoUserDirectory, // awsAccountId, // awsRegion, // awsProfile // ); spinner1.text = "Initializing AWS environment... (2/3)"; if (!(await fileExists(matanoUserDirectory))) { this.error(`Matano directory does not exist at ${matanoUserDirectory}.`); } await Init.bootstrapMatano(awsAccountId, awsRegion, matanoUserDirectory, awsProfile, flags.debug); spinner1.succeed("Successfully initialized your account."); const spinner2 = ora("Now deploying Matano to your AWS account...").start(); await Deploy.deployMatano(matanoUserDirectory, awsProfile, awsAccountId, awsRegion, flags.debug); spinner2.succeed(chalk.bold.greenBright("Successfully deployed Matano.")); this.log("\n" + chalk.yellowBright("· Here are some useful values to get you started:") + ""); const cfnOutputs = await Info.retrieveCfnOutputs(matanoUserDirectory, awsAccountId, awsRegion, awsProfile); Info.renderOutputsTable(cfnOutputs); } static bootstrapMatano( awsAccountId: string, awsRegion: string, matanoUserDirectory: string, awsProfile?: string, debug = false ) { const cdkEnvironment = `aws://${awsAccountId}/${awsRegion}`; const cdkArgs = ["bootstrap", cdkEnvironment, "--app", getMatanoCdkApp(), "--output", getCdkOutputDir()]; if (awsProfile) { cdkArgs.push("--profile", awsProfile); } const matanoConfig = parseMatanoConfig(matanoUserDirectory); if (matanoConfig?.aws?.set_block_public_access === false) { cdkArgs.push("--public-access-block-configuration", "false"); } const cdkContext: Record = { matanoUserDirectory, matanoAwsAccountId: awsAccountId, matanoAwsRegion: awsRegion, matanoContext: JSON.stringify({}), }; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(cdkContext)) { cdkArgs.push(`--context`, `${key}=${value}`); } if (debug) cdkArgs.push(`-vvv`); const subprocess = execa(getCdkExecutable(), cdkArgs, { cwd: isPkg() ? undefined : path.resolve(getLocalProjRootDir(), "infra"), env: { MATANO_CDK_ACCOUNT: awsAccountId, MATANO_CDK_REGION: awsRegion, FORCE_COLOR: "1", DEBUG: "-agent-base", // superfluous logs }, }); if (debug) { subprocess.stdout?.pipe(process.stdout); subprocess.stderr?.pipe(process.stdout); } return subprocess; } async getInteractiveArgs(awsProfile?: string) { this.log(chalk.dim("━━━ ") + chalk.bold.whiteBright("Matano: Get started Wizard") + chalk.dim(" ━━━") + "\n"); this.log(chalk.bold.cyanBright("Welcome to the Matano init wizard. This will get you started with Matano.")); this.log(chalk.dim("Follow the prompts to get started. You can always change these values later.")); this.log(""); // const prog = CliUx.ux.progress({ // format: + '{bar}\u001b[0m', // barCompleteChar: '━', //'\u2588', // barIncompleteChar: '━', // //barGlue: '╸\u001b[33m', // barGlue: '╸' + // // barGlue: '╸\u001b[30m' // // barCompleteChar: chalk.cyan('╸'), //'\u2588', // // barIncompleteChar: chalk.gray('━'), // }); // prog.start(3, 1); const regionPrompt = new AutoComplete({ name: "awsRegion", message: "Which AWS Region to deploy to?", limit: 4, initial: process.env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION ?? undefined, choices: AWS_REGIONS, }).run(); const getAwsAcctIdPromise = getAwsAcctId(awsProfile); // CliUx.ux.url("Feel free to read about the Matano directory here.", ""); const [awsRegion, maybeDefaultAwsAccountId] = await Promise.all([regionPrompt, getAwsAcctIdPromise]); const { awsAccountId } = await prompt({ type: "input", name: "awsAccountId", validate(value) { return (value.length == 12 && !!+value) || "Invalid AWS account ID."; }, message: "What is the AWS Account ID to deploy to?", initial: maybeDefaultAwsAccountId ?? undefined, }); const hasExistingMatanoDirectory = await new Confirm({ name: "shouldCreateMatanoDirectory", message: "Do you have an existing matano directory?", initial: false, }).run(); let matanoUserDirectory: string; if (!hasExistingMatanoDirectory) { this.log(chalk.dim(" I will generate a Matano directory in the current directory.")); const { directoryName } = await prompt({ type: "input", name: "directoryName", message: "What is the name of the directory to generate?" + chalk.gray("(use . for current directory)"), initial: ".", }); GenerateMatanoDir.generateMatanoDirectory(directoryName, awsAccountId, awsRegion); matanoUserDirectory = path.resolve(directoryName); this.log("✔") + ` Generated Matano directory at ${matanoUserDirectory}.`); } else { const { directoryPath } = await prompt({ type: "input", name: "directoryPath", message: "What is the path to your existing Matano directory?", }); matanoUserDirectory = path.resolve(directoryPath); this.log(chalk.dim("✔") + chalk.dim(` Using Matano directory at ${matanoUserDirectory}.`)); } return { matanoUserDirectory, awsRegion, awsAccountId }; } }