{ "name": "besticon-favicon-service", "description": "A favicon service written in Go", "repository": "https://github.com/mat/besticon", "website": "https://github.com/mat/besticon", "logo": "https://besticon-demo.herokuapp.com/icon.svg", "env": { "ADDRESS": { "value": "", "description": "HTTP server listen address, defaults to" }, "CACHE_SIZE_MB": { "value": "32", "description": "Size for the http://github.com/golang/groupcache, set to 0 to disable, defaults to 32" }, "HOST_ONLY_DOMAINS": { "value": "*" }, "CORS_ENABLED": { "value": "false", "description": "Enables the cors middleware, defaults to false" }, "CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS": { "value": " ", "description": "Comma-separated, passed to middleware" }, "CORS_ALLOWED_METHODS": { "value": " ", "description": "Comma-separated, passed to middleware" }, "CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS": { "value": " ", "description": "Comma-separated, passed to middleware" }, "CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS": { "value": " ", "description": "Boolean, passed to middleware" }, "CORS_DEBUG": { "value": " ", "description": "Boolean, passed to middleware" }, "HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT": { "value": "5s", "description": "Timeout used for HTTP requests. Supports units like ms, s, m, defaults to 5s" }, "HTTP_MAX_AGE_DURATION": { "value": "720h", "description": "Cache duration for all dynamically generated HTTP responses. Supports units like ms, s, m" }, "HTTP_USER_AGENT": { "value": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A5297c Safari/602.1", "description": "User-Agent used for HTTP requests, defaults to iPhone user agent string" }, "POPULAR_SITES": { "value": "bing.com,github.com,instagram.com,reddit.com", "description": "Comma-separated list of domains used on /popular page" }, "SERVER_MODE": { "value": "redirect", "description": "Set to `download` to proxy downloads through besticon or `redirect` to let browser to download instead, defaults to redirect" } } }