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This works assumes you have a topology like : computerA ( <--> router <--WAN--> router <--> {ESP-VPN ( + computerB (} And supposes you want to connect from computerA to computerB without any modification to any router nor computerB. ComputerB will have its own gw, etc.

setup computerA

You need to run mqtt_vpn and set a route to through the VPN tunnel : in one terminal : sudo ./mqtt_vpn -i mq0 -a -b tcp: -k secret -d and in another : sudo ip route add via

setup ESP-VPN

You have to set the mqtt_vpn_target_addr according to the address of computerB

connect through the tunnel

when ESP-VPN is up, you just need to send packets to computerB, profits !

how does this works

In the following [IP1|IP2] refers to a packet with IP1 as source address and IP2 as destination address.

  1. computerA sends a packet [|] through the tunnel by publishing a message on the broket in the topic .../
  2. ESP-VPN can read this message (it subscribes to it) and since it is not the destination will use the NAT to follow up in the wifi LAN
  3. a packet [|] is inside the LAN wifi due to NAT
  4. computerB can replies directly to ESP-VPN (packet reply : [|])
  5. ESP-VPN looks in its NAT table and forward it back in the VPN tunnel (message [|])