barcode_server: # (optional) the verbosity level of log output log_level: DEBUG # (optional) an identifier for this barcode-server instance # if omitted, this will be a UUIDv4 id: cash-register-1 # (optional) server configuration server: # (optional) the IP address to listen on for incoming connections host: "" # (optional) the Port to listen on port: 9654 # (optional) API-Token which has to be provided by connecting clients api_token: "EmUSqjXGfnQwn5wn6CpzJRZgoazMTRbMNgH7CXwkQG7Ph7stex" # (optional) Time period to retry delivering failed queued events before giving up and dropping the event drop_event_queue_after: 2h # (optional) Time to wait between retries retry_interval: 2s # (optional) HTTP push configuration http: # URL to send events to using a request url: "" # The request method to use method: POST # Headers to set on each request headers: - "X-Auth-Token: MY_HEADERS" # (optional) MQTT push configuration mqtt: # MQTT server host address host: "" # (optional) MQTT server port port: 1883 # (optional) Client ID of this barcode-server instance to provide to the MQTT server client_id: "barcode-server" # MQTT topic to push events to topic: "barcode-server/barcode" # Username to use when connecting to the MQTT server user: "myuser" # Password to use when connecting to the MQTT server password: "mypassword" # (optional) QoS value of event messages qos: 2 # (optional) Whether to instruct the MQTT server to remember event messages between restarts (of the MQTT server) retain: True # A list of regex patterns to match USB device names against devices: - ".*Barcode.*" # A list of absolute file paths to devices device_paths: #- "/dev/input/barcode_scanner" # (optional) Statistics configuration stats: # (optional) port to provide statistics on port: 8000