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Terramate terramate-io
Making Infrastructure as Code accessible and scalable ‍💻☁️


@mineiros-io mineiros-io
Cloud- and Platform Engineering Solutions

Berlin, Germany

Bartek Rutkowski bartekrutkowski
Certified Kubernetes Administrator, DevOps Consultant and Developer at

London, UK

CTO and advisor, rusty programmer
Tiago Cesar Katcipis katcipis

@birdie-ai Berlin, Germany

Mohammad *Ghazal* q8webmaster
Sr. DevOps Engineer & Cloud Architect

@ClimatePartner Germany

Sören Martius soerenmartius
CEO & Co-Founder @ | I like simplicity, pragmatism and common sense while bridging business, product and technology. Berlin

Thudi Thudilie

TUI InfoTec GmbH Berlin

Christine Trahe ctrahe

Scout24 Berlin, Germany

dasher dasher

Crucial Divide Berlin

Dan Vaida danvaida
sysadmin & solutions architect

freelancer Berlin, Germany

cytopia cytopia
DevOps Engineer

Berlin, Germany

Vanesa vanesa
Growing ⏱️. Former Community Manager & Software Engineer @sourcegraph. ♥️ #opensource. 🇩🇪🇩🇴 Bye SF 🇺🇸, Hi Vienna 🇦🇹!

WakaTime Vienna

Amy Tobey tobert
Reliability Nerd & Toolmaker

coming soon Michigan, USA

Stefan Weigert sweigert

WAKU Robotics Dresden, Germany

Thomas Skowron thomersch
Tactical Freelance Technologist

Cologne, Germany

Thomas Adam tecbot

Fastic, BRNC Dresden, Germany

Johannes Helmuth your-highness
Bioinformatician in Clinical Diagnostics @LaborBerlin | PhD in Computational Epigenomics | Free Software Enthusiast for Audio Production

@LaborBerlin Berlin

Sebastian Parschauer sriemer
Tech Lead Proxies + Sr. Software Engineer GNU C/C++ at IBM, IBM Observability by Instana APM

@ibm Berlin/Germany

Linus Torvalds torvalds

Linux Foundation Portland, OR

Bastian Nordmeyer batti

Tinkerforge GmbH Germany

Olaf Lüke borg42
Co-Founder Tinkerforge GmbH

Tinkerforge GmbH Germany