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Apache Avro website

This website is base on Hugo and uses the Docsy theme. Before building the website, you need to initialize submodules.

git submodule update --init --recursive

Previewing the website locally

# From the doc directory, you will need to do this at least once for our SCSS modifications
(cd doc && npm install)

# Serve the website dynamically using extended hugo:
hugo server --buildDrafts --buildFuture --bind --navigateToChanged

# You can do the same thing without installing hugo via docker.
# From the Avro root directory:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src -p 1313:1313 jakejarvis/hugo-extended:latest --source doc/ server \
    --buildDrafts --buildFuture --bind --navigateToChanged

Building the website in a distribution

When you build an Avro distribution with the script, there is currently a manual step required.

After all the binary artifacts and source have been created and copied to the dist/ directory, the process will stop with Build build/staging-web/ manually now. Press a key to continue...

At this point, from another terminal and in the Avro root directory, you can build the website:

# Install the necessary npm packages
docker run --entrypoint=sh --rm -v $(pwd):/src -p 1313:1313 jakejarvis/hugo-extended:latest \
    -c "cd build/staging-web && npm install"
# Generate the website and the release documentation
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src -p 1313:1313 jakejarvis/hugo-extended:latest \
    --source build/staging-web/  --gc --minify
# Optional: docker leaves some files with unmanageable permissions 
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER build/staging-web

Avro version


When a new version of Apache Avro is released:

  1. Change the value of params.avroversion in config.toml
  2. Add a new entry to the Releases pages in the Blog section, for example:
cp content/en/blog/releases/ content/en/blog/releases/

Updating the website from a distribution