%=========================================================================================== %Copyright (c) 2018 by Georgia Tech Research Corporation. %All rights reserved. % %The files contain code and data associated with the paper titled %"A Deep Learning Approach to Estimate Stress Distribution: A Fast and %Accurate Surrogate of Finite Element Analysis". % %The paper is authored by Liang Liang, Minliang Liu, Caitlin Martin, %and Wei Sun, and published at Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2018. % %The file list: ShapeData.mat, StressData.mat, DLStress.py, im2patch.m, %UnsupervisedLearning.m, ReadMeshFromVTKFile.m, ReadPolygonMeshFromVTKFile.m, %WritePolygonMeshAsVTKFile.m, Visualization.m, TemplateMesh3D.vtk, TemplateMesh2D.vtk. %Note: *.m and *.py files were converted to pdf files for documentation purpose. % %THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, %INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS %FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %=========================================================================================== %% function Mesh = ReadPolygonMeshFromVTKFile(FilePathAndName) Mesh = ReadMeshFromVTKFile(FilePathAndName); Mesh.Face=Mesh.Element; Mesh=rmfield(Mesh, 'Element');