# Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import("//build/compiled_action.gni") # Tempalte to generate a Rollup bundle of code. template("bundle") { action(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") script = "//tools/run_node.py" outputs = [ out_dir + out_name + ".js", out_dir + out_name + ".js.map", ] inputs = [ "//js/" + out_name + ".ts", "//rollup.config.js", ] depfile = out_dir + out_name + ".d" args = [ rebase_path("//third_party/node_modules/rollup/bin/rollup", root_build_dir), "-c", rebase_path("//rollup.config.js", root_build_dir), "-i", rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir), "-o", rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir), "--sourcemapFile", rebase_path("."), "--silent", ] } } template("run_node") { action(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") script = "//tools/run_node.py" } } # Template to generate different V8 snapshots based on different runtime flags. template("snapshot") { compiled_action(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly", "deps", ]) # TODO(ry) Rewrite snapshot_creator in Rust. tool = "//core/libdeno:snapshot_creator" visibility = [ ":*" ] # Only targets in this file can depend on this. snapshot_out_bin = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.bin" inputs = [ invoker.source_root, ] outputs = [ snapshot_out_bin, ] args = rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir) + rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir) # To debug snapshotting problems: # args += ["--trace-serializer"] } }