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52 lines (41 loc) · 1.75 KB

File metadata and controls

52 lines (41 loc) · 1.75 KB



metabase is published on Hex. Add it to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:metabase, "~> 0.1"}


Requests can be made using the send/2 function. This function accepts a Metabase.RequestOperation struct as the first argument and a keyword list of configuration options as the second argument.


  iex> %Metabase.RequestOperation{}
  ...> |> Map.put(:body, username: "[email protected]", password: "fakepassword")
  ...> |> Map.put(:method, :post)
  ...> |> Map.put(:path, "/session")
  ...> |> Metabase.send(host: "")
  {:ok, %Metabase.Response{}}


The send/2 function takes a keyword list of configuration options as the second argument. These provide the client with additional details needed to make a request and various other options for how the client should process the request and how it should behave.


  • :client - HTTP client adapter used to make the request. Defaults to Metabase.HTTP.Hackney.
  • :client_opts - Configuration options passed to the client adapter
  • :headers - HTTP headers used when making a request
  • :host - Hostname used when making a request. This field is required.
  • :json_codec - Module used to encode and decode JSON. Defaults to Jason.
  • :path - Base path used when building the URL to send a request to. Defaults to /api.
  • :port - HTTP port used when making a request
  • :protocol - HTTP protocol used when making a request
  • :retry - Module implementing a request retry strategy. Disabled when set to false. Defaults to false.
  • :retry_opts - Options used to control the behavior of the retry module