version: 1 timeout: '1m' host_max_conns: 10 cache: type: 'SQLite' # # 60h is 2.5 days, half the default cache validity (5 days). jitter: '60h' validators: # Validators to skip checking PR/issue links of Thanos, Prometheus and Cortex. - regex: '(^http[s]?:\/\/)(www\.)?(github\.com\/)thanos-io\/thanos(\/pull\/|\/issues\/)' type: 'githubPullsIssues' - regex: '(^http[s]?:\/\/)(www\.)?(github\.com\/)prometheus\/prometheus(\/pull\/|\/issues\/)' type: 'githubPullsIssues' - regex: '(^http[s]?:\/\/)(www\.)?(github\.com\/)cortexproject\/cortex(\/pull\/|\/issues\/)' type: 'githubPullsIssues' # Ignore Thanos release links. - regex: '(^http[s]?:\/\/)(www\.)?(github\.com\/)thanos-io\/thanos(\/releases\/)' type: 'ignore' # Causes http stream errors with statuscode 0 sometimes. But is safe to skip. - regex: 'slack\.cncf\.io' type: 'ignore' # 301 errors even when curl-ed. - regex: 'envoyproxy\.io' type: 'ignore' # couldn't reach even when curl-ed. - regex: 'cloud\.baidu\.com' type: 'ignore' # 403 when curl-ed from GitHub actions, though not from a developer machine. Likely due to secondary rate limits. - regex: 'docs\.github\.com' type: 'ignore'